SEC-S15W1 | Big desires and toughest challenges in 2024

in STEEM INDONESIA5 months ago
Assalam O Alaikum

Hello Steemians! Well come to my post. How are you all? I hope that you will be doing well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I'm also fine and enjoying my day. Today I'm here to participate in this Steemit engagement challenge season 15 Week 1 in the Steem Indonesia community. The topic of this challenge is "Big desires and toughest challenges in 2024". So let's start without any more delay of time.

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Name your 2 big desires that you will achieve or improve in 2024 and state the reasons for each.

Friends as we all know that every year comes with a lot of expectations, new enthusiasm and also set some new goals and desires as well. We try to improve ourselves, try to achieve some unachieved goals and also set some new goals which we want to achieve throughout the whole year. Sometimes our desires can't achieved but we don't stop dreaming and working hard about them. When our hard work become heavy over our challenges then we achieved our desires and goals. So in that year I also have set many goals and desires which I want to achieve this year but among them the 2 biggest desires which I want to achieve are discussed below.



  • 1. Starting My Own Business: Friends I want to become a successful entrepreneur and I'm already working for this. I want to establish my own pharmacy in this year 2024. As the one year of my degree has been done and after completing my degree this year I will get license from the Punjab Pharmacy Council of Pakistan and then I will be eligible for starting my own business of selling and purchasing of medicine.

  • 2. Making my Business successful: After starting my own business and building a pharmacy my next desire is to make my business successful and become more stable. This is because the successful business can give us everything that we want and also can change our lives towards betterment. So I hope that this year I will achieve both of my these desires. Inn Sha Allah.

Also mention your challenges or difficulties in achieving these two things, and how do you solve it?



Friends as we all know that without hard work, dedication and sheer determination we can't achieve our goals and becomes successful in our lives. And surely my journey of being an entrepreneur can never be easy, also I'm already aware of many of the hurdles which can I face throughout the whole procedure of a achieving these both things. Let's discuss about some of the challenges and also about their solutions.

  • The most likely challenge which can I face is passing the two years of examination because after passing these exams I will get the license for my pharmacy and become a pharmacist. So to deal with that I'm studying well and preparing for my exams so I can pass them easily.
  • After getting the license for my pharmacy the next hurdle which I may face is taking the startup of my business. As we know taking start of new things can never easy so to deal with that issue I have got some experience of starting a new business of selling and purchasing of medicine by working at a pharmacy for about five years.

  • Friends as we investment is the basic thing to start a business and to deal with investment related to problems I'm saving money and also my father is saving money for my future as well. In addition I'm also saving my Steem power so if I need it I will use and thus that problem would be solved.

  • I may also face difficulties in making my business successful and to deal with it I have decided to keep Patience as the good things take time in happening. More ever I will also work with unstoppable approach and being consistent and sincere with my business surely I will be succeed.

Among the 2 desires, which one is the most difficult for you to achieve? State your reasons.

Friends I have see many of people who start their own business but after sometime they left out because the things happen against their expectations which means that their remain unsuccessful. So staring a new business is easy but making it successful is not everyone's cup of tea and due to this the desire of making my business successful is looking difficult for me. But Remember it is difficult but not impossible and I believe that with my experience, dedication and hard work I can achieve that desire too and make my business successful inn sha Allah.



In addition sometimes we started expecting too much and also want to get success as soon as possible but there is a fixed time of every happening so we should keep Patience and believe in ourselves and never felt down. I sure that with that approach we can turn the things right according to our desires and can achieve our desires and dreams as well. So that was about that answer I hope you liked.


Friends the life is a mixture of some achieved and unachieved desires and we should never stopped dreaming and thing about new desires and goals. Also we should never feel down at failures and our end should be better than our startup. So whenever you set a new goal and wishes for a desire and then you should start working and roaring for your goals and desires and never look back at the failures. I sure that by doing that you should get success.


So friends that was my entry about that challenge and I hope that you will like it. Now it is a time to say goodbye to everyone and I want to invite my friends @sahmie, @chefdanie, @pandora2010, @pahologas and @kouba01 to take a part in this amazing challenge.


Achievement 1

Written by @abdullahw2

Green Elegant Best Friend Happy graduation Congratulations Card.gif

Thanks All ❤️


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 5 months ago 

A big and very beautiful plan this year my friend. You want to open a pharmacy because soon you will get a license from the place where you are studying.
I wish you success in your efforts to have a pharmacy business. And this year is the right year for you to start.

Thank you for inviting me,, good luck 😊

 5 months ago 

Yes dear friend I'm working for these both desires and I hope that will be achieved in this year. Thanks for a lovely comment 😊

 5 months ago 

a great dream and challenge, completing the exam to get permission to open your own pharmacy, it's a brilliant idea. With a pharmacy, we can take medicine if we fall ill, we don't have to go far if we are nearby to provide efficient healing. I hope it's achieved sir

 5 months ago 

Yes you are right brother after achieving these goals my life will change entirely. Thank you so much for a beautiful comment ☺️.

 5 months ago 

Hello friend

It's really not an easy task to make success. It never comes on a platter, I'm glad you have finished your degree and looking up to starting your own pharmacy. It's not really easy to start a firm but I believe whatever you put your mind to can be achievable. I root for your win my friend and success in the challenge.

 5 months ago 

Yes I agree with your point of view bro. Thank you so much for visiting my post and leaving a beautiful comment. Stay blessed 😇

 5 months ago 

Greetings dear we all want to implement our plans. You have expressed two wishes. own business and succeed there. Being an entrepreneur is the hardest thing for me. It's like going against the grain. You are mastering pharmacy. I wish you success soon.

 5 months ago 

Thank you so much brother for a lovely comment 😺.

 5 months ago 

Oh yes! Your head is screwed on correctly, young man!
Having a business of your own is rewarding. Make no mistake, you stand last in line when it comes to rewards, etc. but it is worth it.

I wish you all the best for your studies, your two desires, and the contest.
Good luck!

 5 months ago 

Yes dear Mam having own business is such a great blessing. The person who is doing his own business never thinks about the rewards, although he keeps on moving towards betterment and in results when his becomes successful his life changes completely. Thanks a lot for a beautiful comment.

 5 months ago 


Hi @abdullahw2, it is very true what you mention, with dedication and effort, we can achieve our dreams.

When discouragement knocks on our door, we can only stay positive, wait patiently until we achieve the success that we all desire.

I wish with all my heart that your desire to start a pharmacy and success comes to your life, but mainly that you pass the exams.

Greetings and success.

 5 months ago 

Yes it's true dear friend with hard work and dedication we can achieve our dreams. There I'm hoping for best and doing my struggles right now. I'm very glad to read your beautiful comment. Thank you so much dear friend for giving your precious time to my post. ☺️

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