Is 2024 the Year of Opportunity for Steem?

in Suggestions Club3 months ago

I recently came across an interesting article about new trends in social networks. Later, I inquired about this topic in more detail, and it seems that many SMM agencies publish approximately the same forecasts. Most of these are related to video content and therefore not very relevant to Steem. But there are trends among these that can be interesting.

Text posts are making a comeback

According to the findings, the popularity of Twitter's new competitors made one thing clear: people want to read more texts, and not only on traditional text platforms.

So, I congratulate you - people want to read again. Could this be a chance for Steem to gain more popularity?



After the radical changes introduced by the new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, many new platforms grabbed a part of this market and lured users. Among them you can name Mastodon, Bluesky Social and even Threads. You can insert videos into the posts of each of these platforms, but still the main emphasis is on text. People create posts and share some information in them. Someone talks about home, someone about politics, someone about hobbies.

Why hasn't at least a small portion of users switched to Steem? I think there are several reasons for this. Many will start saying something about the outdated interface, but I don't see it as a serious problem. Convenience and clarity are important for new users. Is the platform without a visual editor conveniente for beginners? The same applies to clarity. Cryptocurrencies, a large number of keys, etc. can be intimidating to newcomers. That is why we need to be as open as possible to newcomers and explain to them everything that may be unclear.

Still, getting people interested in text messaging again might be a good chance to get more attention for Steem.

Social networks will become new search engines

Another trend that professionals are seeing in social media is that if you want real advice from real people, Google search results aren't always the same as social media.



This is where Steem can become an indispensable advisor. Here, the content is created by real people who live in different corners of the Earth. Each of us has a unique experience that we can share. However, we should expand the subject of our posts. A simple report about your day is great, but sometimes it's worth sharing more thematic posts that will rank better in search engines. Each of us can share some tips based on our own experiences and I think this is a great topic for a post that your readers might find useful.

As evidence, recent surveys show that social media is the second most popular way for consumers to make purchasing decisions.

It is also worth noting that Steem throughout 2024 will develop in conditions of a bullish trend and the STEEM token will grow in price. It will also bring new users to the platform. What kind of information about Steem will be spread will depend on what impression they will have.

Let's talk to newbies and help them 🙂.



There's an interesting symmetry in it.

Short form content and memes on social media only require a short little span of attention and time, so people like them... but after (also!) a relatively short time, seeing the same clever remarks, jokes and memes over and over again starts to become really boring, and (most) people go in search of something with a little more "substance," like blogs and actual articles.

Steemit definitely has the potential to become a repository of real human based information that goes into a lot more detail than just a "thumbs up" or a "thumbs down."

I'm bullish on Steemit/Steem because it supports the telling and sharing of human stories.

 3 months ago 

Steemit definitely has the potential to become a repository of real human based information that goes into a lot more detail than just a "thumbs up" or a "thumbs down."

I agree with you. Steemit has the potential to become a great platform where people share their experiences, their knowledge, their lives with the world. I think it is worth working on so that more people see Steemit as a source of information, and not just a source of easy earnings.

Steemit is one of the biggest web3 social network platforms.
True, many come here mainly for the crypto rewards but still, it is a social network.
Lots of people I know hang on facebook or X only because other people they know or famous people are there.
So, in my humble opinion, if highly respected and/or famous people join here, this would attract more to come. The quality of the content is of course, important, but the quality of the people here is more important, as it seems.

Thank you so much and have a great new week, @o1eh :)

 3 months ago 

Yes, I agree with your point. A lot would change here if famous people joined here. Surprisingly, even Justin Sun, who bought a huge stake in Steem and is a well-known personality in the field of cryptocurrencies, has never tried to blog here. He could set an example.

True! I wondered few years ago why he isn't blogging. Probably not that type of a person ;) On a side note, to be honest, I don't trust Elon Musk at all, he spends too much time in the social networks. Even before buying Twitter :)

А нащо старатися, якщо іноді тяп-ляп написанні щоденникові пости отримують дуже велику винагороду? Дизбаланс дуже великий, через неймовірно велику силу крупних кураторів. Проте і щоденникові пости можна писати дуже цікаво та весело, а для мене дуже важливо зберігати свої спогади у блокчейні, якщо вірити у концепцію блокчейну (а всі ми тут віримо більшою мірою) і в те, що це триватиме довго (ця соціальна платформа вже існує майже сім років, це дуже довго, це означає, що перспектива проіснувати дуже довго є), то ж це певний спосіб залишити по собі слід на землі. Це дещо тішить, враховуючи те, якщо швидко зникає пам'ять про людину, коли її не стає на цій Землі.

