Steem Sri Lanka - Contest Series | Round 02 | Week 07 – The Love for my Parents: Enrique and Candida ❤

in Steem Sri Lanka4 years ago (edited)


A Special Greeting to Steem Sri Lanka community

Happy New Year to the Steemit community, we start a new year with a positive mind, full of energy to continue creating content, the contests are very entertaining and this is very important since it is about our parents...

Dear Mom and Dad, one day I will make you proud!!!


My father is called Enrique Laya and is currently 76 years old, my mother is called Candida Correa and is currently 64 years old, they married very young and had ten children, six girls and four boys, currently living together in Guárico - Venezuela I live far away in the Capital City Caracas.

My parents are farmers, they worked for many years to feed us, today due to health problems they no longer work, they are at home and our children have to cover all their needs, I had the best childhood with them, they owe them the values that I they instilled, homeschooling, I couldn't be more proud of them ...

Dad, Mon and me

Seeing my parents work very hard in the fields under the sun, throughout the day it motivated me to study, go to university to obtain a degree to work and to be able to give my parents what they need, they are my inspiration...

My parents got married very young, they dedicated their whole lives to raising their children and taking them forward, I think we owe them everything, they are very strong people!

For me my parents are my reason for being I owe them my life, my values, who I am today, I love them infinitely and I will do everything in my power to make them feel good ...

Since I graduated from university, I work to help my parents, in Venezuela we have gone through many difficulties from a shortage of food and medicine, I have had to travel with provisions (more than 20 kilos) to provide them with food, today already The food is only extremely expensive and I have to work very hard to pay for my expenses and theirs.

Due to the pandemic, last year I had ten months without being able to see my parents, but last December I was able to travel and see them again, share as a family for ten days, once I returned to the capital city, the quarantine returned, and they stayed very sad and they broke my heart ... It consoles me to know that they are in good health, and I will visit you again soon...

Mon and me

Thank you very much @damithudaya and Steem Sri Lanka community @steem-sri.lanka for creating wonderful contests

If you want to participate, you still have the opportunity HERE

Fotos son de mi autoría tomadas con mi celular Redmi 8 y editadas con PhotoGrid La firma, fue creada y obsequiada a mi persona, por para el uso en mis publicaciones.


Hermosos tus papis. Dios te bendiga amiga.

Siempre es hermoso me encantan, esas fotos viejas y estas historias de la familia donde comparten detalles muy hermosos, siempre trabajadoras, la gente de antes era incansable en verdad, hermoso tu post mi querida @yurilaya

they married very young and had ten children

Wow! It's a big family. You are very lucky to have such strength in your life. And should bow to your parents for their sacrifices and commitments to take care of all of you.

I will visit you again soon...

Hope you will meet them soon.

Thanks again for sharing your feelings for your parents. And wish them good health and happiness.

Entry #12

Thank you very much for your good wishes @damithudaya
Indeed I have a large family, my parents have many grandchildren and I have many nephews hahaha
It is an excellent topic for a great contest! ;)

Siempre es hermoso recordar la historia de nuestros padres. Hermosa familia de donde vino una mujer hermosa y emprendedora, ademàs de una amiga a toda prueba que eres tù, mi bella Yuri. gracias por compartir esta hermosa publicaciòn. Te abrazo de vuelta! @yurilaya

Así es mi querida amiga @marybellrg los padres son los seres que nos dan la vida y cuidan de nosotros, ese amor recibido debe ser reciproco, estoy muy orgullosa de los míos! y se que ellos de mi ;) ABRAZOS, espero tu participación...

Que bellos padres. Como quisiera que fueran eternos pero no, por eso hay que disfrutar de ellos y compartir conellos cuando se puede.

No se como hay hijos que dejan a los padres claro algun dia deben dejar el nido pero cuando digo dejan es que se olvidan completamente que ni llaman , cuando deben acordarse que tambien seran padres algun dia y luego les pueden hacer igual.

Gracias amiga, es tal cual dices mientras estén vivos es que hay que darles amor, atención y todo el cariño del mundo...

Se que hay padres abandonan a sus hijos, hijos que no quieren a sus padres pero eso son otros problemas...

Saludos, y mucha suerte en el concurso @zhanavic69

Thank You For Your Entry.

Your post has been upvoted by Steem Sri Lanka community curator.

Heart touching one ❤️
Actually parents' love for their children is unconditional. This love never change even as children reach adult age.
I wish your parents live a long and happy life!

Thank you very much for your beautiful words, it is a unique and irreplaceable love, Hugs @anusha96

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @scilwa, which is a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. We can also be found on our hive community & peakd as well as on my Discord Server

Manually curated by @abiga554


Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

Dicen que cuando uno ayuda a sus padres eso se le multiplica en el cielo en bendiciones. Gracias por compartir tu historia

Así como nosotros los padre cumplimos con la labor de criar a nuestros hijos, llega el momento en que son los hijos quienes asumen también esa función de ayudar a sus padres. Que linda!! Éxitos amiga.

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