 4 years ago (edited)

One of the statements was about keeping something a secret because others don't have to know (depending on what kinds of things you're assuming those secrets are and who "others" are, the meaning of your answer will vary wildly. E.g., keeping an affair secret because my partner "doesn't need to know" == bad, not telling random crap to strangers == good (or at the least, not bad)).

One of many problems with a survey like this is that if I took it on another day, there would be wildly different results (no, I won't ever score high, but I may score higher -- or possibly even lower -- than I did this time), because not only are the statements so squishy, but the answers are, too. There is far too much that is dependent on how you read the questions and rate the answers to actually determine anything effectively. This is an interesting trinket, and nothing more.

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