in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago (edited)

Have a nice day everyone!

Hope you all are doing good.

Sometimes, some unexpected tiny, little circumstance make more & more significant difference down the life road. This story is about one of that kinda incident which was influenced a lot than I expected.🥰


A day of mid-September-Perfect setup for a nap

It was a cold rainy Friday evening of mid-September. Usually. I love to spend evening at university with my colleagues. But, with this rainy climate, I decided to stay at my boarding place and have a little nap cause it’s a perfect setup for it.


Feeling bored?

My boarding place become a less-crowded place on weekends. Even though, usually there were few buddies who were used to stay at boarding place just to enjoy the weekend without going home like me. But, for some reason there was only one buddy at this time and he also has gone to the university due to some work of his ongoing project. So, I felt so lonely and had an empty feeling.😐


Let the rain kiss you

Suddenly, I decide to depart from the boarding house to meet my friend. He was studied at ENTC department where I was used to visit always. There were some reasons for it. ENTC is well known as the best Wi-Fi hub in our university and it was a very comfortable & mind relaxing place to be. The key thing which I most interested in with this place is, there was a piano which is allowed to play for any student. So, my unsteady mind was keep saying “Go there!” But, still there was a little drizzle and I hadn’t an umbrella. (Usually, Boys don’t keep those stuff with them😜)


Piano time!

My boarding place was situated next to the university. So, I decided to run hard. Finally my mind has won against me as usual. I’m at ENTC now. Yeah! It’s time to play some classics. I was drawn into the piano and suddenly waked up with my friend’s voice.


Off to Boarding? No way!

There were my camera and the tri-pod with him. Usually, my camera was with me at boarding. But, the tri-pod was kept at home. However, I bring it to the boarding cause my friend wanted it for his project and now he has done with them. So, he returned them to me. After that, we spent few hours at ENTC playing piano and singing till 11.00 pm. My friend wanted to leave to drop her girl friend to her boarding place. Then I also decided to off to my place.

A weired idea!

But, suddenly a weird idea came into my mind. “I have both my camera and the tri-pod with me. So, why don’t I shoot some nice captures around the university?” Sound is like bit silly & pretty weird cause still there was a tiny drizzle around us & it’s almost one hour to the mid-night. But, as always my mind defeated me. I was into the job.🙊


You can't have a rainbow without a little rain

This idea was on my mind trough out for a long time. But I didn’t expect to proceed it in such a weird time. However, finally a dream came true. First and foremost I thought that the shower will suck my camera and the lens. But, miracles do happen. Shower was came to an end like a marvel. It was like a blessing drizzle before a good move. Dehydrated hard floor was wetted due to the rain and it gave an additional tiny little glowing texture to my photos. And the darkness of night made me to capture at high exposure time which gave a dramatic look for them.😍


Start with blessing

I started my photo shoot with the “Buddha Mandir” which is a blessing place for everyone in the university. Then I came upon most of the wonderful places in my university and took captures. This time, I should acknowledge the Chief Security Officer of University of Moratuwa who gave an impressive support in terms of releasing some locked areas at night like boat yard and for giving some assistance by carrying my tri-pod at some cases.😜


To be continued?

It was almost 4.00 am when I stopped my shoot. But, there were more and more attractive places all over the university where I wasn’t able to cover in my album. So, I stopped there with the hope of shooting those in “someday”. Unfortunately that “someday” never came for me.😪


700+ Shares!

This albumhas got almost 700+ shares on Facebook and lot of people have used those captures on their expressions about the university on social networks. If I ignored that weird idea at that time, this popular album won’t be released forever.😇


Never ignore!

At last not least I have to say is enjoy each and every tiny things in your life cause one day you will look back and realize they were the massive things in your life. Never ignore an idea which seems to be like mad or a bullshit. Who knows? Someday it might be the most genius, hottest idea you have ever made. Don’t be late. Do it now or never. Because, sometimes “Later” becomes “never”😈

Thank You! ❤
Stay Safe! ❤

steem sri lanka.png

 3 years ago (edited)

Don't ignore your weird ideas in future too beacause they are really beautiful and eyecatching and "speaking".

Ha haa. For sure! And thank you for your appreciation.❤

I have seen these gorgeous photos people sharing on facebook. You have done a crazy photoshoot throughout the night. Great work ayye.😃👌

He hee. Yeah it's pretty crazy. 😃Thank You malli❤

These pictures looks really awsome. It's like these pictures tells lot's of stories. Stories of hundreds , thousands of students. The nigh view gives a different feeling . University must be really miss the students

Thank you!❤ Yeah! Night in the University is always gives an awesome feeling. I was luckey enough to capture it.

University must be really miss the students

Yeah! so badly that's true. 😐So students are..

Yh the students as well. Even I miss my college a lot.. 😔

Let's pray for a better future where free from corona😔

Your all photos are so amazing 😍

Thank you Malli ❤

This is the most beautiful night time captures I saw of our uni 💖. So many people shared.

Thank you for your appreciation ❤️

Stunning captures. 😍❤️ I have seen that album on Facebook. It is soo beautiful!!! 😍😍😍 And the story behind it is awesome. 🙊

Thank you❤️ Yeah! lil bit mad story nah!🤪

I think there are many more things we haven’t seen in four years of university life. I don't even want to be reminded of that time because I know I can't go back to that time. Because that life is so beautiful. Some may not have endured these things on campus for four years. So happy to have these memories left. As far as I know Thisaru has shown very few of the ones he is approaching. The times when I think I have to go back to that time are endless. That was the most independent time of my life. Undoubtedly I will not have such an experience until I die. 😑

That's true! Those four year is not enough for enjoying that awesome life. I'm really missing those old good days.😑

Those are very nice pictures....Really awesome malli..

Thank you ayye! ❤️

I remember I loved the second photo those days

I have a speacial memory to love this place.

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