My Heart is With Steemcurator01

in STEEM INDONESIA5 months ago


Hello Everyone
This is a great opportunity for fellow steemians to connect with SC01. Although not face to face, but can be through postigan. He will definitely read posts that contain interesting questions. Although there is no answer, this contest is a channel to pour out our thoughts about SC01. Here is my review.


If you were given one opportunity to pour out your heart, what would you like to express with "steemcurator01"? State your reasons why?

Sometimes what we dream about is not necessarily a thousand percent reality. However, when steemians are faced with the reality of being given the opportunity to meet with SC01, of course there are many things they want to say.

The most important thing I want to hope for is to ask SC01 to give opportunities to steemians who want to edit their accounts. Then, hope to steemit management to see and record productive and potential steemians to get support.

I have a reason why I want to convey these two things if I can meet with SC01. I want to edit my account, so that when colleagues in other parts of the world are not wrong when calling my account name. This is because there is a very annoying difference in meaning when the machine translator works.

Secondly, I want to convey my hope to SC01, so that productive steemians do not despair. Especially when the support they expect is not as expected. In this case I think, there is a judgment that can be given by each curator.

However, that does not mean that everything must receive full support from SC01. For quality writing, of course it should be appreciated in the form of providing support. However, what has been done so far is very good, such as the formation of SC03, and so on.

What Is your question related to support votes on the Steemit platform or other personal issues?
Indeed, this question is not personal, but concerns the sustainability of this platform in the context of future development. Because, I hear a lot of complaints from steemians who are desperate, because of the lack of support.

Because this problem is sometimes one of the causes why the development of this platform does not increase as much as before. Therefore, what I hope is not that SC01 should support all posts.

But there is some kind of strict assessment given to support steemians who are active in making posts.

What is your praise for the performance of "steemcurator01" so far. Is it positive or negative? Maybe both of them can be explained very perfectly?

I honestly have to admit, even though I didn't get the support I expected from SC01, it didn't make me despair. That's why I have to lift my hat to SC01's hard work so far in monitoring and rewarding steemians.

I think the work program initiated so far through the community is one way to keep steemians active on this platform. If he diligently participates in contests, then his posts will automatically appear every day.

That way, every steemian does not need to bother looking for material for posting material. He only needs to share all his opinions and life experiences to make posts on this platform.

Give your sweetest smile after pouring out your heart with "steemcurator01" as a gift that will never be forgotten after meeting you


If I meet you in person, I will always give you a sincere and warm smile as a sign of friendship. Meeting in person will give a different impression compared to smiling through a photo. Indeed, from photos sometimes people can see a deep impression.

On the other hand, I am one of those people who is not photogenic, so on various occasions I always try to avoid being photographed. Even if my photos have been circulating on this platform so far, it is because it is to convince readers. Don't think I'm not telling the truth.

This is the reason why I rarely have a collection of photos, let alone being photographed with a big smile. Thank you for reading my post. Please apologize if you are not pleased and there are errors in delivery.

I invite @mthaib, @zory23 and @napito to join this contest. Thank you

Thanks to Steemian friends and the Steemit Team who always support me. I really appreciate it.



Salam @Munaa


 5 months ago 

Halo teman senang bisa membaca artikel anda.

Tidak ada kata-kata lain selain pujian untuk SC01, mereka telah melakukan pekerjaan yang luar biasa selama ini, dengan membantu para anggota steemit di berbagai komunitas, dan mereka layak mendapatkan penghargaan dari seluruh pengguna steemit di belahan dunia, berupa kata-kata pujian dan senyuman terindah untuk SC01.

Walaupun anda kurang mendapatkan dukungan SC01 di sini anda tidak pernah mengeluh itu luar biasa.

Terima kasih telah berbagi dengan kami di sini, semoga anda sukses di kontes minggu ini.

 5 months ago 

Amigo es muy cierto, todos los steemian siempre apreciamos y esperamos el apoyo de steemcurator01 y más cuando nos esforzamos por realizar buenas publicaciones.

Oye no es no seas fotogénico, lo que pasa es que no te ríes y por eso no te vez bien en foto 🤭 ríete y verás el cambio😃

 5 months ago 

Terima kasih sobat sudah singgah di postingan ini dan memberikan komentar menarik.

Soal foto, saya akan mencobanya, sehingga setelah saya tertawa akan ada perubahan bagus saat melihat fotonya, he-he

 5 months ago 

Thank you for sharing interesting content for all of us here, and fill your deepest hearts with sc01, and I hope SC01 reads your post with great feeling. And I am very happy to be able to read the article you shared because your smile is so sweet to sc01. Thank you for taking part in this contest and good luck in this week's competition my friend.

Hello friend @munaa, Thank you for your invitation, but I think I no longer have time to participate in the contest.

Hola @munaa

Coincido con lo que expresas amigo el hecho de agradecer la prestación de apoyo por parte del SC01 y que su valoración a las publicaciones debe ser rigurosa para emitir el valioso voto a las publicaciones creadas compartiendo opiniones y las experiencias vividas.

Gracias por la invitación realizada.

Saludos deseando tenga muchos éxitos

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