Contest Alert || The World In 2050

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

We think teleportation is
the future, but in fact it's the past

"Solomon said to his employees in the court(preferably jinns): 'Ye Chiefs! which of you can bring me the throne of Queen of Sheba before she and her envoys come to me in submission? Said an Ifrit, of the Jinns(strongest among the jinns): 'I will bring it to you before you rise from the council: indeed I have full strength for the purpose, and may be trusted." "Said one who had knowledge of the Book: 'I will bring it to you within the twinkling of an eye!' Then when (Solomon) saw it placed firmly before him, he said: 'This is by the grace of my Lord!"
— An-Namal-Ayat 38-40


When we hear about teleportation, fiction movies immediately come to our mind, where we can see people apparate from one place and immediately reach another, projecting their focus in one place without using any kind of machines(often times).

Teleportation is not new to us, it has mentioned in the Quran more than 1400years ago

And this miracle or science that happened in the era of Solomon is even older than Christianity.

In surah namal, Allah has shared an incident of teleportation. When Hazrat Suleiman(A.S) asked the jinns in his court to bring him the throne of Queen Bilkuis from Yemen to Palestine(that was roughly more than 2000miles). Imagine the powers of jinns, what they are capable of doing, moving with faster face than humans. But it was not the jinn who brought the throne, but a human named (Asif Ibne Barkhiya), who had the knowledge of the name of Allah, with the blink of an eye.

Strange isn't it? What scientists are trying very hard to accomplish, had done by a human more than 2000 years ago.

Allah didn't mention the knowledge that person had. If he wanted us to observe and think about this teleport, it surely would has been mentioned then. But it's not. Which means not everything we can imagine should be achievable.


Our own imaginations can hurt us, how? Continue reading...

Scientists in china have successfully teleported a photon (atom of light)
, through the device. It carried out by following sequence:

  • First they broke the atom, disassembled it.
  • Then the information was sent to the place they want their atom to be teleported
  • This information is reassembled again and it becomes the photon again.



Teleportation has become possible for non living things like atoms, soon we'll see molecules being teleported.

But keeping in mind this criteria of teleportation, humans don't fit into this system. Because we're made up of matter, and it requires energy to move us. Only if we move with the speed of light (light can travel to the moon in one sec), then no energy is utilized.

For humans to teleport;

  • First they have to break down our body into parts
  • Next then have to send the information/data of the cells (tiny cell of our body have insane amount of data, and we've trillions of them),
  • Finally, they have to reassemble our body using the data, making sure that they don't kill us.
Here scientists will sound more like a butcher

This sounds insane, who'll present himself for this sacrifice. Let's imagine scientists made this achieveable, making the machines, gathering the insane amount of energy, then successfully rebuilding the human body.

Then what about the soul? Will they be able to insert the unseen in our body?

If this is the kind of teleportation we're looking for in the future, then I'm not ready to imagine this😳


But if we can apparate and disapparate, as shown in HP, I'm the most happiest person to go with that.


I'll wake up in the morning, and will teleport in my desired place in the world. This will not only let me explore the world, but on the other hand, It'll diminish the demand for petrol, diesel and transportation. Because people prefer to teleport now rather than using vehicles. This will reduce the air pollution and fare transportation.

It's already dawn, and it's the best time for the place i wanna visit. To teleport there, i just have to close my eyes, imagine the place, put my right hand on my heart, and speak the name of the place.

Note: Speak your Diagon Alley correctly, if you don't want to end up anywhere else.

I speak it, feeling a strange chill down my spine, like i am falling down from the building, but before I felt my mind will blow, i am there.

In Capadocia, a city in Turkey, famous for its fairy chimneys and buildings made out of rocks. It's also called the land of beautiful horses.
It's a rocky place, millions of years ago volcanic eruption occurred on the mountains there. Which flowed down the land and turned it into a rocky place. People made houses, hotels and buildings of these rocks when they were soft.

But I'm here for hot air ballons. It's already 2050, but I'm not a flying car kind of person.

These hot air ballons are already in the air, I'm little bit late. But no worries, I'll teleport into one of these ballons.



One, two, three,here we go....

Wohoo I got the yellow one. I'm floating in the air, and the world is below. We are flying higher and higher, It'll cover the whole area and we'll get down then. September and October are the best months for this ride due to mild temperature and air.


