Steemit Engagement Challenge - Steemit Pakistan Community ("The Three Rs and Three Cs")

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)


The name of my country was derived from the Worri River by the Portuguese explorers in 1472, who landed in the coastal city Douala. Initiating from the Rio dos Camaroes ("River of Prawns") because of the different species of crayfish found in river Wouri. My country has a distinct regional religious background, political tradition, and culture. The First War world resolution, which implemented the League of nation mandates led to the creation of the Anglophone and Francophone regions.

The anglophone(English speaking) region is divided into two regions made up of the Grassfield people and Bakweri people. The Francophone (French-speaking) region is made up of nine regions largely Muslim north and Christian south. Cameroon has small ethnic tribes like Ewondo, Eton, Kum, Mankon Bulu Beti, etc.

Cameroon is geographically located by the Gulf of Guinea, covering an area of 179,527 square miles. Neighboring countries are Chad (North) Nigeria (West), the Central African Republic to the (east), and the People's Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon(south). The capital is Yaounde, and Cameroon has two seasons (Dry and rainy seasons). Due to colonial heritage, We have two official languages (French and English) with about two hundred local languages.

Reasons why I love my country

  • National Symbols :

Our flag is unique and tells a lot about my country. The Cameroon flag is made up of three colors (Green, red, and Yellow) in that order, with a gold star at the center of the red color. What is so special about the Cameroon flag is the fact the different colors represent the different geographical regions of the country.

  • Green color Rainforest
  • Red color Savanna Laterite soil
  • Yellow color Sands of the Sahel.

Another interesting part of the Cameroon symbol is the national anthem which begins with the phrase "Oh, Cameroon, cradle of our ancestors". From childhood, this created a strong feeling of belonging and a patriotic spirit that connected me to the ancestral forefathers of this great nation Cameroon. I can remember my primary school days when I was shouting at the top of my voice when singing the national anthem.

  • National Food:

hahaha haha, I'm sure you already know why I will not miss this part of my country. I don't joke with my stomach, so what I have to eat is vital to me as my body needs it too. I love my country Cameroun because of the variety of food, and Cameroonian food is just the best. Well, I have not tested the varieties of food from other parts of the world, but just from the look Cameroon meal beat them hands down lol. The creativity of Cameroonians when it comes to food is just amazing, my mom can take one ingredient and prepare different delicacies.

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-26 at 9.23.29 PM.jpegBoiled Corn and boiled groundnut

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-26 at 9.20.02 PM.jpegRosated Corn

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-26 at 9.22.11 PM (2).jpegFufu Corn and huckleberry

A simple is the Egusi(melon seed), it can be used to prepare soup for rice, plantain, sweet potatoes, etc. Same Egusi can be used to prepare pudding which can be eaten with meyondo(it a casava delicacy) wish I knew the English appellation for it. We have Corn, which can be roasted and eaten with boiled groundnut, Gride, and produce corn flour which is prepared for fufu corn, or Koki Corn(mixing with palm oil). I can go on and on.

  • National Touch of Nature:

Wow, this is the part you don't only see, but you get to feel the touch of nature around you. Cameroon has a good number of places you can visit to take off yourself during stressful moments. Cameroon has the second oldest botanical garden(Limbe Botanic Garden) in Cameroon, which is located in the coastal city of Limbe and is the sanctuary for primates (Limbe Zoological Garden).

I know more about this sanctuary because I have lived on the premises for over ten years. Most of the gorillas and chimpanzees are orphans, as their parents were killed by hunters for a meal. The Western Lowland Gorillas and found along the south of the Sanaga River. These species make my country special when it comes to primates in the world.

IMG_0873.JPGLimbe Botanic Garden (My daughter and I)

IMG_0903.JPGLimbe Zoological Garden (My daughter and I)

IMG_0900.JPGLimbe Zoological Garden (My daughter and I)

IMG_0910.JPGAt the Limbe sea side (My daughter and I)

Another touch of nature is the fact that Cameroon is bound to the ocean(sea). Here you have the chance to wander around the sea, take in some air and have the feeling of nature.

