Steemit Engagement Challenge Week #3 || Defend the Statements by @bolaji001

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)


Greetings to the entire members of the @steemit-pak community and to Steemians in general. I am @bolaji001 and I am continuing my participation in the ongoing Steemit Engagement Challenge which started three (3) weeks ago.
It has truly been a challenge and not an easy one, but I will keep pushing till the end and hope it pays off.
Today, I will be participating in this contest by the @steemit-pak community, where I will be defending the three statements below:

  • A woman's place is in the kitchen.

  • Punishment never has a good effect.

  • Votes are not guaranteed - SC01

Before I proceed, I must commend the Steemit team for this challenge idea. It has more unity to the Steemit platform.


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Women, their important and unmatched role in the society cannot be overemphasized. Since the beginning of time, it just comes natural that it is their responsibility to care for the house and everyone living in it which includes; her husband and kids (if she has any) of course.

I do not know why this is, I guess it is just one of those natural occurring behaviours of we humans or probably because a woman bears the children and automatically cares for them and her husband.

It is also clearly stated in our religious books both the holy Quran and the holy Bible the extremely important roles of a woman/mother in their various home.

However, whatever the case maybe what can be deduced from all these facts is that it is a natural occurring behaviour which stems from the beginning of time the role of mother in the house is to see and take care of everyone's affairs which of course includes where the food is made, the Kitchen.

A woman, once attained a certain age, is expected to settle down with a man she loves, bear her own kids and start her own family. A man also needs a woman he can rely on to help him with his affairs and make life easier for him as he goes about his job, providing for the family. A man needs a woman, a woman also needs a man. Both of them, has a joint responsibility in taking care of the family just in different ways.
In a household, a man is the King and his wife is the Queen, just like on a chessboard. There have to be a King, but the Queen is the most powerful piece on the chessboard, just like how the woman is in the family.

The kitchen where the food is usually prepared of course is an extremely vital part of the house a woman manages, she prepares mouth watering and delicious meal for the family to enjoy.

I think with the points I have made above, I have been able to defend the important role of a woman in a house, the Kitchen being a vital part.



Punishments can come in different forms, it could be physical, cost, banning, exile, imprisonment etc. But I will be emphasizing on physical/corporal punishment and why it never has a good effect.

I have experienced and heard about many scenarios of children/young adults being bodily punished by either their parents or school teachers or in some cases even both.
Some parents, especially here in Africa still physically punish their children when they offend by flogging them heavily or giving then a knock on the head or asking them to do very tedious exercises for a long period of time.

Cautioning the children with these methods, 9 out of 10 times ends up with the child (especially the younger ones) not knowing what he/she did wrong, the implications and what not to do next time, Instead, it leaves the child with hefty physical pain, depression, fear, anxiety, distress within the child etc.
The child does not need all the negative mental mindset growing up as it would affect their performance in school and consequently in life.

Teenagers or young adult when bodily punished by their parents, might unknowingly react by hitting back which can lead to anything, might affect the parent health, cause family tension, reduction in affection between the parent and the child etc.

These are just some of the negative and the no good effect of punishment.
Instead of punishing our children this way, I think a dialogue with them on what they did wrong will be better.
This way, the child would know what he/she must have done wrong, the implications and what not to do next time.


This statement is a rather common and controversial one particular to Steemit and has even gotten more use since the Steemit Engagement Challenge began three weeks ago.
It is a statement most of us here on Steemit don't like to see at all, since one of the main goals of any creator here is to earn by receiving votes from the curators especially SC01.

I will use this ongoing Steemit Engagement Challenge to buttress my point. Since the challenge began, one of its rules is that Votes are not guaranteed, and I agree with this their initiative as it encourages us to come up with top quality original content.

If there were to say that votes are guaranteed, most users will not go the extra mile they are going now to make sure their posts are quality, original, well-structured since all that would be on their mind is that no matter what they do their post would still be voted.
It is an underrated rule, it has saved us a lot from seeing low quality, short posts in our various communities.

Though, the rule might be of disadvantage to some of us that do write top original quality post and still don't get noticed by the curators, but the benefits of the rule is more than the disadvantage it is to some users.
If this affected users keep on posting quality posts it is only a matter of time before they are noticed and voted big.


I think I have been able to defend the three statements above to a very reasonable point, If you have contrary opinion please lets discuss in the comment section (this is why @steemit-pak choose this contest idea anyway).
Thanks so much for reading, I really appreciate.

I would like to use this opportunity to invite some of my friends @ojerindejoel, @kennydavebobo and @olawole111 to also take part in this contest.


You know,many Africa believe strongly in the ideology of spare the rod and spoil the child,they believe the only way to correct and discipline a child is through physical means which most of the time result into something else.

African parents need to understand that sometimes,what you need to discipline a child is words of wisdom and advice,make them see reason why they shouldn't continue in what they did,show them examples of people who made the same mistakes they are making or abt to make,tell them life experiences and watch them change their ways.

I am not saying that parents shouldn't discipline their wards with cane,I just feel it should be moderate and not all the time.

You have done well @bolaji001 with this wonderful post 👍

Well said @dibie. I really love this your comment.
Thanks for sharing your own view too, I really appreciate.

I do not know why this is, I guess it is just one of those natural occurring behaviours of we humans or probably because a woman bears the children and automatically cares for them and her husband.

I think this explains it all.
A woman's Day would not be complete without taking care of her husband and children and the starting point of these activities in the kitchen.

Thank you so much for sharing. I wish you success in the contest @bolaji001.

True. Thanks for stopping by to comment, @nneoma08. I appreciate.

 2 years ago 

Thankyou for taking part in this contest.

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A woman's role in the kitchen is a necessity. She is born naturally to care and nurture hence always cooking for the family to be happy. But that doesn't stop the statement that a woman's place is in the kitchen irksome😑

True, but it is what we have to do for the contest. A woman has a place in many fields of life, the Kitchen is just one of them.
Thanks for stopping by to share your view @sikan-eyen.

You are welcome.

You know while I was growing up, I used to hear some parents asking my parents how they get us to behave and to be a good child and I can remember vividly that her response is always, You don't have to beat or punish a child every time, sometimes, all they need is words.

Many of those children that are beaten or punished severely grow up getting addicted to it and no longer scared of it. Yeah, there are times you have to beat but don't make it a habit.

You have defended three great statements very well, well done.

Best of luck in the contest.

You have said it right friend. Thanks for sharing your own view too.

Hello @bolaji001

Since the beginning of time, it just comes natural that it is their responsibility to care for the house and everyone living in it which includes; her husband and kids (if she has any) of course.

Woow I'm impressed with this impute. I believe this summerized everything about the statement which says a woman's place is in the kitchen and I think there is no arguments about this your input because it's certain that women were created natural to take care of the home

Punishments can come in different forms, it could be physical, cost, banning, exile, imprisonment etc

Yes you have given good reasons why punishment never has good effects. So I can conclude that there is a difference between punishment and discipline. Disciplining someone is good but punishing someone is bad because the person might end up doing worst things

Thanks so much for this your valuable inputs in this article for I have enjoyed reading. I wish you success in this Contest

True there is difference between discipline and punishment. I like the way you have supported and shared your own view. Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate.

Women ordinarily loves cooking. Without their wonderful dishes, the family would go hungry and they wouldn't want that of the family left in their care.

Yeah. It is just a natural behavior of women to care for the family and the entire house the kitchen being an important part.

Thanks for sharing your view too.

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