Share Your Favourite Hobby | by @aminasafdar

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago
Salam, hope you are all doing well. This day I'm going to share the favourite hobby of mine. But before jumping into that a big shootout to @steemit-pak for organizing this weekly contest persistently. When it comes to your favourite hobby you can't choose the one because somedays you are doing one and other days you are tempting for the other one. So few favourite hobbies of mine are as below:

Watching k-dramas

When tired of the worldly life and want to get lost into the fantasy kdramas are my way to go. I just can't explain how nourishing that could be for your mood and intellect, on the other hand it also provides a chance to explore the different cultures of the korea. I started watching first because of the humour in their plays then gradually realised that the best of the dramas of the world belong to Korea. Currently I'm on "are you human too"? Story of a robot that a women creates to compensate the loss of his own son, who happens to live with his grandpa. And a girl who becomes the bodyguard of the robot and then fell in love with this less human and more machine kind of thing.


Playing Badminton

Yes this is most dearest to me in winters specially. I play almost evering evening and night with my sister, and its actually fun besides calorie burn it also uplifts my mood due to the serotonin rush in my blood. While playing this game i see the sky above which most of this generation don't bother about and that is my next hobby


Watching Sky and capturing

This hobby less and habit more thing happened few years back. Now every morning and if not possible then every evening i watch the sky and the sun setting, its colour shifts from yellow to orange and then light grey at the evening.


And the funny and sad thing is when i do this i just feel like buddy are the sky and sun and the trees that i watch in the early hours of morning real or fake? I mean we are so into our laptop or mobile screens all the time that when we spend time in nature that feels to peculiar and unreal. See what we have done to ourselves:(



Most common hobby among the folks. After done with Harry potter series i couldn't read anything. Nothing feels tempting, then after months i got my hands on Little women english classic of Louisa May Alcott. Story of 4sisters struggling in their teenage to survive in their difficult hard time of financial crisis due to which two of them have to work outside of their home to get the money, while the rest stay at home and do chores. Then there is a kind women that happens to be their mother who settles them down whenever her little women fed up of doing the thing which the girls of their age don't do and enjoy their luxury life reading and just doing the things in fashion. I didn't finish it yet so don't what it holds ahead.

Alas, Alas! pride goes before a fall, conceit (pride) spoils the finest genius.
Louisa May Alcott.



Best of them is walking, it is the travelling of the feet. And a human learns a lot through travelling, new ideas come in your subconscious. It can boosts your growth hormones and helps you to maintain your health. I prefer evening and morning walks now( but do it all the time when nothing is there to entertain) as it keeps your muscles relax and helps you to pour the stress out of your mind.


So that's pretty much it or i must say over much it:p Hope you like this post:)
Until next time good bye.




 2 years ago 
Prime MemberNo

Account operated by @aniqamashkoor

 2 years ago 

Your all hobbies are so good. I am glad that you and I are also like Korean dramas. I read your post that I am also watching the The Witcher Season 2 nowadays.

 2 years ago 

O that's great🙆 what is the genera of drama you are watching.

 2 years ago 

I am watching the drama of "The Witcher Season 2" it is so amazing drama serial.

 2 years ago 

Wow your most hobbies seems to me. I like reading,watching dramas,sky capturing. These arw also mine too.

 2 years ago 

What a coincidence 🙆

 2 years ago 


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