The diary game | Bought myself a laptop Table and A Final Exam | #club5050

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

hello Everyone, being independent is a thing a young adult wants to achieve. For some, it takes a lot of time and for some, they become independent early in their life.

Being independent means doing things that they love and also not asking our parents for money. But my mother says that a person can never be independent as even he/she will start earning they should give that money to their mother and if you want money for something so ask your mother for money and also tell your mother the reason hehe.


Studying the Whole Morning

So today was the day I had my last Midterm Exam. So after waking up at Fajr, and performing my Fajr prayer I didn't get to sleep and started my studying today at 3 pm I had my exam of Aircargo Logistics and Management, and at 6:30 pm I had my exam of Strategic Management.


Then at 8:00 am I had to stand up, so I just freshened up a bit and then had to drop my brother off the bus and then my sisters to their school.

After doing my driving duty, I came back home, had my breakfast, and then had a shower. And after that, I left for the university as my friends were waiting for me as we have planned to study together before the exam.



Exam Preparations and Exams

So then after reaching the university I sat with my friends and we studied together for almost 3 hours, in which I taught them the things they didn't know and they taught me the things which I didn't know. And like this, we all were prepared for the exam.


After giving the first exam of Aircargo Logistics and Management at 3:00 pm, When I left the exam roof the weather was quite pleasant and the clouds were looking beautiful, so I just sat on the stairs and closed my eyes for some time.


After that, I had a time of 1.5 hours, as my next exam of Strategic Management was at 6:30 pm. So Then I started revising my other subject, but I was not stressing out in this subject as for me it was quite easy.

So when it was time for the exam, I went to the exam room. And I was out of the Exam room in 40 minutes as the exam was quite easy. We just had to draw 2 matrices in the strategic management.

After finishing my exam I left for my house, and when I reached home I saw my parcel which got me excited as for some months I wanted a Laptop Table and then finally some days ago I ordered a Bamboo laptop table, and finally today it was delivered at my home.

And I personally loved the whole experience of buying first time from Pakistan's E-commerce site Daraz and the product was as well very good, It had options of putting pens, a place to put the cup, 2 fans and a height-adjustable option too.



So for me, it was the best thing I have ever invested in. I am loving the whole experience as in past I used to put my laptop on my lap, which was not good as it can cause infections.

And then finally in the night after eating too much lol, I went for a walk on my rooftop.


And now it was all for today. Thank you all



if you want money for something so ask your mother for money and also tell your mother the reason hehe.

In boys case ,I have no idea but yes for girls especially me, even if I need to eat something or buy a little thing I go to Ammi and ask for money. And I think it's good, for our parents we will always be little kids no matter how much independent and grown up we are..

It had options of putting pens, a place to put the cup, 2 fans and a height-adjustable option too.

It looks nice..and for daily laptop working , it's a must thing. 👍

 3 years ago 

In boys case,I have no idea

I don't know about other boys who earn, but for me, it's the case that I have to ask my mother for money.

or our parents we will always be little kids no matter how much independent and grown-up we are


 3 years ago 

Wow the table looks great abd durable too. What is the height of this
And yes your ammi is correct :p i feel it's a good gesture that what ever you earn you give it to her. I still have to ask ammi and i love this.

 3 years ago 

What is the height of this

It is actually height adjustable table I can pull this up and down both according to my posture of how I am sitting at that point.

i feel it's a good gesture that what ever you earn you give it to her

Yeah true.

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