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RE: The Fight Against Plagiarism on Steemit

in World Of Football ⚽3 years ago (edited)

Hi @the-gorilla, thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. Indeed plagiarism is not accepted on steemit nor in this community as it is a very ill and mischievous way of trying to profit off of someone's work.

These users have been warned on several occasions for plagiarizing contents.


Indeed our leniency on these authors is entirely unacceptable and for that I am actually ashamed for this occurrence.

Users found guilty of this have now been banned entirely from our community and any post from their end will automatically be muted in our community.

On behalf of the entire team of the world of football community, I say a big thank you to you for speaking out against plagiarism and for impacting change within our community.

You are indeed a true asset to our community and we are happy to have you.

Many thanks.

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