Better Life || The Diary Game || 27th Nov 2021 || My feverish day || By @arslanaj || Club5050
10% Pay Out To @steemit-pak:
Hi steemit family members:
Hopefully all my Steemian fellows are well. And spending good days with the Steemit family.
Here my purpose is to share my daily routine with you and while doing this I am feeling pleasure.
Let's Start:
Morning Time:
I woke up this morning to pray and then I read the Qur'an and after reciting the Qur'an I went to the fields for a walk.
Breakfast Time:
Then I walked through the fields and came back home and freshened up and after freshening up I had breakfast.
Then after breakfast, I want to look at my work a little bit because the statement has become very important. After all, it is getting very useful for me. Look at the things that have come, working on notifications, etc. I worked on steemit.
When I turned on Steam, I saw that there were a lot of messages and so on. When I saw it, I had the opportunity to see a lot of good things, as reported by #Steemit-Pak. Who cares about this #Club5050 and who deserves it?

And I'm glad to see that I've been on standby with that in mind, and I'm in my place because they've made it clear in the report that I'm capable of working on this.
I did not know the working time when it was noontime and I was feeling hungry. When I went to eat to satisfy my hunger, when I saw that my family had made rice, I enjoyed it. Eat rice.
And then I was feeling a little cold, I was feeling like I was going to have a fever, I had just returned from a trip the day before, so I didn't even rest because of them, and with that, I went back to sleep. Had decided to rest so as not to get a fever.
Then when I opened my eyes a few hours later, I was feeling cold and I felt that I had a fever, then I told to my family and they said to go to the doctor and get some medicine Then I went to the doctor to get it.
Went to the doctor and he gave me medicine and I came home again and the house stopped eating again because the doctor said to eat soft food then I took some soft food to eat like some Baqarkhani Or a biscuit, etc.
ڈاکٹر کے پاس گیا اور اس نے مجھے دوائی دی اور میں دوبارہ گھر آیا اور گھر نے پھر کھانا بند کر دیا کیونکہ ڈاکٹر نے کہا کہ نرم کھانا کھاؤ تو میں نے کھانے کے لیے کچھ نرم کھانا لیا جیسے باقرخانی یا بسکٹ وغیرہ۔
And then I ate the food that the doctor told me to eat and then I took the medicine and after taking the medicine I fell asleep to rest.
اور پھر میں نے وہ کھانا کھایا جو ڈاکٹر نے مجھے کھانے کا کہا تھا اور پھر میں نے دوائی لی اور دوا کھانے کے بعد میں آرام کرنے کے لیے سو گیا۔
I hope this day that I present to you today in a state of fever I hope you will like it and you will pray that I get well soon Thank you for your good wishes.
Butt I Am Also Eligible To #CLUB5050:
Normal Transfer:
Transfer To Vesting:
Achievement 2 Link
Special Thanks:
Best | Leadership |
@haidermehdi | ADMIN CR⭐/D-6900⭐/Pu-L3⭐/C5050⭐ |
@salmanwains | MOD Moderator / Gold Partner / PU-2 |
@steemit-pak | MOD Community Account / PU level 3 |
@hassanabid | MOD CR⭐/D-6852⭐/Pu-L3⭐/C5050⭐ |
@vvarishayy | MOD CR⭐/D-2003⭐/Pu-L3⭐/C5050⭐ |
@event-horizon | MOD D-2003⭐/Pu-L3⭐/C5050⭐ |
Specially Mention: @steemit-pak
50 SP | 100 SP | 200 SP | 300 SP | 400 SP | 500 SP |
1000 SP | 1500 SP | 2000 SP | 3000 SP | 4000 SP | 5000 SP |
Hope you are fine now. I like the pattern of your Diary writing Keep it up bro