Steem Sri Lanka Year-End Contest | Looking Back at 2021

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago (edited)

Happy December everyone! What a nice month full of events. So here is the flashback of my life in 2021. First of all, I should thank @randulakoralage for organizing this massive contest and hosting the party on the 31st. A wonderful day you had chosen. Bravo!! (You may understand why I'm saying so) And thank you @imanthadd for nominating me. I kindly invite @warunarukshan and @templeflower to share your 2021 with us. And why not, we love to know how 2021 was for you, @randulakoralage.

(Just use this image because I don't want to see the below photo as the thumbnail 😂)

There were lots of plans for me from the beginning of 2021. But I knew this would be a really hard year because of the pandemic. Some of my targets were not achieved. But I'm not disappointed because this is new normal.

For almost all the first five months of this year, I was busy with my internship. I had an offer from China to complete my internship in China, but because of covid, I had to turnover that offer. However, I was selected as an intern at MAS active. It was a really friendly surrounding. I met lots of people and almost all were very nice to me. I learned a lot and was able to join a department trip which was unforgettable.

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-17 at 2.36.36 PM.jpeg

I love to do charity work, because of this situation it was not that much easy than before. But I helped to build a chamber in Sri Pada, Repair a roof in Kalugala and distributed school equipment for children in Ohiya. There were some more works. I couldn't join them physically but I help them to raise funds.

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-17 at 2.46.40 PM.jpeg

In previous years I was able to travel around the country to teach maths for children in rural areas by Ganitha Saviya program. But this year I didn't get that chance. I really miss that.

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-17 at 2.48.51 PM.jpeg

Normally I travel a lot but this year there were only a few memorable trips to Haputhale, Sri pada, Katharagama, and Ohiya. According to my girlfriend, my Instagram account is covered with spider webs 😒

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-17 at 2.45.52 PM.jpeg

From May our academic works at uni started online. It was a really annoying thing to sit in front of the laptop for the whole day alone. Assignments, final year projects, other projects, quizzes, vivas... you name it.

I started an online men's clothing store last year with one of my friends. We just do it for fun, but because of my friend's great efforts and enormous dedication, it's gradually blooming from the beginning of this year. So I also had to allocate time for that too.

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-17 at 2.47.40 PM.jpeg

We lost my father's sister's husband this year, who was really close to us. I know we all lost lots of lovely Sri Lankans especially because of covid. My deepest sympathies for all those families.

I was able to win the first place in my two photography competitions organized by the University of Sri Jayawardhanapura and Rajarata University. It was a great motivation for me.

WhatsApp Image 2021-12-17 at 2.37.33 PM.jpeg

From October onwards I joined the Steemit platform. It was a great benchmark in my life. I learned a lot from others' articles and by sharing my thoughts with others I feel more energetic every day. I was very lucky to join the Steem Sri Lanka community where I learned about Steemit from zero. Thank you very much guys, for your great feedback and guidance. Within 2 and half months, I passed the 400 SP target from all your support and I do my best to reach 500 SP before December 31st, which is my birthday.

Year-end is not for making plans for the upcoming year. Make plans every day for a better future. I wish you all nothing but the best!

Thanks for reading guys! Cheers to all!


you have such wonderful memories, you have such a great achievement. and good with everyone. and you help them learn math, it's great to share knowledge. I hope Ansa's dream of pursuing the target will come true at the end of December 31st. congrats my friend, cheers

the landscape picture is original, I'm interested as a photographer, there are two views like a beautiful painting

Thank you for the warm wishes, my friend! I also wish you all the best!

In this life we have to face good also for the bad. That's how life goes on. We have to focus on the good. That's how life becomes more beautiful. You have spent a beautiful year. May the upcoming new year be filled with all the love n happiness you deserve!😍

We have to focus on the good.

That is totally correct!

Thank you very much for your greetings! Wish you also a great 2022!

 3 years ago (edited)

Beautiful photography!

Thank you very much for your appreciation!

You have spent this year wonderfully. Hope the next year would be more colourful for you 🥰

Wish you also a great 2022!

(Just use this image because I don't want to see the below photo as the thumbnail

before reading the paragraph I scrolled down to see the second photo :)

I had an offer from China to complete my internship in China, but because of covid, I had to turnover that offer

oh that's painful. That could be a nice chance.

You have done a lots of charity which collects tons of good memories in this age. It is very good/. Your photography skills are exceptional!

I passed the 400 SP target from all your support and I do my best to reach 500 SP

when you passed 500SP we call you a minnow. then 5000SP you are a dolphin

Wish you all the success with your education and your journey in steem. Manage the steem you receive. Thank you for the entry

ps: just FYI @steem-sri.lanka is the project with the highest benefits among middle-scale projects. That's why people recently undelegated from justty and other projects and delegate us. You'll never see a project votes 0.96$ to a 200SP delegation. We should build this for us. :)

collects tons of good memories in this age

Yes, that is a kind of fuel for me.

Wish you all the success with your education and your journey in steem.

Thank you very much, Akka! All above is not just a comment or feedback. I learned almost all about Steemit from your previous articles. Just like them, this comment is also a great knowledge for me. I always express my gratitude to the community and all the members.

You have done so many good things this year. Hope your target for 500SP will be reached. Good luck malli 💖.

Thank you very much, Akka!

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