Mind Body Spirit - Write about Memory Improvement || Week #21 || Entry by @attiyaasghar

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Hello Steemit-pak family! How are you all? I hope you all fine and enjoying your lives in a best way. Here is my participation on the topic Memory Improvement that is of the utmost need in this crucial corona time. Though I am not really good at writing but I will try my level best to put my thoughts and knowledge regarding memory Improvement. So, I welcome you all to give it a read and get some knowledge.image.png


Mind- Body- Spirit- Soul Islamic Perspective

I will start here with the Praise of Allah Almighty and wonder how beautifully and how perfectly He has Created Us. Our body is a machine and the architecture and system of our body is designed so uniquely that every organ and body part works in a coordination and everything is interconnected. Here I am adding a Quranic reference.

وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنْسَنَ مِن سُلَلَةٍ مِّن طِينٍ‏ * ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَهُ نُطْفَةً فِى قَرَارٍ مَّكِينٍ‏ * ثُمَّ خَلَقْنَا النُّطْفَةَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْعَلَقَةَ مُضْغَةً فَخَلَقْنَا الْمُضْغَةَ عِظَماً فَكَسَوْنَا الْعِظَمَ لَحْماً ثُمَّ أَنشَأْنَهُ خَلْقاً ءَاخَرَ فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَلِقِينَ‏

And certainly We created man of an extract of clay. Then We made him a small seed in a firm resting-place. Then We made the seed a clot, then We made the clot a lump of flesh, then We made (in) the lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, then We caused it to grow into another creation, so blessed be Allah, the best of the creators. (23:11-14)

Health is one thing, that everyone would love to have. This is not just about to be physically active and a healthy body, but the mental and spiritual health are also as important as our physical health. Or mind, our body, our soul and spirit, all these thing are interconnected, When these all are working properly and systematically, then the perfect, active and healthy we are. If our mind and body both are in balanced both in functionality and order, then we are considered healthy.

“The joy of sharing is the best gift we can have for our soul, mind-psychology and body”



How Mind Body and Spirit are interconnected?

Biologically and logically speaking, the brain and the body, both are connected with each other through the neurotransmitters that are actually neurons. Neurons are basically the chemically signaled molecules that act as the signaling pathways between the receptors which are our body parts and the brain through spinal cord. The whatever the message or stress or any other action the body will get, the neurons will pass it to brain, and the brain will will react accordingly. To get more about this , you can consult the chapter "The Chemical Coordination and Control " from F.sc Biology book.

Our emotions greatly affect our health, If we are emotionally strong enough, we can go through the tough situations easily and can cope up with that, but there are many incidents that happens in everyone's life, these can disturb us emotionally and eventually our physical health.



Let me give you an example of mine, whenever I am stressed or I hear any bad news, Immediately I feel belly cramps and this happens to me every time. It means our mind and body are always in coordination. If our body and mind are disturbed, then automatically, the soul will also be disturbed. If anyone of you have the same problem like me or any other , you can share by comment below;

How to balance/ maintain body, mind and soul Health

To live a happy and healthy life, we need to balance our physical, emotional and mental health. Following are the tips to keep balance of our health.

Physical Health

When It comes to physical health, mind automatically clicks to diet and exercise. Yes, we have to take care of ourselves by proper diet and exercise.

Start taking foods that boost or mind and body. These are the one that gives energy to body and relax it. Like start consuming green vegetables , they are good source of vitamins and nutrients. meat and beans, fruits. stop taking carbohydrates as these are source of sugars, whose excessive intake can result in diabetes that is much more common now a days.image.png


If you want to keep your body super active and healthy, then make it a habit of doing exercise daily, because when we run fast, the heartbeat rate fastens that increases the ability of hemoglobin to carry more oxygen to inhale. More fresh oxygen will we get, the more properly, the digestive and circulatory system will work, and more healthy body we will have.

Mental Health

To keep our mind relax and active, We must have to take a proper 8 hours sleep regularly ,Try not to overthink like me🥴 . Give your brain its food, that is oxygen. Our brain also needs oxygen like our lungs, more the heart will pump, the more hormones for several functions will come into action and more the brain will be active. Make a habit of reading daily. image.pngSource

Spiritual Health

To make our soul happy, relaxed and calming, we need to keep ourselves positive, peaceful. The first and main tip being a muslim I will say, Do offer your prayers whole heartedly with pure intention and full focus into the prayer. To avoid from distraction in Namaz, start focusing on the meaning of words. pray 5 times daily. Besides reciting Holy Quran, try to listen it with Translation, once you will start absorbing the words, You will find peace in it, your mind will relax and calm. This will make your soul so pure and healthy. Always do zikar of Astagfar, Subhan Allah, Allah o Akbar and pray for Forgiveness of your sins. I believe and bet, no other mediations can replace this to make your soul happy and healthy. Listening Quran e pak is a best mediation in the world.



Do the things that makes you happy and feel satisfied.. Be kind with people around you, make others happy by helping them. Serve mankind, as it will added up to your good deed as well. As well don't cheat others, because this is one thing that make the soul restless.

How to Boost up Memory

I will share some hacks and exercises to you all that will improve the stimulations and reaction timing of brain.

Exercise no 1

If you may know, our finger tips have thousands of mechanoreceptors for sensing, and convey message to brain in micro seconds. To make a more better communication, short reaction timing, and to make brain more active, You need to press your finger tips 20-25 times daily for a month. This will stimulate the finger receptors, they will stimulate the brain in result.image.png


Exercise no 2

Try to increase your heart rate by doing running or cardio daily for atleast 15-20 minutes continuously. This will Increase the rate of oxygen supply to brain and it will boost up.

Exercise no 3

The main exercise is to recall the things. You may recall and remind the activities that you did that whole day and make a story. and the best way of it is to write a diary, and that opportunity is available on @steemit-pak.



Exercise no 4

At the end of the day, when go to bed, relax your brain by listening the Quran recitation, as it is scientifically proven, there are some music veins that helps nurturing brain. So I will recommend you all to listen talawat instead of music.


I will conclude here, Health is above all. If we are physically, emotionally and mentally healthy, then we have the happiness of life. So try to keep yourself happy and enjoy the life.

This was all that from my side. I hope you will find something useful here. Thanks for giving it a read.

Special mentions

@haidermehdi @rashid001 @hassanabid @steemit-pak






 3 years ago 

Mashallah, You wrote very well and explain each and everything.
One of the best post I see for this contest.
Good Luck with this contest!!

Thank you brother ❤️

Very nice all posts...

thank u so much

 3 years ago 

Very detailed and informative!

P. S. please give proper references, google image search is not a reference.


 3 years ago 

Nice and very informative post.

Thank you ma'am 💕🤗

 3 years ago 

Mery contest me part ly rahi??

Kya topic hai? Sorry mein dekh hi nahi payi, busy hun thora
But Jo bhi topic ho in shA Allah I will participate 😊

 3 years ago 

Mother you are so special in SIZ community

Can you please add the link here, so I can find it easily.

 3 years ago (edited)


 3 years ago 

Please do not add your post links on others posts. It comes under spamming.

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