Education theme||6 ways to break out of laziness||@hira.umair||15th Oct. 2021||20% beneficiaries to @steemit-pak

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

Assalam O alaikum! to all my friends,

I hope everyone is doing just great. Well have been very busy in the past days but today finally thought to share an interesting post with all of you.

Well! I was scrolling over my Instagram account and I came across a post which was about:


The heading was so catchy that I decided to give it a read, but it was all pictorial; link to which is: source

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Now I thought to share my view on it, but I will also try to be as precious as I can. Talking about the 1st point:

  • Make your goals manageable:
Goals are the things you want to achieve in your life, they can be short term and long term. I think this is the perfect point to start off if one wants to break the laziness out from his/her life. I feel if your goals or aim in life are clear everything else falls around it. You become more focused and more committed towards your life and hard work becomes your habit. So always plan SMART.

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  • Create a plan of action:
When we have set goals in life then comes the time to act on them. So just sitting at home and thinking that things will be done for you is a big NO! we need to buckle ourselves and start making plans to achieve the goals and act on it also. So, another very important point of saying bye to laziness :)



  • Use your strengths
Use your strengths means giving your 100% to the task assigned to you or you have taken with choice. So, whenever a situation occurs where one can show his best we should lay back as the window of opportunity opens for a short span of time. As it says, “hit the iron when it’s hot”.


  • Avoid distractions
Good and bad people come in every person’s life. There are some people who will encourage others and will make the path easier but there will be some evil minds with whom you can be at your best will never be there for you with good intentions. So to break out of laziness one needs to get rid of these negative people and follow the path of success only.


  • Make tedious task fun:
This is the funniest point I found in context to the picture of the person attached in the post I have mentioned but it had a deep meaning. Hard work is not easy and it can make one very tired and exhausted hence, if we make or start doing things in a fun way our tasks will get complete not only on time but will also not exhaust us.

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  • Reward yourself:
Reward alas! For it we are doing everthing. As I am writing the post with the aim that it get selected in top picks. :D So, same is the case that when we have achieved one thing then rewarding oneself is a must as then the desire to work more emerges.



I think these are the best and most interesting points to achieve success by getting rid of laziness in life. I am going to practice them from today iA and I hope you all will do the same. So, happy working :)

To view my 1st achievement post just click below:

Achievement 1

See you all till next time.

Hira Umair

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 3 years ago 

Most important thing i feel is your WILL POWER. If you want something soo bad your laziness would go away.

 3 years ago 

Bang on! you are right :) and happy that you went through the post. . .

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