Three Changes I will expect

  • The Anglophone Crisis:

This is a long story and situation in my country which is unnoticed. This crisis has been going on since 2016 when the lawyers and teachers went to the street and protested for better working conditions in their different sectors. As I mentioned, the English-speaking part is made up of two regions while the French are made up of eight regions. The root of the anglophone crisis is the feeling of the English-speaking minority having the feeling of not being adequately represented and culturally marginalized by the central government which is made up of the French-speaking.

So when this crisis sparked, the government responded by killing civilians, torching villages, and incommunicado detention. This act pushed the anglophone to the wall, and separatist groups took over the protest and turned into armed convicts. The crisis is 5 years gone, no concrete solution as the government is finding it difficult to appease the people.

I'm present in one of the regions strongly hit by this crisis, kids don't go to school on Monday. It is a ghost day observed by all in the anglophone regions, just a way to show solidarity with the separatist. Not Like im in support, but for the safety of your life, im compelled to respect this day.

This is the first thing I will love for my country to look into for peace to return and we can have back our normal lives. It is not easy living in a town where you have sounds of guns and the movement shut down for days.

  • Crackdown on Political Opposition:

This is something my government is becoming a professional in, using the security forces to crack down on opposition demonstrations. The current government is too scared, what? I have yet to find out. Any demonstration by the opposition is not allowed to go on. Resent was the case of one of the opposition parties, MRC who tried to organize a protest, they were all arrested including their leader, and tried and sent to prison.

The government accused them of destabilizing the country. I can go on and on and list other politicians who have been arrested for speaking out on the pertinent issue in the country by criticizing the government.

Well, I wish this act of Crackdown on Political Opposition can be changed and give every political freedom to speak and protest when necessary. The funniest thing is the law gives room for the freedom of speech.

  • Justice and Accountability:

Here, the thing just happens in my country, and you the citizens are at a loss if it is your country. Prisoners disappeared in our prison, cases are held pending for no reason. Some cases are held under closed doors, and an example is the case of the alleged killing of two women and two children in the far north region. The case was held behind closed doors, and the public is not even sure if they were sentenced to prison.

My government is fond of refusing any abuse done by the national security forces and will block any access to any information if any organization wants to do a deeper investigation.


3963199746_2b41debd8c_w.jpgPresident Pual Biya(Force of Experience)

I'm a proud Cameroonian, with a whole list of setbacks. We have an old president who I admire for his leadership. President Pual Biya(Force of Experience) has his way of managing crises, but I think no others will do better. Better days for Cameroon ahead. Long live Cameroon

Thanks for dropping by

 2 years ago 

Oh Cameroon…land of promise… land of glory. I am proud of motherland. There are several changes we all yearn for.

The Anglophone Crisis:
This is a long story and situation in my country which is unnoticed. This crisis has been going on since 2016 when the lawyers and teachers went to the street and protested for better working conditions in their different sectors.

The crisis has caused pain, misery, open doors to more prisoners and closed many school doors for years now. The crisis has caused forced displacement, early marriages, forced prostitution just to earn a living as internally displaced persons. A lot of kids forced and brainwashed and recruited as child soldiers, young girls are used as bush wives by separatists to satisfy their sexual needs. A lot of rape cases recorded and the list will continue. Looking at this everyone yearned for peace ✌️one day in this country.

Our sit in tight president is there and to think of it that some elites write motion of support encouraging him to continue stay in power. Some even equates him with Jesus that he is the Jesus Christ of Cameroon but to me he is worst than Judas.😭😭

All we wish is change for a better Cameroon 🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲✌️✌️✌️

 2 years ago 

The crisis has caused forced displacement, early marriages, forced prostitution just to earn a living as internally displaced persons.

