The daily diary game

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Asalam o alaikum steemitians,how are you all i hope you all are doing well in your life so today i will tell you about my diary


Firstofall we had made a plan for sehri as we were sitting and got bored so we decided to go on sehri at pizza hut.



So we came their at mohammad ali society because this pizza hut branch is 24/7 so we came here and ate pizza then we drink some cold drinks and water as fajar azan came we go masjid for prayer then we decided that we should go dodariya to watch sun rise



Then we reached here the weather was pleasant we were watching that the fisherman was caughting fishes there was a cool air with 0% pollution in air we enjoyed the pleasant weather of do darya we took some pictures here then we come backed to home and go to sleep.
At 3:00 pm i woke up then i started my zohor prayer and then on 3:30 i go for walk on our street because i m getting bored at home so i go to take a little walk as this is good for health too.
Then i went back to home as i want to recite
The holy quran the holy book of allah then i get back in to the bed and slept again after that i woke up at asar time as the moazin was giving azan so i washed my face had a wudu and go for asar prayer.


Then i finished my asar prayer and my friend called me and he said that we are going to kemari for a boat ride he asked me that if you are coming i said yes after 5 minutes he came to picked me then we reached to kemari the sun was being orange and hiding beside the clouds birds were flying there.




Then we took a boat ride and heading towards for home because aftar time was coming close all the people were going home in buses,autos and on bikes there were rush on tower for few minutes we got stucked in rush but thank god we are on the bike so we came home at break the fast ate some dates and drink water.


After breaking the fast i prayed magrib prayer and got tired so i lay down on my bed then at isha go for the prayer at mosque and also prayed taraweeh then go back to go change clothes and again went down as my friends were roaming so i go back down and my friends come to pick me up where then we go i will tell you in my next diary.


Thankyou for reading my diary



A proud member of STEEMIT PAKISTAN

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#betterlife #thediarygame #pakistan #steem #steemit #writing

 3 years ago 

Good diary :)

 3 years ago 

Thankyou mate

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