"Beware of Bullying"

in STEEM INDONESIA8 months ago

Steemit Friends,
Today, I will participate in Week 02 of STEEM INDONESIA Community Engagement Challenge Session 15. A very beautiful topic has been organized. The subject is SEC-S15W2 Beware of Bullying. I hope everyone will like my writing.

Beware of Bullying.png
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During your life, have you ever received bullying? If so, in what form? physical, verbal or through cyber bullying. Provide your review?

I have been bullied many times in my life. But I was bullied the most in my childhood. I was bullied the most by my childhood home teacher and my father. I am sharing with you a few notable bullies.

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I've had more than enough verbal abuse. I remember one day my home teacher visited my school. I was an SSC candidate then. My father sent my home teacher to school to fill my SSC form. Then my home teacher came to know that in my SSC higher maths is core and biology is optional. After I entered the 9th grade, I told my homeroom teacher that my major was biology and my optional was advanced math. Then, my home teacher verbally scolded me after going home. But I was good at higher maths so it took the main subject.

I feared my father the most. My father would verbally reprimand me if I misbehaved as a child. But never physically hurt. But I was very afraid of my father's scolding. I never protested with my father.

How do you equip your children to avoid bullying either at school or in their social environment.

Nowadays it is important to protect boys and girls from social or school harassment. I am concerned about protecting my son and daughter from social and school bullying. Girls are harassed by naughty boys while going to school. I drop my daughter to the school gate every day for this reason. But the best thing is that we should teach every child not to bully anyone in society and school.


I will try to understand children through various educational programs to avoid harassment in school and society. Especially in our society and schools girls are more harassed. So we parents always have to be careful that kids don't get bullied.

Give your opinion on how to overcome bullying in form physical, verbal or through cyber bullying

Socially, we can protect our children and adults from verbal, physical, and cyberbullying by creating awareness. I think that everyone should be made aware of this by organizing various awareness programs in the society. Then incidents like verbal, physical, and cyberbullying will be reduced in the society.

As a family, each of us parents and elders need to make our children aware of physical, verbal, and cyberbullying. In case of such bullying, the things to be done should be explained. Then bullying will decrease from our society.

If all our teachers in each classroom create awareness about different types of bullying among students, then bullying will be reduced in the society. That's why our teachers have to come forward.

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SL No.My Invited Steemit Friends
Thank you for reading my post, and I am leaving today. Allah Hafez.



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 8 months ago 

Saludos amigo.
El bullying es un acto inaceptable, si tenemos hit es importante estar en constante comunicación con ellos para ver si estos son acosados en su lugar de estudios.

 8 months ago 

Dear, Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment.

 8 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Lamento mucho que te haya tocado vivir la desagradable experiencia del bullying y lo que es peor, en manos de tu padre porque, ni siquiera ellos deben ejercer esa mala acción ya que, la misión de ellos es darnos amor, no maltratos.

El bullying es una acción abominable... No tiene ningún tipo de justificación y, debemos rechazarla a toda costa.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 8 months ago 

Dear, Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment.

 8 months ago 

Considero que el problema no erradica en regañar al infante cuando hace algo malo. La situación se agrava cuando ese regaño va acompañado de una descargar verbal que se convierte mas en una burla o discriminación, hasta en una forma de crear bajo estima.

La situación que planteas la viví en carne propia, sobre todo mi madre fue una mujer que nos educo bajo el concepto de miedo y de lograr una baja estima en mi.

Tuve la suerte de contar con personas fuera del núcleo familiar que me inculcaron el amor propio y la aceptación de mi personalidad y forma de ser.

En la actualidad no tengo descendientes, directos pero en mi vida existen infantes que son sometidos a un trato igual al mío.

He tomado la iniciativa de tomar el papel de un adulto que busca inculcar el amor propio en aquellos infantes que me rodean y con ello lograr fortalecer la personalidad para que esos niños y niñas sepan contrarrestar los ayaques de burla de una manera inteligente.

Buena publicación. Suerte en el concurso.

Hasta la próxima...

 8 months ago 

Dear, Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment.


Bullying can also be seen as oppression. This is because the victim's peace of mind and self confidence has been trampled upon. Bullying or public embarrassment/harassment is something no one has ever prayed for. But, it just happened spontaneously. This type of lifestyle is bad and need to be stopped. Good luck on your post.

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