The Diary Game! 25/3/2021 Meet the most loved person after almost an year ❤️️

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago (edited)

25th March 2021, Happiest and the quality day
A lovely Thursday.

Hey everyone Assalam u alikum this is @aniqamashkoor welcome to my diary, Hope so you all will be doing great and will be in the best of your health. I am perfectly fine and in good health Alhamdulillah. Despite having some bad days I am still motivated and full of positivity because nothing is forever and I believe that with hardships there will be ease too in shaa Allah so this is to motivate all those who are having some bad days, stay motivated and keep working hard for sure the results will be in your favor and you will have success.

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I woke up early at 5.30 a.m. in the morning performed my Fajr prayer and then set the alarm of 6.30 and sleep again I was very tired at night and was not feeling well so I had decided before sleeping that I'll skip today but when I woke up I morning I was perfectly fine so I changed my mind and classes are also very important because 75% attendance is mandatory and there is no chance so I woke up at 6.30 washed my face, brushed my teeth and get fresh then I cleaned my bed and started getting ready for university. My mother brought me the breakfast and I was like who's breakfast is this and she was like it's yours. And me being me I just can't eat anything and instead of tea there a mug full of milk. I ate cucumber and had milk and told her to give me this egg in lunch I'll have it at university. She filled my water bottle and put the lunch n my bag. My mother is such a sweetheart and she's like this always since my childhood ❣️

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I had my breakfast and then woke my father and he dropped me at the main stop. I waited there and the shuttle arrived at its time that is 7.25 a.m I settled in and had some conversation with one of my friend she is also in final year and we know each other since the first year and we are traveling friends :p because she is of cis and department and we both are from the same stop so we met at day 1 of my university and since then we are traveling together. I reached the university and had my classes from 8.30 continuously so I went to my department directly. There I found that 2 of my friends were waiting for me already I greeted them and we all went to the class. I had continuous classes from 8.30 till 1.10 so it was a very hectic day like I just can't study like this so I was so exhausted till 11.30 class that I didn't understand anything and it just went like that only.

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Then I got a message from a friend of mine to meet up and it was so good to see that message on my mobile's screen because we haven't met for a very long time and we were planning this meetup but every time there was something and we had to postpone it. But finally Alhamdulillah luckily we got the time to hang out. We left the university around 2 and we were not planned where we have to go. I am literally fed up with burgers now and was not in any mood to try anything related fast food the same burgers, fries, pasta now it was a big NO from my side so we decided to not eat anything and we went to Agha Juice center at Gulshan. We had a lot of things to talk and yes food was not the priority so it got skipped. It was hot so we ordered falooda and Strawberry shake for both of us. I had falooda for myself. It was good as always and I liked it very much because I love it but the strawberry shake, it was so sour I was like they have forgotten to add sugar, after such a lovely day and meeting we said bye to each other and part our ways for home. It was a much-needed meetup.

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I returned home around 5 and then my tuition students were there, they had just started coming because I have told them to come at 5. I got fresh and started teaching them first I checked the question paper and asked every student individually that how they performed and do they attempt it completely and whether it was easy or hard everyone replied positively I always want my students to in top rank and for this, I do a lot of hard work over them I put all my efforts and time on them and may they all get good grades. Then I heard the sound from the street and went to my window to see who was there It was an uncle selling popcorns. I sent one of my students and ask him to bring for me then I enjoyed popcorn with my tea. Then after doing everything I was very tired and I lie on my bed and closes my eyes for some time. I didn't have my dinner and then I woke up at 1 at the night and that is the reason I don't sleep at odd timings because then my entire night gets disturbed.

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That was all about my day. Hope so you guys enjoyed reading it and found it good although everything is according to my routine nothing new. Take care of yourself and the people around you. Follow all the SOPs and be responsible for the good health of yours and your family. Allah Hafiz.


And let me tell you one thing, you guys are doing amazing at your place and I almost read all the diaries. Keep up the good work and let's support each other lets be a team. A team where everyone always supports each other motivates each other and gets inspiration from other members. Let's support our CRs and praise them for all the efforts they are making just for the betterment of us and this community. Let's be together to bring this community to top-ranked communities.

from @aniqamashkoor


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The rush of life soared. I don't know how time passes. Very busy life .And you are very hardworking MashaAllah Reading and teaching together is a huge responsibility. It is very important to take care of yourself. May God give you courage and keep you happy forever.

 3 years ago 

Indeed life is getting very busy with every passing day. Thank you so much for your kind words.
Aameen over all your prayers :)

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