The work at rivers state nigeria aproved by the working governor Mr WIKE the best

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago

Dearly Greetings,


It been quite some time since i made post in the steemit blog and this is as a result of clusters of unfinished activities,school exams and work,join with other tight corners which i dont have much time to begin explaining. However i bring to you some sweet information about my finished pedestrians walk fly over bridge.


Lately God has favoured us,when i said us,i mean my boss and i,it happens that new road were been awarded by the government of the state,this new governor came to sit seven years ago,and all his agenda was to ensure good road systems and large infrastructures,we call him the working governor,of a truth he has tried and if not for anything the good road systems and increase in job opportunities for the youth and graduates.

Indeed the working governor has allocated money to must rural area of the state and appointed people with the fear of God and love for man kind to ensure that the act of development affect all part of the state during his rain,and he hasn't over look those persons in charge,but rather ,must times he pay all rural areas visit just to ensure the efficiency of his order been achieved.


The above pictures is one of the contract that was awarded to us,its so fortunate that this governor decided to build 10 flyovers in the state adding to the already existing once,this aim was to reduce traffic and increase the ease at which transporter operates, of a truths because of how peaceful and prosperous the state has becomes and the success which the have achieved over time, people in search of greenner pasture relocated to the state thus adding to the number and increasing the traffic,hence it resulted in the increase and Wilding of the road systems.

The governor is such a promising one which we have hoped and want ,that someday he will be the next president of the country. I am not here to talk about politics,it just that i was excited seeing all this good works of a true and just governor "Mr Wike" is his name .



It all started like a joke, when a customer who is a painter came around at the factory to purchase paint for a job he had,on the cause of trying to settle him,he brought up a conversation,telling us that his expecting a contract from the state government to paint the new fly over and that very soon he will be needing supply of materials to ensure the efficiency of the job.

As our manner is we hope that it comes through,it was up to a week, we're call to bring samples of colours and specifications of other quality,which was handle by my boss and within the twinkles of an eye production started and masssive supply of paint started,we all patispated in the production and supply as well.

Soon enough we finished the first place of the job/contract and thought it was the end,then it shoke us, that our supply was the best amongst all other suppling paint companies around,so the person has no option other then allocating other flyovers to us for not just the supply but for the application as well.


Thats my boss trying to fit in the appropriate measurements on the piller with masking tape so as to attain a desire end,now as others workers are running up the painting side we're working towards getting the piller for good feet,that was successful achieved,though it took us time to come to that hight for in all we ensure that all the piller were marked and full painter.


Painting is one of the things i take pleasure doing because it give job,joy and elaboration,yes it has becomes the hand work that i have planned so far and indeed it has help me,we all patispated in the paint as well after the pillers were planted.

I personally had no time to paint but i tried as much i could to touch some other delicate places i did must of the supervision and payment yes it was very hatic,i thought it was just to walk about and make other but after all it tells on me that it really not funny walking around.


Painting started as black and white on all capstone and as yellow and black on all pillers,you can see how Beautiful the view is,God really helped us and successful we finished and payed all workers in attendance.


Inconclution i thank God for the opportunity to work for the state amd the opportunity to make new Painting friends,generally the painting work and supply department did perfectly well and the supply materials were one in a million and all areas allocated to us were totally painted.



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