You are very right about this, this crisis destroys so many youths. I will want the add the innocent young boys and girls who have to pick arms to fight against the government. Hope someday we get a solution to this crisis, all over the world such crisis has always taken a long time to end.

Our sit in tight president

Well, I hardly look at it that way, My reason is he was elected and officially installed as President. So long as he keeps winning, then that is his position for Life, did I just say for Life. Yeah, so we the young people in Cameroon need to get involved in the election to get him out for a new person.

 2 years ago (edited)

Well, I hardly look at it that way, My reason is he was elected and officially installed as President. So long as he keeps winning, then that is his position for Life, did I just say for Life. Yeah, so we the young people in Cameroon need to get involved in the election to get him out for a new person.

I do not think sit in tight presidents can be won through the ballot box. Elections will always favour him to stay in power. Remember ELECAM, the election governing body in Cameroon, are all members of the ruling CPDM party appointed by the president. The constitutional council, the top position are CPDM top officials appointed still by the head of state. The president is head of arm force in Cameroon. At the National Assembly, the top positions still occupied by CPDM, likewise the senate. The president has supremacy over the judiciary, the legislature and executive.

Press censorship is at rampant with journalists being victims of saying things they way they are.

My friend, I do not see how this man can be won through elections. Their approach of silencing opposition with no remorse is a clear indication that he is not willing to step down.

Remember Joseph Wirba’s quote in the parliament when the Conflict in the North West/Southwest regions began:

“when injustice becomes law, resistance becomes a duty.”

Indeed the injustices meted on the people has made them to resist the regime in power. The reason for the numerous crisis we have in Cameroon of recent.

Debido a la herencia colonial, tenemos dos idiomas oficiales (francés e inglés) con cerca de doscientos idiomas locales.

👆 Gracias por compartir información importante de tu país y así concoerlo mejor.

Me encanta Camerún, mi país, por la variedad de comida, y la comida camerunesa es simplemente la mejor.

👆 Aquí en Venezuela también tenemos una gastronomía variada. Y el maíz hervido me gusta comerlo mucho.

Guao, los problemas políticos son fuertes, espero que poco a poco todo vaya mejorando.

Una gran pubicación, felicidades

Que bueno conocer un poco de los países con este concurso La bandera de Camerun es muy bonita y con un gran significado. Se ve que amas la comida por como la describes y los paisajes se ven lindos.
Espero que algún día cambie la represión de la que hablas y aquellos casos no resueltos que se quedan en la nada. Saludos.

 2 years ago 

I hope that one day the repression you speak of and those unsolved cases that remain in nothing will change

Well, my dear, we hope so. We have been waiting for the past years and the government is very slow in implementing its so-called solutions. Some Cameroonians are not okay with the solution, but for me, half bread is better than non.

Thanks, @annwiswell for dropping by my post. I will be hoping to read more from you.

 2 years ago 

Everyone has the right to protest. Imprisoning protesters is very unfair. Because the right to speak is a basic human right.

My government is fond of refusing any abuse done by the national security forces

Oooh, this is a sad thing. The law should be the same for everyone. If the government rejects the abuses of the national security forces, they will continue to commit abuses. Fortunately, this is not the case in my country.

 2 years ago 

If the government rejects the abuses of the national security forces,

That is what they have been doing, getting out of this situation is not easy. But I come to notice that international politics is bigger than what we see. Governments are playing games with human lives and so call UN is sending letters.

Fortunately, this is not the case in my country

Wow, your count is a safe haven for humans, Im waiting for my invitation from you to visit with my family LOL

