Share you plan for eid contest by @steemit-pakistan

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Share your plan for eidulfitar contest by @pakistan steemit.

Asalam o alaikum to all the guys i hope you all are well and doing well in your lives.
So lets get started


So today i will tell you what plan we had decided for eid in this post so read till end.

We decided to visit again on my friend village last time i think 2 years ago we went to his village in peshawar his family treated us very nicely on every eid he went to his village so he could meet his family so 2 years back he was going he asked us that we should also go with him we said no no he force us very much and said please come with me we will went together than we decided that we should go but our families were not giving us permission so he also took permission from our family and said guys start packing up we are going to my village on 27th of ramadan so we could celebrate eid their with his family.
So we started packing up but we were also scared that we had never met with pathans in village we were thinking how they will treat how can we live their because we lived in city so we had addictions and village people don't have for example we sleep late at night wake up late in the morning and they slept after performing isha prayer and wake up early in the morning at fajar time.

27 ramadan came

So finally 27 ramadan came our wait had ended we said good bye to our family because we had a bus at 4 pm so we said good bye and left home for bus stop we reached bus stop at 3:30 pm and searching our bus than one of friend found the bus we searched our seats and sat.

broke fast in journey

We all friends had a fast we were in journey my mother packed food for us she made biryani gave us juice bottles and dates and fruits for broke fast as the voice of adhan we had not heared but we watch the time and broke our fast ate biryani than bus driver stopped the bus at pump because he want to fuel up his bus and for magrib prayer we perform our magrib prayer and sat into the bus than i was gone to sleep because the journey was to long

in journey

My friends had not slept as i wake up at in the morning 5 am they all were sleeping on their seat i was getting bored and there was no internet in my phone i had downloaded the 99 names of allah aswaeasma i weared handfree and listening and enjoying the beautiful scenes from bus window.


Than the time was of fajar prayer so i stopped and watching scenes from window after that i went to bus driver as there all of them sleeping i had no one to talk so i went to him because his driving skills were nice in less than 1 hour he taked us on highway i was asking about his driving skills he was a good driver and he was driving non stop without resting his partner was also slept he told me that he could drive one whole day without driving than he stopped the bus for breakfast i wakeup all my friends they washed their faces we ordered but the hotel was just open so he told us you have to wait for half hour so on the backside of hotel there was a place like a desert wo gone their for explore.


Their was a shrine we gone their and said salam bought flower that we could placed on the shrine of sufi after that we came backed to hotel our ordered was arrived ate that and again our journey started after 5 hour more journey finally we reached to his village his family welcomed us and we was got tired because of journey so his family take us on their house we took a bath than they gave us lunch as we done with lunch they showed us our room and said that goto sleep next day we will explore our village so we were got tired we all got slept and wakeup in fajar next day took break fast than started exploring his village here i will shared some picks of his village.

the village







We enjoyed alot their our mood was we want to lived four five more days but he had a alot of work in city and our families were also calling us so we left for karachi.
And on this eid we will again go to his village inshallah may i shared memories of his village with you guys beleive me pakistan is like a heaven i had watch beautiful places in my entire life.
Keep supporting stay blessed
Yours: @mustafaaabid


#promo-steem #weekly-engagement #pakistan #contest #steemexclusive #betterlife #steemitpromo

 3 years ago 

Please link achievement 1 in this post.

 3 years ago 


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