What if you get to meet the steem curator? by @daytona475

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Hello friends of this great platform, I hope you are very well. I was fascinated with the very peculiar theme of the contest organized by @steemit-pak, so, rather than running the contest, I am curious what comes up in my mind regarding the subject.

What if you know the curator of Steem?

Wow is an interesting question that is spinning in my head, I think that at this moment I do not get the real feelings of how I would feel if I really had it in front of me. I say "la" in feminine because as a result of several publications that I have read about it, I have come to the conclusion that the one who command in the helm is a woman.

Many thoughts come through my mind about how I would feel, and I can say that I know myself, It is possible that I am frozen at the privilege of meeting SC01. I hope you know how to understand and speak the Spanish language. At first, I would feel a lot of nerves, I know that SC01 is a very intelligent woman, so maybe my attitude is a bit shy, but the first thing I would do would be invited her to a good restaurant or cafeteria (I think she loves coffee) and then maybe she shouldn't talk much about me because maybe she already knows me, I imagine she has read all my posts and has a more or less idea of ​​who I am, so simply I would talk to him in a very normal way about my life the parts that are not yet known, and perhaps we waved in many issues of one and the other, because I think that he is a person with whom you can speak something fluent and comfortable, in addition to being women we can understand each other better.

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To get into a warm conversation, we would talk about Steemit. Of course, we have to talk about this great platform! For that, perhaps will ask a lot of questions to understand a little more this sea of ​​knowledge in which we sail day by day, to discover, so to speak, new islands and continue to find out how to find a great treasure, but for this, I imagine that we must navigate and navigate and discover and continue searching, or I simply ask him the questions that we all constantly ask ourselves.

How to get more continuous support?

On second thought, we all know the answer. The basis of Steemit is that it rewards the Brain Test, creativity and original ingenuity is what I understand, so there is the answer.

How do you become a steemingcurator?

I imagine it is being a fairly selective, intuitive and intelligent person
I'm not convinced by the idea that he was a user who collected a lot of SP and became Curator01. Someone has to support the system. I think he is a person with a great sense of belonging.

Returning to the subject of what happens if I know the curator. After talking for a while, maybe an hour if your schedule allows it, ask for your contact lol, maybe you won't give it to me. Would I say a selfie photo? You may not want it to reveal your identity, so probably no photos.

Maybe I dare to ask him for a job, hahaha. A financial aid for my father, perhaps! Everything is possible.
The truth is, most of the answers we have on the platform, you just have to read, as for who is SC01, that doubt may remain for a long time. So it only remains to be constant and resourceful when creating content that adds value, that teaches, inspires, and interacts with other members. Find ways to grow organically on the platform by following the rules, and everything will come by itself.

Thank you very much for your kind attention!


This is my participation in the contest

This is my Achievement 1

 3 years ago 

Hola amiga, como siempre, disfruto mucho leerte y lo hice sonriendo (de oreja a oreja) imaginánme este panorama que nos pintas jajaja que ingeniosa eres @daytona475. Aprovecho para decirte que te voy a devolver los tokens que me enviaste, pues por ser una prueba imagino que es para que los devolvamos.... tu dime

Suerte en el concurso y ojalá todos algún día tengamos la dicha de conocer a @ steemcurator01 en persona, pues sería genial

Hola amiga, gracias por tus bellas palabras. Si es que expreso precisamente lo que me venía a la mente imaginando la situación jejeje me alegro mucho que lo disfrutaste y si ojalá algún día podamos conocer a SC01.

En cuanto a los tokens, no te preocupes! eso fue para practicar una clase de Crypto Academy, primero eso no es nada, segundo considéralo un regalo jijiji

Muchas gracias por tu grata visita!


 3 years ago 

JAJAJA! Para mi vale mucho que hayas pensado en mi mientras hacías tus tareas de la criptoacademia :-)

Si porque considero que eres una gran persona y amiga por eso pensé regalarte unos tokens aunque sean pequeñitos.

Por cierto, ¿cómo sigue tu mamá?

 3 years ago 

bueno amiga, mi mamá tiene neumonia bilateral a consecuencia del covid... está bajo estrictos tratamientos. Nosotros seguimos orando y confiando en el obrar de Dios. Gracias por estar pendiente.

y gracias por tu cariño y amistad sincera. Un abrazo en la distancia

Espero y confío en Dios para que tu mamá se mejore pronto.

Gracias a ti también por ser tan linda amiga!

Un fuerte abrazo, buenas noches!!

 3 years ago 

Great job! I assume it's more like the team, not one person, but most of them have to be women indeed.

Gracias, si eso pensamos muchos, pero quise englobarla en una, la que lleva el timón! jejeje gracias por pasar y comentar por mi publicación lo aprecio


 3 years ago 

Great and you have written very well.

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