Betterlife - The Diary Game - march 24, 2021 MARRIAGE SEASON (BARAT DAY)

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago



So yesterday was finally the day when my cousin was getting married.
Finally the beautiful as well as a bit depressing day was arrived.
Beautiful in a way because every girl dreams of this day of getting married starting a new life.
Living with different people adopting a different lifestyle and different routine must be a good experience.
Starting a new life in a new home is not an easy thing leaving her childhood home her parents her siblings with whom she fought even for small things who she cared for but every girl has to go through this.
I have two sisters and both of them are happily married Alhumdullillah so i know what it feels like.
My cousin is too like my elder sister and i still remember all the memories we have with her.
Sooner or later this day had to come but apart from the sadness we were excited too because we have to enjoy this once in a lifetime event with her.
My sisters were also home so we decided to have a breakfast together.
For breakfast we went to famous Dhamthal sweets and brought Halwa Puri home.
Although it was a weekday but it was quite busy and it took alot of time.
Soon we were home with the breakfast and enjoyed it all together.
We had to do alot of work later that day so we decided not to tire up ourselves by involving in any other activity so we just layed down and watched TV had some chit chat.




Soon it was time for lunch we skipped our lunch for two reasons:
1. Because we had to eat alot of food later at the event.
2. Because we had to alot of work and preparation for the event.

And so the preparation began.
Because of Covid-19 all the marriage halls are closing earlier so in order to have better time duration for the event everyone is supposed to reach earlier and for the said reason the preparation must be started even earlier.
As i am very conscious about my dressing so my preparation was started wayyy earlier maybe even before the bride 😂
Apart from my clothes i wanted to look good in the event so in order to look good i applied a face mask and left it to dry.
After some time i was literally speechless 😂
Speechless in a way my mouth was so much dry that i could hardly speak.
Then i washed up my face and went out to buy some necessary things.
We picked up our clothes from the dry cleaner.
Everything was properly maintained and ready.
Clothes were ready shoes were ready so we just waited for the time to come.
Then suddenly the electricity went off and we were thankful that our everything was already prepared and it didn't effected us although the electricity was restored soon.
Soon i took a bath and changed my clothes but my hairs were not ready because we already had booked appointment at the saloon for hair styling so we went to the saloon all dressed up and had our hairs styled up there.





After some time our hairs were done and we were good to go.
We were very early and we knew it so we didn't rushed towards the hall contrary we went very calmly and slowly.
When we reached as expected there was no one except us and the photographer.
Even the bride had not reached yet.😂
But we used that opportunity and utilized the time in taking pics and having our photoshoot done in a peace with no people around.
Usually when the event is flooded with guests it is not easy to have our shoot done so we had a great opportunity there.
By the time we did our photoshoot, the bride which is my cousin arrived .
We greeted her took pictures with her and then continued our pictures.
Slowly and gradually people started arriving and fortunately our shoot was completed but the real fun was still about to start.
We indulged with our guests had some talk with them as we were the first one so we greeted them.
Overall a fun time was spent.
After some time the groom arrived.
Arrival of groom is the most exciting part of this event and is celebrated very energetically with crackers and music.
Similarly when the groom's car arrived crackers were also set up which you can see in the picture that it looked very fantastic but it was much fun to watch in reality.
Then some of the traditions were followd like the groom is not allowed to enter the hall untill he gift something to the bride's brother.
It was quite fun to watch all these traditions happening.
The groom's family was also welcomed with flowers and greetings.
Soon after all the guests were there the food was made available.
As we were the hosts so it was our duty to first serve the guests and then ourselves so we did that.
Everything was managed perfectly and soon the time for her Rukhsati was arriving and with that all the memories of us when we used to go to their house and had fun played different games on different events all the things were flashing infront of my eyes with the thought that from now on everything will be changed .
She will be enjoying her life in a different way and nothing will be same as earlier but as i said this is part of life we have to pray for her happiness that's all we can do.
Before Rukhsati the final tradition was to be held which was to make the groom drink specially prepared milk and in return he have to gift something to the bride's sister.
This tradition is also fun.
As you can the glass in which the milk was served was beautifully decorated.
After everything was done it was time to say her goodbye.
It was very much sad and it is sad now too to feel everything.
Overall it was good day with mixed feelings.
I wish her a happy and good life ahead.






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Thankyou for reading :)
Yours, @callmebilal
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