1IClub5050 | Steemit Engagement Challenge Combines with Steemit Pakistan Community || Share your views about your Country || "The Three Rs and Three Cs" || By @monjuapollonia

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Greetings to steemworld!


Thanks to #steemitblog for this exciting engagement challenge that seeks to revive our engagement within the Blockchain, and to #steemit Pakistan, this my very first post Ithis community and I must say this contest is very timely to me because I really wanted to write a post about my country but this has shaped my thoughts and ideas to a more meaningful post.

I'm a Cameroonian and cameroon is a central African country which at times people identify it as a West African country. This is because of its strategic location between the duos. My country is home to nearly 20million people. Cameroon is characterized by beautiful landscape ranging from mountains to Forest to dessert and sea coast.

  • President: Paul Biya
  • Languages: English and French as Official languages (languages grouped as Bantu,Semi Bantu and Sundanic groups.
  • Religion: Christianity,Islam and indegious
  • Currency:Communaute Financiere Africaine(CFA)


There're different reasons why I love my country Cameroon and below are some of them;

What I like about my beloved Motherland, Cameroon


My country is a multi-lingual country with about 250 local languages and two official national language French and English.
I am blessed to be born; n such a country though I barely knew beyond greetings like bonjour but due to it reinforcement and the law of Education 98|004 that made bilingualism compulsory for all students I can happily speak beyond bonjour. I'm happy that I apart from English, I have basic working knowledge on another language . This indeed is a privilege to me.

Diversity in Food

Apart from diversity in languages, we're indeed blessed because of alot of different dishes that are not only appealing to the eyes but very good and delicious.
I know you'll be surprised why food is the second reason but I'm a foodie type of person. The menu is large due to the over 250 local languages.When it comes to meals, Cameroonians are very creative because they can take one Main ingredients and create a variety of meals with it. To be practical, I take the sample of melon seeds which most countries uses just for soup.


Image edited by me on pixellab

But in cameroon, the melon seeds are used for soups, stewed green and egussi pudding too. I really like the beauty of Cameroon cusine to be ravished by the whole world.

Some of these appealing delicacies are ; Ndole, roasted fish, bobolo, koki, ekwang, fufu corn and kharti kharti, bongo chobi, achu and yellow or black soup, Sangha, kondre, kwaklcoco, Azemm and many more. The most beautiful thing is that different regions have their own way of preparation and thus different flavors.

Our unique biodiversity and a wide range of attraction

Cameroon is amongst the richest countries in Africa in terms of biodiversity with over about 900 species of birds and over 300species of animals.

If you're someone who's passionate about wildlife and ecology, there's a wife range of attractions waiting to satisfy your needs here.

  • Mount Cameroon

The capital of the South West Region is Buea and home to the awe-inspiring mount cameroon, which is an active volcano that stands at over 13,200feet above sea level. Not forgetting the Yearly host to Buea mountain race.

  • Waza National Park

Maroua is Town to our popular waza, this park looks quite different during the season but a good place to have a good of some of our spectacular wildlife including elephants, giraffes and hyenas. Are you looking for a West Africa Safari? Offcourse we're home to that beautiful treat.

  • Limbe Botanical Garden

Being the second oldest in Africa, limbe botanical garden provide real opportunity to see rare flowers and Walk and talk to amongst 1,500 closely planted tree, most of which are of medicinal.

Amongst others are limbe wild life center, Korup National park, Dja Faunal Reserve where one can enjoy the exciting beaut of nature and different species of wildlife.

While not take a trip here and enjoy the
Goliath frog or Onraua goliath is the world's largest living frog that's found here and also in Equatorial Guinea.


Image edited by me on pixellab

What changes I like to see in my beloved Motherland, Cameroon

The Anglophone Crisis
The Anglophone crisis took rise in 2017 and for almost 5 years now hai killed and rendered thousands of Cameroonians homeless. Though the killings and abuses are still on the rise, this is being instigated by both the armed separatists and the Cameroonian military.
Most just the two English Regions have been badly affected although the economic consequences is seen beyond this regions. The highest victims of this crisis are the students who are being denied their right to Education by occupying the schools in the suburbs of these two Regions. I just wish the international Bodies can do something to Savage the situation at hand.

Bribery and Corruption

Before the outbreak of the Anglophone crisis, the canker work eating over my country was bribery and corruption. It's seems rare to get a good promotion or secure a good job in government institutions in my country without bribery and corruption involved. Though they're are few exceptions which I know but bribery and corruption has taken over our educational system and it indeed a shame.

It's very unfortunate that even when an individual merits a job in a government institutions and is being given, most Cameroonian don't even believe one can get that lucky by merit rather they insist it's an act of corruption. If this practice can be changed I think we're going to be a good emerging country.


