"What is your motivation and pressure in Steemit?"

in STEEM INDONESIA5 months ago

What is your motivation and pressure in Steemit?

Photo by Heiner:


Good day to you, I welcome you to my page.

Here I'm going to be discussing about the topic ** What is your motivation and pressure in Steemit?**.

I talk about my main motivation for being in steemit and what has kept me this long.

As you go through the write-up, I hope it will be worth your while.

If you have to be honest! How many hours do you spend on the Steemit platform every day?, What is your average income for the last 7 days? and, Does the amount you get match your expectations?

Honestly my time spent on steemit has been quite disappointing.

I spend up to 3 hrs daily cracking my head just to bring out authentic contents that I can safely post on here.

I take my time to write my contents so as not to be caught with plagiarism. And this is with the work that I have to do.

It's so funny that my average income on this platform for the past 3 months has been zero.

I haven't received any reward from the curating account for a very long time.

I understand that a lot of changes has taken place and there is a new way to doing things. But all the same it's so discouraging that one makes post with the hopes of getting something, and it doesn't work out like that even after 3 months.

As you can see, I haven't gotten anything for the past three weeks, so definitely what I'm 'getting' doesn't match my expectations.

What post/content themes do you really mastered and do you enjoy? and if you think your content is very interesting, how will you feel if your work doesn't get upvotes?

I have mastered the regular post that is being made on steemit. I'm used to the daily diary post that is always made in Steem4Nigeria community.

However, since the inception of the Steemit Engagement Competition (SEC), I have been able to get acquainted with the style of posts being created here.

I also love the concept behind the 5 comments on people's posts, it helps breed engagement and activities on the Steemit platform.

Better still is the fact that you have to comment sensibly. That ensures that people don't just comment, but they comment sensibly.

How do you motivate yourself to stay consistent on the Steemit platform for the long term.

Well the motivating factor for Steemit for me is that, Steemit is a side hustle for me and as such I have to put in effort consistently before I can get something.

So I have just kept it somewhere in my heart that I will just be posting until I begin to see rewards.

Unfortunately, it has been becoming a little frustrating and sort of testing for me.

I hope it doesn't take too long before I get rewarded by the Steemcuration team.

But it has been a little bit of fun all the same, still writing interesting content and hoping that someday I get remembered.

That will be a memorable period in my life as I will be very glad and and happy.

What are the you strong reasons for choosing club 5050 or Club100 status?

Honestly there are no strong reasons why one chooses Club 5050 or Club 100, it is kind of enforced on us.

But all the same it is a very welcome policy which has really helped the Steemit community.

Especially for serious and important activities like Steemit Engagement Challenge, Daily Diaries.

Other activities my not necessarily matter.

It has helped improved the staking power of Steemians, it has improved the Steem coin, it has improved the mindsets of Steemians.

So in all it was an awesome development and policy to follow.

What valuable items have you bought or want to buy with your Steem earnings?

So far I haven't bought any any valuable item. Like I said, I haven't received any rewards from the Steemcuration team.

I'm just patiently waiting for the day it will happen.

But if I want to buy, I think I will get my self something nice to cherish for the time being or for the moment.

I love food, so I might just end up in a nice restaurant with two plates of food and two bottles of drinks just to relax and ease the stress of the times when I wrote but didn't get anything.

 5 months ago 

Hey there! 🌟 Thanks for sharing your thoughts on your Steemit journey. Your honesty and humor are truly refreshing! Let me dive into your questions and see if I can add a bit of cheer to your day.

First off, I have to say, cracking your head for 3 hours daily? That's some serious dedication! 🤯 But hey, at least you're avoiding plagiarism like a boss. As for the income situation, sounds like Steemit owes you a serious cup of coffee, or maybe a steak dinner at this rate! 🥩☕️

Now, onto your content mastery! Daily diaries and Steem Engagement Competition? You're like the ninja of engagement and consistency! 💪 And I totally get the joy of leaving those meaningful comments; it's like sprinkling a little wisdom on every post you touch. ✨

As for staying motivated, I admire your persistence. Steemit might be testing your patience, but remember, Rome wasn't built in a day... or rewarded on Steemit in three weeks! 🏛️ Keep your chin up; that payday is just around the corner, and when it arrives, it'll be sweeter than a double dessert! 🍰🎉

And as for Club 5050 or Club100, enforced or not, you've got a great attitude about it. It's all about embracing the positive changes and rolling with the Steem-powered punches! 💥

Now, about those future Steem earnings splurges... A nice restaurant with good food and drinks sounds like the perfect way to treat yourself! 🍽️🥂 After all the hard work, you deserve a little indulgence. And who knows, maybe Steemit will surprise you with a reward before you know it! 🎁

Hang in there, keep shining bright, and remember, even if Steemit isn't showing you the money yet, you're definitely enriching the community with your humor and honesty! 🌟 Keep rocking, my friend!

 5 months ago 

Mehn your replies to each of my write up is my mind blowing and interesting and I love the words of encouragement from you that the better days ahead so I will stick around dear friend and I hope the green light shines at the end of the tunnel for me.

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

En Steemit hay momentos buenos y, otros no tanto... Actualmente estas en el segundo peldaño de esos momentos pero, no te preocupes porque, ya llegaran los buenos así que, sigue dando lo mejor de ti ya que, ningún comienzo es fácil.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 5 months ago 

Is a difficult time especially with the effort I am putting in but not seeing the rewards and my run of form has been bad but at least I remember the old days and I am left with no choice than to stand on the touchline.


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