Challenges, Solutions and World Waste Problems

in STEEM INDONESIA7 months ago

The rate at which the world is polluted is getting serious than we thought . The control is in our hands now to point out the CHALLENGE, find SOLUTION and know exactly where the WORLD WASTE PROBLEMS are being generated. The challenges are mostly; wrong disposal, daily increase in the volume of waste and lack of capacity for proper waste management. The world can be better again by finding solution such as; creating awareness about responsible consumption, habit of recycling and practicing waste to energy technologies.

2b9746fc-3b56-4fc1-9867-fc1e159c9dca.jpegDesigned with PixelLab

I will use the contest tips given by the community as guidelines;

My Thoughts When I See Someone Disposing Waste Carelessly and The Form of Punishment for Those Doing it Deliberately in my Country

Each time I see people throwing waste carelessly, the first thing that cross my mind is how dirty they are and uncultured. I see such people as problem in the society because of the negative impacts their careless disposal of waste will cause both to humans and animals.

I wish there were other greater punishment to those that deliberately liters the environment but here in my country, it is paying of fines and community service.

Usage of Waste to Increase Income and Its Benefits

Yes, at my place, they are many ways in which people use waste to increase income. Recycling of waste products here is really creating economic value for many people mostly when they use papers, plastic, mental and even glasses. Organic waste too are also being used for agriculture activities by turning it to nutrient rich compost. We use this method in our small garden and when the harvest is excessive, we sell few and generate income from there.

IMG_1340.jpegTransaction with the waste picker

Another method of earning from waste is waste-to-energy, those involved in this process also increase income for example; before waste can be used as the source of energy, those that move door to door to pack waste already start generating income by collecting money from the waste holders before taking the waste to where it can be processed (above photo is showing the example)

How I Manage Household Waste In Order to Avoid Negative Impacts on the Environment

These are the steps I use in managing my waste daily;

  • Firstly, I have a bin bag and basket for waste.
IMG_1356.jpegMy bin bagIMG_1357.jpegMy waste basket
  • Secondly, I minimizing the use of disposable items so my waste bin won't full fast.
  • After two days, I tie up the waste in the bin bag and pack it outside in a bigger bag and then give it out to waste disposers by paying them.
IMG_1339.jpegDisposing my waste with the waste picker
Effects of Large Amount of Waste Accumulation

Yes, accumulation of waste can affect the comfort of people in many ways; effect on the health (increase in the risk of disease), unpleasant odors in the environment, negative impacts on air and water and low quality of life ( staying in the environment with excessive waste reduces the comfort of the place).

IMG_1335.jpegMy accumulated waste before disposal

Lack of waste management has really cause harm to our society, it is in our hands now to discover the challenges and find solutions.

I would like to invite @jyoti-thelight, @ruthjoe and @marito74. Thank you!

 7 months ago 

Garbage is a type of material, object or leftover food that cannot be used by someone and will be thrown into the trash. Waste is indeed a problem that must be managed properly so that it does not pollute the environment and air sources. Besides being able to pollute the environment, it can also pollute the air, making it uncomfortable. for society,

I saw someone explaining the procedures for processing household waste in detail and well, from the peking process from small containers to large containers, if waste is processed it can produce gas that can be used for cooking, enthusiasm for protecting the surrounding environment, best regards from me

 7 months ago 

Waste is harmful when it is not being handled properly but it has several benefits. Most people use it to generate electricity as well.

Thank you for your support and contribution

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 7 months ago 

It was delightful to read about your household waste management strategies on keeping your surroundings clean and free from contamination!
It's also good to see how you make money by primary waste disposal.
Goodluck in the contest!

 7 months ago 

Thank you for visiting my blog.

 7 months ago 

Your contest post is interesting, I read your post. You very perfectly structured the article. It's very unpleasant to see people throwing rubbish carelessly. But sometimes people don't think long about what they have done. That's why sometimes humans are like animals🤣🤣. Thank you for participating in this contest, friends. Good luck for the future.

 7 months ago 

You are right because fully grown human will understand the negative impact of throwing waste carelessly and try to avoid it.
Thank you for your contributions

 7 months ago 

Welcome my priend

 7 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

Cuando una persona se atreve a echar basura en la calle, deja en evidencia lo desaseado que es en su casa porque, dicha acción simplemente es el reflejo de lo que emplean en su casa pero, es indispensable educar a esas personas ya que, es totalmente incorrecto depositar basura en la cale.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 7 months ago 

Waste disposal is a responsibility of everyone. If we all join hands together, we can keep our environment clean and this contributes to good health.

I also feel bad when people don't dispose their wastes properly.

I agree with you that waste recycling is generating much funds for people right now in my city too. Like you mentioned, it can be used for agricultural purposes and others. I appreciate your part in properly disposing waste. Success to you

 7 months ago 

Thank you for your valuable feedback

 7 months ago (edited)
It is good to hear that it irritate you seeing people throwing waste products carelessly because you imagine how dirty and uncultured they are. For me, i always caution ⚠️ such people because i am not comfortable with such actions.

Indeed, if they will be more severe punishment for people who throw rubbish 🗑 carelessly on the floor, then the world will be a better place for everyone, and throwing of rubbish causes pollution, which will affect our health.

Indeed, waste generates income and also helps in reducing the rate of unemployment in our society.
Accumulation of large waste products will definitely result in air pollution, which will affect people living around us.

You have written really well, my friend, and i wish 🤞 you success in this challenge 🙌 do have a wonderful weekend.

Regards from @bonaventure24

 7 months ago 

Thank you for reading through my participation and dropping valuable comment as well.

 7 months ago 

My pleasure 😊

 7 months ago 

You have shown a picture of your accumulated waste before its disposal and I can see that it is well arranged and it is showing that you are a responsible citizen who love to take care of your environment I wish to success in this challenge

 7 months ago 

Thank you for your support and great observation

 7 months ago 

That was my pleasure ☺️

Good night 💤🌉

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