The government should encourage and assist Small medium enterprises by giving grant frequently in order for people to do businesses. Also, the high taxes levied on the business men should be curtail.
And encourage individuals in the farming sectors by giving them farm tools and equipment to cultivate their cash crops and also making their rural urban roads very accessible for their products.
All these can help curb unemployment in my country.


Cameroon is described as Africa in miniature because of its geological and cultural diversity. The beaches, Savannahs and rainforest. A this holds great attraction for our tourist in large numbers over the world. Come and enjoy not only geological but cultural diversity in our different customs and traditional and our beautiful regalia.

I therefore invite the following @graciella, @hannybanny,@patjewell ,@ beautybb and @suglo100 to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading through!
Till we meet again remain blessed!🌼


Hello @monjuapollonia
It is fascinating how much you have shared about your country. Thanks for this enlightenment.
I enjoyed the view of your delicacies too.
I love French language too but je suis parle petite francais.


Ah bon! Maid francaise ne pas dificile
Merci beaucoup mon Ami's♥️

Bienvennue mon cher

 2 years ago 

Well done friend!
A beautiful post, well formatted and with lots of information. I felt like packing my bags and jump on the first aeroplane.

Corruption and unemployment... how are we ever going to change it? I have seen so many countries with the same problem.

Come and enjoy not only geological but cultural diversity in our different customs and traditional and our beautiful regalia.

A beautiful invitation!

Thanks for visiting my blog!
I will very happy to hear that you're visiting us, any day anytime 👌

I just feel this change comes and must start with individuals.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the contest.

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Wow! If I see the opportunity, I would love to visit Cameroon some day especially Limbe botanical gardens but the challenge will be the language.
It's good to have diverse foods as our bodies needs all the classes of food to function well.
Bribery and corruption seems to run in African blood and it gives me so much displeasure.

Oh you will? Please language wouldn't be any barrier because Limbe is found in the south west region which is purely an English speaking zone

That's good to know.

It's almost as if there is bribery and corruption as long as there is politic I know many countries of the world today will fare better in the absence of it, if only individuals could be treated fairly based on what they truly merit that will no doubt encourage hardwork and consistency I believe

Oh yeah! You've spoken well

Wow wow wow... This is very very interestingy my friend . You have described almost every aspect ranging from cultural to Physical.

I love the way you have described the food and other aspects .Women and food🤣🤣🤣

Now let us come to the real issue. I cannot imagine In a country like this where the resources are abundant yet people are still un employed .This could only be as a result of bad governance and curruption.

We pray for things to change fast . We are indeed tired. You are the voice of the people as a blogger . Thanks for enlightening us and taking us through this beautiful Lifestyle @monjuapollonia

Wow I'm amazed with the way you have handled this topic in explaining in depth how Good Cameroon is. I'm a Cameroonian and I can attest to this. I love the way you explain the touristic and food diversity aspect as far as our beloved country is.

Indeed my Cameroon, Botanical garden in limbe and the warza park is extremely an attractive tourist sites I will recommend everyone to visit and see how beautiful this places are.

I pray bribery and corruption should reduce in our country because innocent people are surffering from this. The unemployment rate is extremely very high because of the so many youths are stranded and frustrated. I hope the government look into this

You have an outstanding entry in this contest my dear

Thanks for reading through my post with your very constructive comment.

Indeed my Cameroon, Botanical garden in limbe and the warza park is extremely an attractive tourist sites I will recommend everyone to visit and see how beautiful this places are.

Hopefully, when you eventually get married in future, we can do a treat of married couples only with @breeze.com and his wife too.

Hahaha I hope @breeze.com sees this and hopefully, you are right on point

🤣🤣🤣 This man for married na better actsion but ei go tey??🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I can see Cameroon see Cameroon has two languages .what previlledge for you to be bilingual .I love French in particular and English .Eventhough I don’t have a good mastery of it the French but I can speak in my own way and interacts with someone who knows it better .The Botanic garden in limbe is one of the exciting sites people visit world wild it really good it is really a good touristic side not forgetting seme Downbeach limbe .As for corruption it really the talk of day and practice every day in our country .people who merits position are been deprived of their right .which a very sad situation .I pray the government should intervene .Also rate of unemployment is too alarming in Cameroon .you see people suffering around with qualified school certificate .

And because it has eaten deep in the people's mind , they think people can't get good jobs without passing through the back door.

Most people have lost self confidence because of this practices
Imagine you apply for a job worth qualifed and you rather discover that your classmates whom you attended school with who didn't pass in any course but yet their names are being futured on the best performed! How magical right🤔🤔

Hello dear @monjuapollonia, you have made a very wonderful publication about your country.

You've covered every aspect of the country in great detail. You have made some excellent proposals for improving the country.

I have also made my post about my country. Hope you will like to read my publication.

wish you good luck for the contest.

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