Passive Income Ideas: Future Of Content "AI Bitcoin Halving"?!: AIが記事を書いてくれるサービス

in mini.topia4 years ago


Many people are interested in cryptos and like to read and write articles here and everybody is making awesome contents like these 👇

Bitcoin is halving soon and everybody is talking about it so you want to write about it too? but you don't have the knowledge or skills to write?

What if you don't need any knowledge or experience to create a content like this? 👇

It is 90% unique, sources cited, looks authentic and 100% AI. Everybody will be instant "journalist"!

I was VERY skeptical about AI content generator and I thought it would end up generating something like this 👇

I actually had to make AI similar to this when i was in school... but now there are so many AI based writers, content generators, and tools out there and all you have to do is type in a keyword like "Bitcoin Halving". (it seems like some people have been using it already? ...idkfs)

But if you are interested, this is one tool.
AI Writer: Just go here and sign up and type in "keyword", "topic" or "idea" and "Write article".

It takes about 5-10 minutes to generate a content but if you really need some article ideas and whatever, this might be a great way to spend your time?
Me? I am fine with my limited resources, silly writing, typos and emojis, but I can totally see this automation happening.
Generate contents and feed them into blogs like steemit and hive and you can get away with plagiarism?! 🤯
If I think about it, maybe this is how fake news are created and bots are spreading the news on the internet everywhere? Scary!
This content is created and written by me, @tomoyan, and 100% authentic... or is it 🤔


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