 2 years ago 

Haahaaa, I invite you to come to my country with your family. 🙂

 2 years ago 

Okay, thanks for your invitation. I will definitely start thinking about it lol

 2 years ago 

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Cameroon is really blessed .I love the colors of the flag with it beautiful symbols and meaning .I think Cameroon is one of the highest countrybless with varieties of foods .I can see you enjoyed eating lol . Limbe and kribi is one of the most exciting place one can visit in Cameroon for leisure and sidewalks .Limbe just from it description town of friendship and municipality is so amazing, we have the Botanic Zeological Garden with various species of Animal not forgetting the Seme Downbeach with it fresh breeze coming out from the sea.People near and abroad travelled to Cameroon to enjoy all these natural endorsements in limbe .oooo😭😭😭 land glory has turn to a different thing because of the Englonphone crisis in Cameroon .It has really disturb our children education and most people affected at their jobsite because of the crisis .I wish power should be transfer to many hands and not one president for a very long time .The government have really failed to solve the Englophone crisis.we all are praying and hoping for God intervention

 2 years ago 

I think Cameroon is one of the highest countrybless with varieties of foods

Hahahahaahh you sound like a Cameroonian, We are really blessed in this country. Hope you will be accepting my invitation to Kribe. The side seas are really a place to visit and have some personal time. I bet you rear species of primates Cameroon has are almost extinct due to overhunting by the forest people of the south. The few we have at the zoological garden are orphans, Great job to our government. they have been doing a lot to keep these animals alive and strong.

I wish power should be transfer to many hands and not one president for a very long time

Well, power is transferred in the ballot box, if you want a new president. Then you have to register and vote. Protest and social media talks will not change the president. Cameroon has a lot to change, starting from the constitution which can be done at the parliament level.

Thanks for dropping

I'll say that I am surprised you didn't mention any Cameroon football stars such as Eto and Matip, Song etc. 😂

I loved reading about the history of your country. I believe the french and English language was introduced in this country due to colonization, what's the native tongue of Cameroon?

Green color Rainforest
Red color Savanna Laterite soil
Yellow color Sands of the Sahel.

Extremely thoughtful. I'll take this moment here to tell you a bit about my flag as well. We have a flag which is 90% green and 10% white which a crescent and star in the middle of green. The green represents the Muslims as they are in Majority. The white represents all the other minorities, and green and white combined represent prosperity and peace. The crescent symbolizes progress, and the star represents light and knowledge.

The issue of crackdowns against the opposition is a worldwide issue I guess. Anyone who cines into power starts considering himself as God, and starts taking deplorable actions. Even here in Pakistan a government was just toppled and we have new 'incharge' of country.

Cameroon overall is a very beautiful land. I wish to visit your homeland someday. Thank you for this interesting post, I loved reading it.

 2 years ago 

I'll say that I am surprised you didn't mention any Cameroon football stars such as Eto and Matip, Song etc. 😂

Hahaha, i did not mention because football is a generational thing. The happy moments will come and go and new and young start will pop up. So it not really a reason I will mentioned for loving my beloved country Cameroon. Hope you will be supporting Cameroon during the up coming World Cup.

Wow, your flag color represent the people. That cool, if the Cameroon flag is used to represent the difference groups, will have a multi color flag. Every small group in Cameroon wants to be noticed. It alway a fight in ministerial position which the government is trying to implement regional balance .

we have new 'incharge' of country

I wish we some day get to this point, our situation is that bad that most youths don't care about politics. I know only the ballot box can change the situation and that will be when Cameroonian youths will register for election.

As for the beauty of the country, you are right. We have a good number of touristic sites, starting from the Highlands, coastal sea, Rain forests etc.

So your accommodation is prepared already Lol, thank for dropping by my post

Nature is a very beautiful thing and you including it to the things you like about your country is really wonderful.

Your country which is located at the central Africa is really the heart of the savanna and we in Nigeria (Western part) really do not know what savanna is except those in the Northern part of Nigeria.

Talking about lack of accountability, I think it is a general problem in the whole of Africa as our rulars are just after their personal pockets.

Thanks for sharing with us @fombae

Hello dear @fombae, you have made a very wonderful publication about your country.

You've covered every aspect of the country in great detail. You have made some excellent proposals for improving the country.

I have also made my post about my country. Hope you will like to read my publication.

wish you good luck for the contest.

 2 years ago 

Hey fombae, good to see you here participating in the contest.

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