The Diary Game - 16-9-2020 - A Visit to friends and Steemit Recruitement Activities

in Steem Pakistan4 years ago (edited)

Hello Assalamualaikum and a very good day to everyone out there :)

Took this image in my university's library while i was reading Senior's FYP Books

In accordance to my newly set routine, i woke up in Fajr and offered Namaz. Recited Quraan and then i went to take a shower before my morning walk. As i was having a class at 8:30 am today i came back home earlier and joined the class. It was very boring and the topic that was being discussed, i.e ~Bernaulli's equations~ is not my favourite. I already knew the methodology of these equations so i excused the instructor and left the class. After this nowadays there is only one thing in my mind and that is Bachelor's in Computer Science Final Year Project. The Book portrayed on the start of the post is a model that i have to follow and write a similar book with a new Project. While travelling to the university i thought to capture an image of the Roadside just to show you guys how roads and underpasses look like in Karachi :p

Opening of An underpass at Tariq Road

Then i was having other ideas to recruit my friends to Steemit so i tried to gather them all First at university to Discuss FYP then we went to a friend's house to talk about Steemit.
Here are some pictures of our meetup at University Library and at Friend's House.
I talked them a lot and as you can see we are very busy nowadays with our final year Projects so none of them agreed to join steemit at this point but one of them promised me to join us here by the next month or so. I really appreciated him and then me and @hassanabid arranged lunch for everyone. I am sad we couldn't capture the lunch but it was a sort of Mini-Steemit recruitment meetup :)
Below is the pictorial view :)

image.png Sitting in the library and you can see me at the back :p
image.png This guy is our recruited for steemit in the next month
image.png Here is the Group picture including @hassanabid

After getting done with the pictures i left the house with Ibad and @hassanabid and we enjoyed a car ride on the roads of karachi for atleast 1 hour :p
This made us late while reaching home and i arrived home at about 9 pm. All my activity today happened outside my house. When i came home my mother asked me the reason for being so late and i told her about the Final year project and steemit meeting. She was happy to hear about steemit as i had kept this secret from her and she said that i should have told it earlier. She knows nothing about steemit but knows a bit about cryptocurrency. So she said you have my support and you can continue working on this platform.

Then all of us sat together and spent quality time. As my cousin is getting married tomorrow so we were looking at each other's dresses that we will wear tomorrow. By now, what we are planning is a night stay at my cousin's house so that we can have these joyful moments with them.

That's all from my today's diary game post and i say goodbye to the steemit family.
Now i have to carry my family to the cousin's house :)

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#thediarygame #the1000daysofsteem #pakistan #steemit


love your routine bro...Waking early in morning is good for health..
#onepercent #pakistan

Yes it really is❤
#onepercent #pakistan

it was such a nice meeting i hope @ibad4242 will get active once again on steemit we need gems like him here.

#onepercent #Pakistan

Yes we have made our efforts and i am sure he will join us soon❤

 4 years ago (edited)

@haidermehdi you are doing good efforts . Hopefully there will be many new friends join us very soon ..

Thanks for sharing great selfie with friends and your activities

Yes in shaa Allah i am trying my best to invite my friends here❤

Hello haider, it has been a while, your diary was an interesting one, its good that you talked about steem with them. It is our drive to grow the community, thank you for sharing, see you soon

#onepercent #nigeria

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