Contest Alert ! Biggest Lie Ever, my article

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

This is a very good idea for a contest, it also will involve a lot of rejections of pre conceptions, for example you say no one has ever been to the moon, but can you prove it? The Earth is not a sphere it is flat, if this is true it would make all geography a lie, COVID does not exist, does this mean people who supposedly died of it died of something else? So for every thing we say is a lie there will be a counter argument stating it is true. In the end, the truth belongs to those with the most power, remember victors write history.

Now for my lie I will just state a few things that have always made me ponder about the reality of things. One thing I have always doubted is the assurance with which scientists can pin point the exact distance of a star from the Earth, even to billions of light years. Now to get the distance of something you have to have a reference point, what reference point can scientists have in able to declare these distances? For example Proxima Centauri is supposed to be 4 light years away because that is how long it takes for light from that star to reach the Earth, now ask yourself how do scientists know the exact moment that light left that star? I say they are lying and also bluffing. The same goes for how old something is, I remember when I was a boy Carbon 14 was infallible, it gave you the age of anything nearly to the hour even if it was millions of years old. Fast forward a couple of decades and it turns out it really is nowhere near exact,

But we have all been at some point subject to these which are obvious lies and we have believed them because we preferred to go with the tide than to question what we are told. And you know, perhaps I am wrong and scientists can really measure immense distances and colossal times accurately, but I highly doubt it. I even put the speed of light in the dubious class. Only way that these things could be measured with the science we have is if along the way we were helped by aliens, but that would open a new can of beans so I won't go into that.


I hope you can see the error in this, you use background stars to measure distance but have absolutely no idea at what distance these stars are, so as reference points they suck.

 2 years ago 

Very interesting! I could have never thought of questioning what we're told or taught especially anything related to science and technology..
The points that you've mentioned could be true and all these could just be conspiracy theories but then I believe when these scientists declare or put out something, they do it after putting in much of their research and effort and tackling all the possible negative points and arguments. So what they say and publish, could have some flaws but definitely a lot of weightage.

A few hours too late for voting...

You pointed it very good out (in my opinion) to the "research and effort and tackling".
There's only one point I want to add, if you allow. ;-)
This is the point of communicating the methods as acribic as the results gieven by them. If the public is made able to follow the thoughts and the ongoing of the research, described exactly and yet in common language, then there will be less theories about conspiracies, I think. I hope!

 2 years ago (edited)

for example you say no one has ever been to the moon, but can you prove it?

I don't say it with surety, but the Internet is full of speculations, such as:

  • The US flag waving on the moon while there's no wind/air.
  • No stars in the sky
  • Moon rocks are exactly similar to Earth's
  • Pictures of back side of the moon were kept highly confidential by NSA. Two people who had access, claimed that they saw buildings. Their access was denied later.
  • Why there were no moon landings after 70s?

What's the proof that those footages were actually recorded on Moon? They could be filmed on Earth as well. What's the difference?

Not to forget the space race between USA and Russia at that time. Maybe someone faked it all to have an upper hand.

For example Proxima Centauri is supposed to be 4 light years away because that is how long it takes for light from that star to reach the Earth, now ask yourself how do scientists know the exact moment that light left that star?

You have given me an interesting topic to research about. I wonder why I never thought of the reference point like you did. I will study about it and will discuss with you soon.

Thank you for your participation. It was an interesting read.

I was not questioning your not believing in the moon landing, I have read a lot of books and articles that purport to show it didn't happen. What I was trying to point out is that a person can't prove a negative, except of course if the people who say they did go, NASA in this case admit they didn't. Apart from that happening, all we have are theories.

Maybe someone faked it all to have an upper hand.

This is the weakest point, I think! No one harder and earlier would have tried to declare the man on the moon being faked as --- the Russians!
So, that they didn't, is one of the best proofs for the reality of the moon landing.

 2 years ago 

You have made a Great entry. Also given very interesting topic to read!
Best of luck!

 2 years ago 

Thank you for participating in the contest. I have just powered up 5 STEEM to your wallet as contest reward.

Wow, thanks a lot.

I hope you can see the error in this, you use background stars to measure distance but have absolutely no idea at what distance these stars are, so as reference points they suck.

Nope, they don't suck. Why not?
To choose the back ground stars, you will have to look for such stars which themselves seem to be unmovable one again the other. These stars seem to be really "fix" as their distance is so big, that the parallaxis given by earth's move around the sun does not play a role in the frame of the possible exactness (of a given time - which may me improved, but the principle remains the same).
So, these back ground stars can in the optical sketch as shown by you regarded as being "infinitely far". From now on the rest is triangulation.

Yes, fixed and nobody knows how far away they are how can they be a reference point? For a reference point to work in this case, you absolutely need to know its distance. I have asked this question of lots of people, I get kind of esoteric answers but in the end they just say, look I can't explain it but it works. And frankly I am too old to believe in that kind of justification.

Now finally I can see what you called "the error in this" - it is in the diagram itself!
I didn't look at this carefully since I regard it as a symbolic picture. And this it is!
It's not a real diagram of angles and distances.
The scale is completely distorted!
In real life the distance tu Proxima Centauri is more than 100.000 times of the diameter of earth's circle round the sun.
So the diagram would have to show the star about 3 km (!) to the right.. Or earth's circle smaller than one single pixel. Both is obviously impossible, but the imagination may show you that you are right in regard to this poor diagram...

I have asked this question of lots of people, I get kind of esoteric answers but in the end they just say, look I can't explain it but it works. And frankly I am too old to believe in that kind of justification.

I agree!

nobody knows how far away they are how can they be a reference point?

It is not necessary to know their exact distance, it is enough to know that they are very, very far away - so far away, that they seem to be fixed and therefore usable in the triangulation. As if they would be in an infinite distance.


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