Burnsteem25 | The Diary Game - Monday, August 22, 2022 : Sharing with Stemians and Coworkers

in STEEM INDONESIA2 years ago
Busy or not every day I always wake up around 6 am. Getting out of bed immediately perform the dawn prayer and it is our obligation as Muslims. After that, I built my wife to fulfill the same obligation.

Today I am not busy with work, because I am not a worker who has to come in early to fill attendance, while I am a freelancer and not tied to a company. Usually I work from day to night.

The morning activities that I do only accompany the male heroes. Meanwhile, her mother does household chores like other women who are married. To not disturb his mother I accompanied 2 boys. The first child is 3 years old, while the other is only 45 days old.

After my wife finished her work, I headed to the nearest coffee shop to taste the aroma of today's coffee. If in 1 day I do not feel the aroma of coffee and brew it, it will feel empty and my mind will be carried away without waiting. It's just my feeling maybe.


It was already lunch time, so I rushed back home to fill my rumbling stomach. And when I got home I immediately ate the dishes that had been prepared by my wife accompanied by our first son.

Today I have to meet with a friend, to discuss some important matters concerning work. We had promised this meeting a few days ago and today is the promised day.


Without waiting long, after eating I immediately rushed to meet the friend at Hero Kopi Platinum which is located in Keude Geudong. When I got there I immediately rushed to the 2nd floor, because my friends were waiting there. In the afternoon, my friend said goodbye and I planned to go back home.

When I went down the stairs, on the 1st floor there were already several Stemians such as @irawandedy, @klen.civil, @heriadi, @sofian88, @jufrimj, @muhammadan and several other Stemians. I planned to go home, because I met them, I went straight to them and joined them. Our discussion today is more about daily activities, and is not focused on discussions on Steemit, only the occasional discussion leads to Steemit.

Our meeting this time, there were more jokes, with various issues being discussed. One of them is about @klen.civil who is 34 years old on August 20, 2022, but doesn't have a life partner yet. Maybe @klen.civil has more life experience in the world of work and steemit, but in the world of family he is nothing.


We dispersed when the Maghrib call to prayer sounded and headed for our respective homes. Meanwhile, to get home, I had to spend about 15 minutes traveling by motorbike.

This is my activity on Monday, August 22, 2022. I have many life experiences today, and hopefully today's experiences can make me better tomorrow. Thank you to friends who have supported me all this time and thank you also to the steemit team who until now still support me until I still survive on Steemit for more than 5 years.


About me @amryksr

Achievement 1


 2 years ago 

Meskipun dalam suasana bercanda, kita berharap kanda @klen.civil akan segera mendapatkan jodoh yang terbaik untuknya... 😀

 2 years ago 

Saya selalu mendoakan yang terbaik buat kanda @klen.civil.
Meskipun terkadang apa yang saya sampaikan beliau tidak menghiraukan.
Apalagi CR @irawandedy sering mengingatkan beliau, namun beliau masih tetap dengan pendiriannya.

 2 years ago 

Itu artinya belum ada jodoh bang.. 😁

 2 years ago 


Leuh Haji

 2 years ago 

Alhamdulillah... Aminnnn

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Bukan belum ada jodoh pak @ridwant.
Namun mungkin ada maksud tersembunyi sama beliau.
Han ek ta peuhu apui le dimiyub punggong.

 2 years ago 

That na teuh droe neuh bang 😂

 2 years ago 

Nyoe hai pak

 2 years ago 


Membujang lebih asiiikkkk.... Mungkin itu pertimbangan pak maulana

 2 years ago 

Bisa jadi pak @irawandedy.
Mungkin beliau susah lelah dengan namanya patah hati.
Makanya beliau ingin membujang sampai ajal menjemput.

Pada prinsipnya untuk berkeluarga dibutuhkan ketetapan hati, bukan melihat aspek dalam tanda "..."

Itu tidak mudah pak... Orang sering gagal dlm hubungan karena hanya melihat satu hal.

Sukses bukan dilihat dari berapa banyak penghasilan, tapi siapa yang akan menjadi pewaris dari kekayaan.

 2 years ago 

Kata-kata ini penuh dengan makna

Sukses bukan dilihat dari berapa banyak penghasilan, tapi siapa yang akan menjadi pewaris dari kekayaan.

 2 years ago 

Tapi tidak mungkin juga pak @irawandedy untuk menetapkan hati pak @klen.civil kita yang harus melakukannya.
Paling tidak beliau punya niat.
Yang saya takutkan hari ini beliau belum ada niat.

Hidup ini akan indah ketika berlayar sesuai dengan arah angin dan tidak menerobos arus.

Sangat simple... Tidak pakek ribet

 2 years ago 

Nyankeuh jime hana meuhoe teuh menyoe ta ikuti arah angin pak.

 2 years ago 

diantara panglima wilayah masing-masing..

 2 years ago 

Maksudnya bagaimana pak direksi @afrizalbinalka

 2 years ago 

hahaha menan aju pokok nya hehehe

 2 years ago 

Yeh ban pak direksi

 2 years ago 

hahahaha lon jak postingan curator ile bek talo teuh ngen CR hahaha

 2 years ago 

Jelas pak direksi

 2 years ago 

Wkwkwkw nyan bek serang netizen lom

 2 years ago 

Ampon pak direksi

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