Better life ||The Diary Games |2nd July 2021|

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago

Assalamu Alaikum everyone I hope that you all are doing well and motivated just want to say that please be home stay safe and take care of yourself and your family don't go out unnecessarily so today I will share my day of my life in a shape of a diary.

So today I woke up at 8.30 after that I have 3 online class to attend so I attend my first class which is Islamiyat and second is Pak Studies so I attend both classes and it ended at 12.00.

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After Class I did breakfast then I prepared my clothes then went to mosque after that Our sir texted us that you have to attend physical quiz so I went to University but then class got canceled.

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After that I went to Bank to pay university fees then I came home at 4.00 then I did lunch after that I used my mobile then at 6.00 I went to my coaching where I learnt basic things in After Effects.

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Then I came home from there at 8.00 after that I went to my friends place where we played some games and smoke sheeshah.

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Then we did dinner at there after that I came home at 12.00 then I am so tired so I went to sleep.

That was my dear thank you so much for reading this diary I hope that you have find something valuable in it and you have enjoyed reading my diary.


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