Next destination is Beyukada, which is the largest island out of the 9 islands of Marmara sea in Turkey. The only way to go there is through fairy, which goes there early in the morning. Which I've missed due to my previous ride.



But no worries...I'll teleport again.

You guys must be wondering, am i the only person who knows how to teleport? Why others are following the muggle rules, while I'm not.

The reason is besides the fact that I'm in 2050, we can't freely teleport, where ever we want. Every country is allowed to teleport only to 2 or 3 countries in a month maximum. Other wise It'll become chaotic. For Pakistan, September is
the month when portals are open for Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Italy.

Back to my journey, I'm standing in this beautiful island, beside its sea. Thankfully I'm not teleported into the sea early in the morning.

This island has no means of transportation, only service providers use them. Laymen use horses, bicycles and carriages to look into this island. The environment here is so serene, without air and noise pollution. It doesn't feel like to be in 2050, instead there is an ancient romance in the air.



This is the same island, where turks used to send their princes on exile, so called princes island.

I can live here forever, but it's the time for the next portal...Makkah.


Life has made so easy, that you just imagine the kabah and open your eyes, and there you are.

It's not allowed to teleport in the Haram, so i just happened to be on the street outside its gate. It's time to go inside and thank Allah for the life i have, and the mercy he has shown upon us❤

Next I'll teleport into one of the restaurants of the italy at night، preferably into their kitchen to eat as much pizza as i desire۔ Next place could be any bakery stuffed with chocolate cakes۔ These are the things which make me fall in love with teleportation


Also time travel is not the future, it has happened in the fast. When our prophet(PBUH) went to the sky, on Burak. Which is an Arabic word, originated from Burk meaning light.

Burak means lightning.

Now recall the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein. In which he said, if a man travels on the speed of light, time becomes constant. Time will stop and a man can travel through the time, only if we can travel on the speed of light which is 299 792 km per second.

He said things having no mass can reach this speed, but those having mass will barely access it, but never reach it.

And this theory is more than a century old.

I can write more, only if people can withstand it but it's already enough.

 2 years ago 

This post felt like a roller coaster. I think you pretty much mentioned everything related to teleportation.

Whenever I think about the Miraj Incident, it always blows my mind. That means teleportation is actually possible.

Before airplanes nobody could have imagined traveling thousands of miles in few hours. I am sure scientists will invent something close to teleportation in the future.

 2 years ago 

Everything about science has been mentioned in our deen, only if we take off the glasses of halal and haram things.

Yes it may be possible in the future, but i pray it isn't
the kind of teleportation the have done with photons...too scary.

And thanks for reviewing my post.

 2 years ago 

Hi, Greetings to Steem Pakistan Member. Thanks for sharing your quality content with us


This is really sensitive , stunning and well need to concentrate topic to read. Well good luck for contest.

 2 years ago 

Kindly mention my club status....i have recently powered up steem.

 2 years ago 

Alright. Our Team Mentor @event-horizon Wii consider it. Thanks for power up.

 2 years ago (edited)

Wow. What a beautifully composed post.

Do you also believe in the multiverse? I think multiverse is very real and we may have some references from Islam as well.

In the starting of this post you mentioned that, there are somethings that have been told to us by Allah but aren't quite achievable. I kind of don't agree with that. I think the examples have been given in Quran, so that the people can learn through and work towards it.

As you said, teleportation is not the future, it's infact past. I, 100% agree with this Statement. I love reading about history. I have read about a lot of ancient civilizations and I have come to a conclusion that as time passed by, the humankind regressed instead of progressing. One such perfect exmaple is of Mohenjo-Daro.

Once again, this is a beautiful post. If it were in my hands, I'd have given it a very big vote xD :-))

 2 years ago 

Yes i do believe in multiverse. One such thing is black hole, about which Stephen hawking had shared fine information.
some Said there maybe a universe inside it.

One thing is very interesting i have found...scientists claim that gravity is so strong on the event horizon of black hole, that even light can't escape it (remember here light has the speed which no other thing can match). They say stars when die fall into it. Then i remember surah najam's ayah in quran where Allah swears and says "and when star falls into it", next Allah shares the journey of Prophet(PBUH) on sky and how he saw black hole.
These things are so remarkable and firm the belief of a momin on Allah❤

Hahahahaha for your last remark, humbled🙇:)

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