Steem Sri Lanka Year-End Contest | Looking Back at 2021

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago

A big shout out to the steem Sri Lanka for this contest as this time of the year is really a time of self-reflection and truths to be told, a lot happened this year. The face and skin might not show what I have been through but there is no denying that deep within me I have gone through a lot both good and bad. sharing it with you all will definitely make me feel better.

2021 happens to be a year that came with a side of two (Good and bad) as they happened o be a lot of mixed reactions on the chains of things that happened during the year. Starting with what went down in January, I started with no offline job and I had to rely on the returns gotten from crypto airdrops. Airdrops were like my full-time hustle and it did its bit to keep me busy and also help[p with the provision of my daily bread.

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In February, I got a job as an accountant and audit analyst in an audit firm and from there, things got better in my case. Having an offline job allowed me the luxury of holding my coins and looking for them to properly moon before selling at a profit.

During that period also, I was getting quality upvotes and funds on the #hive platform through @leofinance. The leofinance blogging platform opened my eyes to lots of possibilities in the crypto space as the platform was filled with news of mind-blowing opportunities available in the crypto-space and offline.

Things were pretty much the same between April to towards ending of May. during this period, cryptocurrency was mooning and that was when I made lots of money. While I made money from investing in shitcoins on the binance smart chain network and the coins invested in;

  • safemoon
  • Feg
  • elongate
  • Safe Mars

A lot of these shitcoins are still alive but most that came around that period rekt. So of course, a lot of money was made and also lost. Most of the money I got from the shit coins were converted to $cake and $BNB and they were at their all-time highs when they were bought.

Then my world came crashing down in late May as the crypto market crashed and the loss of coins saw their prices slashed by more than 60% due to the dip afterward. The dips continued mounting and building up till the end of June but the damages as been done.
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The reason for this is because the $cake I bought was around $40 dollars and the value crashed to $9 dollars during the bear season. Also, $BNB bought for almost $700 came crashing to more than half its price and I panicked and sold for less than the price I got them.

That was a period I regretted a bit for the part of the BNB as the coin still managed to find its way to around $600 after some months but for the $cake, it turns out to be a wrong move as I lost big time as the value never attained half of its All-time high.

I still consider that period as a great period as I still had a lot for myself but then the worst happened in November when I was hacked and the hacker made away with close to $2000 in a total of the value of the coins stolen. This period was one of my worst periods in the crypto space and it made me stay offline for a while as I was heartbroken and down.

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The shock still affects me up to this moment as I literally just focused on writing and other streams of many money on the blockchain as being completely ignored by me aside from blogging. So coming down to the present moment, I was made happy a few days ago as my company gave us the workers fat bonuses for work done during the year.

They also paid our salary and also gave us money for the celebration of the
Christmas. This period truly made me happy and also strived to work harder going forward while at work and also on the blogging platform. The event of this year opened my eyes to the dangers which exist on the blockchain and the need to be technically sound in order to eliminate some threats.

On steemit, I didn't make the kind of progress that I would have wished for but December has been kind to me. This month alone, I have grown my Sp on steemit from below 10sp to over 200sp within a short space of 2 weeks. The reason for this rapid growth is because I joined the Club5050 challenge and that has helped me grow a lot. I am looking at accumulating over 300 sp before the year 2021 runs out.

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This year also opened my eyes to reasons why treating people with more kindness is important and also why providing help should top our to-do list. The events of 2021 have really shaped me well and I am 2022 ​ready.

Thank you @randulakoralage on behalf of the Steem SRI Lanka group for such an amazing contest as it helps me recollect and look back at the effect of the past. You can also join the contest through this link

Be part of this contest @zoneboy @amestyj @eric818

Kindly note that all images are original images and they are owned by me as they were been taken with my iPhone 11 pro

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63281.14
ETH 2674.11
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.79