Give it a Read || Seven Important Tips To Build An Attractive Personality - 20% to @steemit-pak

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

5 tips to build an attractive personality!!

Today I will be sharing some really helpful tips that I have learnt in my life and I am still learning and I have started applying those did for my personality and it is really good results are really good and I wanted to share those tips with you so that you can improve your personality as well...

1. Responsible for your own decisions

This is the most important that you should learn and try to implement in your personality now what does it mean let me tell you so many times we take decisions and we do something and then if it doesn't turn out well we try to put it on other people let's suppose if I am driving and I take a wrong turn and then I am blaming the other people with me in the car that you guys told me to take that route now if I say Ok it was my mistake and I took this turn and now we will go back it means that I am responsible I can take responsibility of my own decisions there can be many cases like that let me give you another example many people in my country like Teenage boys and girls sometimes they are confused about what to study further when they choose to engineer and that don't like it that try to put it on other people like their parents and their friends that they told me to take this now that is not a responsible personality you should take responsibility of your own actions.

2. Be the support for others

Be the support for everyone means that whenever someone is in trouble and whenever someone needs your support there don't just sit in the corner be the one person in the crowd to stand out and support most of the time when we talk about support the first thing that comes to your mind is my name is not the thing that people always required sometimes people need emotional support sometimes people need someone to be there and listen to them so be the support you have someone needs a little bit of money you can give them and trust me they will never forget your support be the support of your family tell them that they can count on you and they can tell you everything most of the time to your siblings if you are elder brother or sister you should tell your siblings that you are the support and they can always Count On You

3. Work on your sense of humour

Sense of humour is very important in your life you know let me give you a small example when we are talking to little kids like very little went with a smile and when do they feel happy when we smile and when we make funny faces or just try to make some funny voice is they feel happy that is the case with your sense of humour you should build a sense of humour but in this case, it should be in the way you talk the way you crack jokes and try not to offend anyone just try to have a good sense of humour and this is the skill that you can learn a sense of humour is not something that comes naturally I mean there are many people they have the gift of a sense of humour but you can learn this skill and make your personality really good one.

You must have noticed this in your life many times no one hates funny people because their funny and no one gets bored with funny people if you are funny everyone would like to spend time with you and that is a really good booster for your personality that it tracks people up to you.

4. Self-awareness

This is the most important thing that you should definitely built-in yourself just like to get rid of viruses and some bugs in our software and in our mobile phones we update or self the same way you have to update your personality with time now what does self-awareness means it means that you should know what are the bad habits that you have what are the bad things that you do what are the good things that you do so so sometimes we know that this thing is wrong and if I am going to do that that might offend the other person but we do it now you should be self aware enough that you go to that person and say sorry and you should always try to to get rid of that habit that you have with the very good actions if you are self aware you must take an action against that habit and get it out of your personality.
let's suppose if you lie a lot and you know that that I like a lot and the other person know that I am lying now that's a really bad habit and people don't like Liars now you know that you are lying and that is because you are self-aware now what you will do you will try not to lie and update your personality like that so you must take an action against the bad habit that you have and that will improve your personality a lot.

5. Warm personality

Stupid the warm personality you really don't have to do anything just be a warm personality it simply means that whenever you meet people try to be happy try to show them that you feel good by meeting them try to talk to them try to not look here and there while talking to them listen to them and try to be happy and give them time give them 5 minutes but that five minutes should be completely there and not to be rude many time in our families we see people they have a very rude personality like and then after some time everyone starts to hear that person and eventually that person is alone in life despite that person has many qualities he or she might have some really scales like anything that can fly aeroplanes they might have a really good degree in science there might be a good driver anything but because they have a root personality and there just meet you like if something is wrong that's why everyone hates them.

If you are poor you don't have any money or anything but still, if you meet everyone with warm hugs and talk to them and shake their hand they will love you they will invite you everywhere because they know that you will make them feel good everyone wants to feel good and with the warm personality you can help.

6. Good listener

You know many times when we are talking to someone and if the other person is not listening it makes us feel so angry and just feel distracted so you should learn from other people if you feel bad the other people will feel the same so what you have to do just listen to them it's not a hard job but when you listen to other people they feel that this guy is interested in what I am saying you might not have interest in the talk but just listen to it and that's it you are done be a good listener.

7. Tolerant person

I know you might be saying that I am asking for a lot I know many times when people talk that might offend us or it just doesn't feel right and we get angry you don't have to do that just control your anger and that will save you from a big problem and you and that will help you in some other time because many time when we make decisions in anger that leads us to a very big disaster if you are a taller and the person everyone would like to to be friends with you because you and if something goes wrong then know that you are not someone that well can harm them in any way be tolerant and people will respect you...

If you look at all these things there are very similar to each other I mean they are not so different from each other you can build all of these in your personality and you will get a really good personality out of it it will help you in your life not just to be friends with people but you can be very successful if you have these qualities in you.

Thank You So Much For Reading




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