SEC S19W3-My life in paranormal

in Knack4buzzyesterday (edited)

Greetings to everybody,

Thank you for this interesting topic for Week 3. When I first read the word "paranormal," it intrigued me. As I delved into the description of this contest, I came across fascinating terms like ghosts, UFOs, and many more. But today, I would like to share my firsthand experience with telepathy😊.

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An incident happened to me just 10 or 11 months ago, and it drew me into a deep depression. During this period, my life revolved entirely around social media, which turned out to be harmful for me. I'll explain how.

For the last 10 to 11 months, I have been in a huge depression. My only interaction was with social media, and nothing else. Social media, as you know, can be a double-edged sword. My parents were also upset for me, seeing how deeply I was affected.

As I mentioned, social media was harmful for me during my time of depression. Let me explain how.

Do you know how the algorithm of social media works? If not, let me shed some light on it.

The algorithm of social media is directly connected with our minds, especially in this age of artificial intelligence. Once a user interacts with certain content, the algorithm understands the human mind and recommends similar content based on past visits.

In my case, I was visiting content related to my accident, and the algorithm picked up on this. Time and again, the same kind of content kept coming up, as the algorithm understood what Mr. Hamad was interested in. This constant exposure only deepened my depression.

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Then, one day, I heard about the word "telepathy." From there, my curiosity about telepathy began.

Telepathy is the purported ability to transmit thoughts, feelings, or information directly from one person's mind to another's without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction. It's often considered a form of extrasensory perception (ESP).

I tried telepathy myself to see if it actually worked. I did something, but it wasn't a definitive experiment; no final results came out of it.

Though I tried, there wasn't any proof or evidence that telepathy actually works. Nevertheless, it is an insatiable curiosity to know about the mystery that compelled me to search for 'telepathy' on Google, and some really interesting facts came to the fore.

Although my personal experiment with telepathy didn't really prove anything, learning about it opened my mind to the huge and intriguing world of the paranormal. It showed me there is so much more to explore beyond the tangible reality in which we live.

Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to share my story. I look forward to reading other creative and intriguing entries in this week's engagement challenge.

kind Regards : @artist1111



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hello friend

You have shared a brief experiment you conducted lately which is so intriguing. The social media in one way or the other has ways of recommending activities of like interest to you and in case of telepathy it is so true, it can be indeed transmitted from one person to another.


Your experience is invaluable. You clearly illustrate how social media can affect mental health, especially during difficult times like depression. The social media algorithms you describe show how powerful the impact of the content we consume can be, and how difficult it is to break free from this negative cycle.

Your experience with telepathy, although it did not produce concrete evidence, shows curiosity and an effort to seek solutions outside conventional channels. This is an important step in the healing process, where you open yourself to new possibilities and discover different interests.

It is important to remember that the journey to recovery is an ongoing process. Getting support from the people around you, both family and professionals, can be very helpful. Reducing social media exposure and seeking more positive and supportive activities can be a good step.

If you feel it is necessary, speaking with a therapist or counselor can provide a deeper perspective and help in finding effective strategies for dealing with these challenges. Stay strong and continue to explore new things that bring happiness and calm to your life.

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