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RE: Steem Sri Lanka | Contest Series | Round 2 | Week 5 | Secrets of Success: Paz y equilibrio

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago

Hi @genomil,

thankyou for sharing your secrets of success. I still remember the story in your entry for "Talk about your profession" and whole your success story.

Meditate, take even 5 to 10 minutes a day

it's a better practice. In Buddhism, it teaches different kinds of medications. One is we are remembering kind thoughts from mind while medicating. Another one we are concentrate on our breathing. There is another that does while walking and paying concentrate on earth. But in all of them, the base is concentration and controlling thoughts.

Doing yoga,

I haven't done yoga. Where to start? mmm.. start from google?


Hola amiga, un gusto saludarte.
Sigo en una busqueda de equilibrar mi vida interna para reflejarla al exterior, sentirme en paz y equilibrio.
En tu ciudad debe haber una fraternidad o algun lugar donde impartan clases de yoga, es mejor hacerlo con expertos yoguis que saben que el yoga no es un ejercicio fisico como ir al gimnasio, sino algo espiritual, esa es su esencia.
Un abrazo amiga gracias por el apoyo. Que tengas un maravilloso dia.

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