Review Tuesday | RED NOTICE - Movie Review - by @janemorane

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Hello Friends!

Today is the day for another movie review and this week I will be reviewing the newly released Netflix original movie and I will gonna be talking about the good and bad things about the movie as I do every week and I hope that you will give me some information Which you can use to decide what to watch next.

Netflix has been making so many movies these days or should I say since the last two years Netflix has been actively working with so many big stars sometimes to acquire big commercial movies and sometimes they make their own original movies when it comes to some stars they’re actually working with Netflix I don’t know maybe working with Netflix is a kind of win-win because you don’t have to worry about the Friday or how your movie is doing maybe the stars is a really good opportunity in terms of a Netflix release they don’t have to worry about the numbers because that whole data is hidden and they don’t have to worry about of Flop and hot aspects of the movie to me Netflix is a safe haven for all the stars in the moviemakers so let’s talk about the movie.



Language: English
Country: USA


Dwayne johnson
Gal gadot
Ryan reynolds
Ritu Arya
Chris Diamantopoulos
Ivan Mbakop
Vincenzo Amato
Pascal Petardi
Jay romero
Seth michaels
George Tsai
Tom cho
Sebastien Large
Guy nardulli
Andrew Hunter
Rawson Marshall Thurber

I saw the trailer of this movie back then a few days ago and then there were so many promotions by the Netflix team so, I decided that I will give it a watch because it sounded like it will be a good watch Some of the big stars were associated with the project and that was the point where I thought it will be a good commercial entertainment movie and that is the only reason why I watched it now let’s see and talk about the storyline a little bit.

The story is very simple we see three characters one is an FBI agent in the role has been played by Dwayne Johnson the rock and then there is Ryan Reynolds he’s playing the role of a thief, not just a regular thief he is really smart and very good at stealing art and then there is one more ar thief and all of that has been played by gal gadot so the story starts from a museum where the FBI agent is going and then he is kind of there to catch the thief and when he arrives there the art has been stolen but he tries really hard to catch the thief somehow he escapes and when he is in his house the whole Fbr team is there to catch him when they finally catch him somehow there is Twist in the story when the FBI agent has been framed for helping the thief Buy the Bishop the Lady thief now both the FBI agent and the thief is in the same jail and they decide to work together. And provide the FBI agent is innocent no will they be successful in their mission or not that is how the story is.


If you look at the trailer you will get a really good idea about what the film is all about and yes there is some really good action there is some really good hand to hand combat there is some really good gunfights there are even some rocket fires also you will be able to experience where are there is a pretty much good action in the movie and the one thing that I really like about the movie that if you look at the Dwayne Johnson the rock he is not the hard guy in the movie I mean he is doing fights but they’re not showing him like no one can beat him so that was a really nice to me and then there is Ryan Reynolds he’s really good with his moves most of the time he’s not fighting but escaping or just defending himself but that makes it very good and you can count it is action so overall the movie had some pretty much action sequences which you will tell enjoy.



The only person who is doing some really good comedy in the movie is Ryan Reynolds The way he talks and the way he cracks jokes it’s so funny I mean once you get his humor you will love to watch him again and again and trust me I get his humor because I have watched so many movies recently starring Ryan Reynolds there are so many sequences in which you will be laughing very hard because the dialogues and the dialogue delivery by Ryan Reynolds so funny and sometimes even the situations are so funny I’m not saying that the other actors have not provided any comedy but the most stand out performance was Ryan Reynolds and yes if you are going into the Comedy you will get a really good one.

Things that I like in the movie:


I love Netflix for this that they always make their movies in Europe and Europe is so beautiful the streets and everything about your face is beautiful and they shoot most of the movies in some really exotic places and if the place is beautiful it’s not that hard to capture it so yeah I would say that the shooting in how they have shown you to Europe it is beautiful and I really loved it the roads in the car and people it’s so amazing to see so Pharma cinematic viewpoint I think they’ve done a good work not excellent but it works and not something that can be remembered for years but yes for a one-time watch they’ve done a good job.

Star Cast

The movie was very good because of its Star Cast when you have some really good actors like the Dwayne Johnson the rock is my favorite actor when it comes to comedy you may have known him from the movie Jumanji I love his acting and I have watched so many of his movies when he is basically doing some comedy he’s really good at that so that was a very positive thing about the movie and then there is Ryan Reynolds so many people love him for his comedy timing he can be a bad guy and still be funny so that was very depressing for me you went to the role was not something different from his other movies but yeah if it works it’s good and then I saw gal gadot for the first time in such role she is good with her acting. And amazing at the movies like wonder women she is beautiful and so good to watch Star cast is the one thing that was the best thing about this movie.


Length of the movie

These days you can only watch movies there extraordinary for a long time so Netflix know that and that’s why they make movies that are kind of very short and not take that much time to watch and this movie has that quality that it was for effect when it comes to duration it ended on time there was no time rest everything was happening very fast and it kept me hooked so that is the quality that I really like in the movie and won’t let you bored so you can finish it very quickly and have fun.

Things that I don’t like in the movie:

The ending

I didn’t like the ending that much I want to it was very nice I mean it was kind of surprise but again you will kinda predict what is going to happen next and whenever it’s predictable it’s not fun your brain doesn’t release any dopamine because you already know what is going to happen so that was a little bit disappointing.

Acting by gal gadot

I don’t know she’s a fantastic actor but in this movie, she looks like she’s not even trying she was just there to fill the gap and that’s it she was not trying to act she was not giving her hundred percent and to be honest after a while I feel so irritated by her character it is if she is like talking to herself and telling you what she’s doing I mean maybe the Netflix thinks that we are too dumb to understand want what is going on so that was very disappointing to see a really good actor giving such poor performance.

My ratings for the movie

I will give this movie 3 out of 5 stars.

You can watch this movie with your family there are zero00s in and zero abuse words so you can watch it with your family and with your friends very easily there is no problem the movie is currently available on Netflix recently released maybe you’ll find it on the trending page.


Thank You So Much For Reading
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 3 years ago 

Congratulations! This post has been selected among the top picks of the day.
You have received an upvote through @steemit-pak, operated by @vvarishayy.



Thanks for the support.

 3 years ago 

#club5050 😀

Thank you so much.

 3 years ago 

This movie is awesome and you really enjoyed it and made your post admirable and you are working very hard.

Thanks dear I a glad you liked it 😊

Your review is cool, you just made me want to go watch this movie for myself. I think you should be doing this often🥰

Well watching movies is a pleasure but sharing the review with others is really making me more happier, and that’s why I often write movies review each Tuesday .

That's amazing. Thanks again

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this movie.

I am glad you liked it...

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