The Diary Game | 24-october-2020 | Driving car for the first time❤️

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN4 years ago (edited)

Hello and Assalam-u-alaikum to all the steemit family. Hope you all are doing great and welcome to my yet another diary game post.

Morning walk ❤️.

Now let's start with the diary game. So today I woke up early in the morning at about 9 am then I went to the road for some walk because walking is compulsory for good health. After that I came home and straight away went to take shower and in the mean time my mom made the breakfast for me. In the breakfast I eat bread with tea which is very common breakfast here.

After having breakfast I went out of the home to take ten pictures of my area because of the contest setup by @steemitblog then I went back home and got active here on steemit and started to saw some posts here regarding steem crypto challenge, technology, artificial intelligence etc.

In the midst of the day I left to play some cricket in the stadium. I saw my friends was already playing it and the match was about to end so I waited for the second match to join my team. It was a lucky day for me because the fielders drops two catches of me and luckily I made century and get my team over the line❤️.

After the match I got a bit tired so I came back home and went to the bed straight away to have some rest. When I woke up again it was 8 on the clock so I messaged my friend that if he is free and he can teach me how to drive a car😂 because I haven't drives the car before. He free and was ready to teach me so we both went to road. In the start I was getting nervous but will learn it slowly slowly😂.

Image while driving the car❤️.

After that I went back home, have the dinner with the family and go to towards the room for sleep.

That's how I spent my day. Hope you like it.
To know more about me here is my Introduction


Special mentions to;


A proud member of STEEMIT PAKISTAN community ❤️.


#thediarygame #betterlife #pakistan #steemit #steemexclusive #morningwalk

 4 years ago 

You spent a very good day.
Its great that now you have learnt to drive the car.
Few instructions are here for you:

  • You are not using the right image for STEEMIT PAKISTAN community.
  • I can not see the right footer.
  • And last but not the least, there is no link provided by you to promote your own community. Try adding Subscribe Steemit Pakistan line with link.

These are a few basics that now you must be following.
I am sire you will take notes here :)
Yours, @haidermehdi.
#twopercent #pakistan

 4 years ago 

I will surely follow the instructions provided by you @haidermehdi.
Thanks for having a read to this post🙂.
#onepercent #pakistan

 4 years ago 

you passed good day, and thank for sharing your story with here

 4 years ago 

Thankyou brother @yousafharoonkhan🖤.

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