in World Of Football ⚽4 years ago


Hello great steemians all over the world especially lovers of the round leather game(Football).

I wish to participate in this contest.I thank @njaywan for inviting me to this contest.

Football to a greater extent has been seen by many people as men's game.However,thats a wrong notion.

Even here in Nigeria,some parents wouldn't like to see their female child engage in football.They also believe that it is for the boys.This is serious.

Female football has been relegated down the drain in recent years from both sides of the divide.Schools and other grassroot stages pay little attention to female football.

Even at the upper level,female football gets little or no support from government,stakeholders and private individuals.It is alarming to hear that female footballers are underpaid,neither do they get incentives and sponsorship.

Imagine this,we see football sportswear that bear the names of male footballers at every corner of the street,but you can barely see anyone selling or wearing a football jersey that bears a female name.Such act is enough to demarket the female football.

To bring female football to the extent that it would dominate the football world is achievable.It's possible and attainable.

The following steps can help to raise the level of female football.

Grassroot mobilization

"Catch them young" is the slogan that will lead to grassroot mobilization.

Girls in primary and secondary schools could be trained and tutored at young age to learn and love the game of football.This would involve having coaches that trains female student in primary and high schools.
Inter- school girls football competitions should also be organized to foster passion for female football.

Sensitization and Awareness

Parents needed to be sensitised regularly on the need to allow their female children to participate in football.Most times,the girls are willing but their parents will always discourage them.

Therefore massive awareness and sensitization should be made to the parents so that they can encourage and not be a stumbling block to the female football development.

Proper remuneration
At the pro-league and professional levels,female footballers should NOT be underpaid,they should be payed as much as their male counterparts.This would help to motivate and grow the game.

Organizing Competition and Proper Marketing

Organizing competitions among the female football players will help to make it dominant.More competitions helps to create more awareness.

Buying and selling of female sports wears that has the name of female football players crested
on it will go a long to promote female football and make it a dominant force.

I hope these points that i mentioned will help to make female football dominate in the football world.

My favourite female football team is CHELSEA FC ladies.They are a dominant force in England.I love the team's passion,fighting spirit and achievements in recent years.

Here is a summary of CHELSEA FC ladies achievements

S/NTrophies wonNumber of timesSeason
1.FA WOMEN'S SUPER LEAGUE32015,2017/2018,2019/2020
4.WOMEN'S FA CUP22014/2015,2017/2018

I hope that this contest will help to take female football to the next level and make it a dominant force in the world of football.

Special thanks to @njaywan @steemcurator01


Excellent participation. Precise, direct, and sensitive.

Sensitization and awareness
Parents needed to be sensitised regularly on the need to allow their female children to participate in football.

Here, in Venezuela it is up to the families. Sometimes it is the parents who are against their daughters playing football. Other times it's the moms because they want their daughters to be barbies or beauty queens.

Proper Remuneration

It's indispensable! But, here there is a vicious circle. First of all, we have to give importance to women's football, and as long as this doesn't happen, the remuneration will remain low.

Buying and selling of female sports wears that has the name of female football players crested on it will go a long to promote female football and make it a dominant force.


@samuel20 On behalf of all women I applaud you standing up for your great sensitivity. People like you and your ideas make the world a better place

Thanks a lot @marcybetancourt for reading my post.

I appreciate your applause.

Do have a great moment.


 4 years ago 

Great presentation @samuel20. I like the way you itemized your points before explanation.

You touched on salient points that would push women's football in most communities to the stratosphere. The basic root of the failing women's football can be truly rekindled by "catching them young". This nurture them and prepare them for professional football when they are older.

Underpayment is also a big problem as well. It is the same thing here in Ghana. I had a friend who aspired to be a footballer but after learning of their wages and salary, she gave up that dream.

I hope the markets would begin to favor them which would then change every aspect of the game.

Thank you for your participation.

Thanks for the compliment @njaywan
I wish to engage in more contests.

Hello @njaywan I have participated in the contest.

Nice writing.

Thank you my friend......

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