How Can A Member Help His/Her Favorite Community Grow on Steemit? | Contest | 100% Power Up |

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago

Hello Steemians !

The topic of this contest is really interesting and my post can be beneficial for those who want to help their community. Though the points, I will discuss are nothing new. Everyone knows about them but still they can be of some use.


Let's be clear with the definition first.

What's a community ?

A group of people sharing certain interests or characteristics (same geographical presence or same religion etc ).

That makes people/member of a community a very important aspect. They are like a backbone of a community. I will explain how members of a community can play an important role in its growth.

Following are some of the important things one can do:

1- Quality Content

Steemit is a blogging and social media blockchain. That means "content" is the key to get yourself noticed here. I cannot emphasize enough how important this point is. My belief is that quality content never gets un-noticed. It doesn't matter what your writing niche is, just write about what you are passionate about or have knowledge about. Because it comes from the heart and brain. It comes from you. Like I don't know much about Medical Science or Football, so I will never write about it. I know a bit of Computer Science and Cooking, I'm comfortable about sharing my thoughts and knowledge on that.

The point is, this will make my content original (it will come from me) and the quality will be good too automatically. Now the good quality means well-written, well-explained, whatever language but grammatically correct and structured content. It should be visually appealing, readable and relatable. Steemit is not a machine to which you feed content and expect rewards in return. Rewards are given by people like you. You have to think about the audience you are writing for. Because, after all it's a blogging site too and that makes audience equally important.

Whenever you finish writing a post, check 3 things; Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and read your post as a third person ( think of it as someone else's post, if you like it then post it, otherwise DON'T ).

It's really important to have quality creators in a community because they help it get noticed on larger scale. Other communities develop interest too and look forward to the posts. Curators also give their support. All these factors help in the exponential growth of the community.

2- Engagement

I hear a lot of users complaining that people don't bother to read their post or engage on it. My answer is that firstly eye catching and interesting content is always noticed, like I said before.

Secondly, you can't expect people to comment or upvote your posts when you don't take time to engage on theirs. It doesn't take a lot of time. For instance, I have fixed 30 minutes to an hour time daily, only to read and engage on other's posts. If you want your community to grow, you must engage on your fellow members' posts. This will not only generate rewards within the community but you always get to learn new things from other people.

Even, if you are a newbie, doesn't matter if your voting power is zero. Every vote counts. We have all been there. We grow through each other's support. What's better than supporting your own fellow members which will strengthen your community that is already supporting you.

3 - Delegate Steem Power

That's one of the obvious and straight-forward way of supporting your community. A community thrives if you work on give and take policy. Community that supports you by curating and rewarding your content can be more powerful and give you even higher rewards if its members delegate their SP to it. I think every member should delegate some SP to his/her community. Whether it's 50 or 500 or 5000. Drops make an ocean. I myself am planning to delegate, once I hit 1000.

4- Participate in Community Contests and Volunteer for new Contests

It's just like supporting local businesses to boost the economy of your country. But this is more fun as you get rewarded too. Contests polish the creativity of members, help newcomers by giving them exposure, give credibility to the participants. It keeps the whole community engaged and reputation(not the numerical one mentioned on everyone's profile) increases on the platform which results in joining of new people and the community keeps growing.

Members can also volunteer for organizing new contests. Like this contest is volunteered and sponsored by my fellow member @moohsin and admin @haidermehdi. This shows their true dedication to the community. I encourage everyone to suggest ideas for new contests or healthy discussion topics to keep the community alive and help it grow. The rewards generated by contest related posts are used to power up the community account.

5- Communicate and Help Out Newbies

Log In to Discord and communicate with all members. New members, don't shy away from asking for help. Just ask for it and you will be surprised to see that so many people are willing to help you.
Senior members should help newbies establish in any way they can.
1- Delegate your SP if you see some potential.
2- Help them editing posts. We know steemit editor is not that user friendly.
3- Give them a basic Steemit class explaining steem terms and wallet usage extra.

6- Invite New People

Still not many people know about steemit. You can ask your family, friends or colleagues to join it. The more the merrier. More people means new ideas , more engagement and more activity in the community.

7- Research and Offer Help to the Admin

Through Discord communication, you can find out what your community is lacking or where the help is needed. Instead of fretting about certain thing that it's not good enough, offer help. If you are good at something, ask your admin how can you contribute. Like you have good writing skills, you can offer help or give tips to those who need it. As the community grows, its get tough for the admin to handle things. Offer him/her a hand with writing an official post or help with contest organization or help in curation.

8- Rewards and Acknowledgement

(This one's for the admin or managing team)
When quality posts are rewarded well, it encourages people more to do even better jobs next time. It's true that quality posts are rewarded best with good upvotes. But still there are so many good posts that get lost or are not given worthy votes. There's so much effort that goes behind one post. A little acknowledgement encourages a lot. Surprise little rewards can be given. Best engaging account, best author, best photographer or best mentor. This will increase the sense of competition and improve the overall community.

9- Plan and Organize

There should be a proper management team of every community. Contest organizers, curators, mentors based on everyone's skills. So that workload doesn't fall on one person. Find good resources. Well organized and reputed community always gets support of big accounts which play an important role.
Divide tasks between worthy members or the ones who are willing and want to volunteer help.

My favorite community without doubt would be @steemit-pak. Just because all the members and admins are really encouraging and supporting in every possible way. They have initated this new programme of awarding certificates of acknowledgment as well. Click here to read in detail.

These are some of the ways through which a community can improve and grow. There must be other ways too. That's all I can think of for now.

Thanks for taking your time out to read. Give your valuable feedback.


Special Mentions


 4 years ago (edited)

Glad to see your participation here. All the best for the contest.

 4 years ago (edited)


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