Weekly contest | Funny / embarrassing moment | 10% to @steemit-pak

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)


Hi my steemian family hope everyone is doing well and stay blessed.
I would like to say thanks to @steemit-pk for organzing such a wonderful contest. The yopic is really unique and funny in its own way. Every person has really many funny moments in life, me also have many. But few moments can not be forgetten and we started laughing while remembering those moments.

I am going to share such a momemt with my steem family, i went to market yesterday to buy radish as my family requested me for radish stuffed parathas as i never tried it before. I was lil sleepy and lazy, i stopped in vegetable market and started searching good radish, while searching it was turnip in my hand, i thought it should be long. Why it is rounded, anyhow again i started searching fortunately i found a lil longular turnip and paid money to shopkeeper.
I came to home and showed my husband today i bought radish but i donot why all were circular, but no worry i found a lil long radish.

Look at how fresh. He stared at me and started laughing i said whats the matter why you are laughing. Give me i am going to made stuffed parathas. He again laugh and went to my other family and told them look madam bring longular turnip and insisted that its radish. I searched in the google and saw image. It was turnip i was so embarssaed that could not stop there.
I went to kitchen and laughed alot on my innocence i was stuborn that its turnip.
Thank you for reading my post.

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 3 years ago 

HAHAHA, been through this type of embarrassment so many times haha. It was a nice read.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for reading my post

 3 years ago 
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