Tiene mucha razón en lo que dice y por eso uno es agradecido con los curadores. Hay publicaciónes muy interesante que nos trasmite buena vibras a leer.

No entendí muy bien lo que querías decir. Pero estoy de acuerdo en que hay buenas publicaciones y hay que apoyarlas y recompensarlas, no expresé la opinión contraria, si a eso te refieres))

 3 months ago 

А нащо старатися, якщо іноді тяп-ляп написанні щоденникові пости отримують дуже велику винагороду?

🤔 Ви знаєте, таке трапляється, і я думаю багато-хто ставив собі подібне запитання. Для мене існує певна мінімальна планка якості, нижче якої я опускатися не буду. Я намагаюся писати для читача і часто уявляю, що хтось читає те, що я пишу. Тому тяп-ляп для мене не варіант.

На кураторах лежить велика відповідальність. Від їх поведінки залежить який саме контент будуть творити автори. Але трапляється всяке. Після катастрофи великого розколу, коли економіка Steem була сильно знищена, куратори почали надавати перевагу підтримці тих, хто робить Power Up. Це був свого роду порятунок спільноти, щоб у майбутньому хоч хтось мав достатньо потужний акаунт щоб проголосувати за когось бодай 2 - 3 центами. Насправді це спрацювало і зараз ми бачимо, що є кілька акаунтів, які мають 50 - 100 тисяч SP.

Для того щоб куратор голосував лише за найякісніші дописи, потрібно щоб була проведена колосальна робота. Коли я курую, то змушений читати близько 40 дописів. Це дуже багато, іноді дуже бракує часу. Потім я проголосую за когось нового, а виявиться, що то був плагіат. Відтак, думаю, куратори надають перевагу перевіреним користувачам, імена яких їм більш-менш знайомі. Але це може бути і не так.

У вашому випадку, знову ж таки на мою думку, підтримка менша через те, що ви також пишете у Hive. Так, це зовсім різні тексти і фотографії, але Hive - це щось таке, що майже знищило Steem і, можливо, куратори не дуже позитивно сприймають лояльність до конкуруючих платформ. Але це чисто моє припущення.

ви також пишете у Hive

О, там багато хто пише, з тих, хто пише тут. Хтось з іншими іменами, як багато-хто з нашої спільноти, хтось під тими самими, що й тут, дехто взагалі ледь контент не дублює, звісно ж надаючи перевагу першості Стіміту, я ж так не роблю, намагаючись практично не мати точок дотику. То ж гадаю річ не в цьому. А щодо плагіату, то спочатку треба на ньому спіймати, потім підозрювати, презумпцію невинуватості ще ніхто не скасовував. А ще стосовно якості постів, я теж маю свою планку. Слова про тяп-ляп пости я не застосовував стосовно себе.

social media is the second most popular way for consumers to make purchasing decisions.

It's true. Before buying anything or whenever I have issues with any product or service or literally anything, I always do research and read views of real life people on Reddit mostly. Steem could be another Reddit.

Moreover, I second your thoughts on thematic posts. Such posts don't have to be boring. With basic SEO optimisation and interesting content, a post can always rank higher.

 3 months ago 

It's true. Before buying anything or whenever I have issues with any product or service or literally anything, I always do research and read views of real life people

By the way, I also try to find reviews of real buyers before buying. Sometimes you can learn very interesting things. Sometimes you can find a video with the unpacking of a certain product. It is very useful.

Such posts don't have to be boring.

I think thematic posts have less chance of being boring than diaries 😀.

Saludos! Es cierto a veces de solo leer una publicación aprendemos algo nuevo e interesante

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

In the 2024 we have many opportunities, since last 2 years I joined steemit but I never seen steem cross INR. 25 but today in this month I seen steem cross INR 35 so I can call this is an opportunity for us. I sharing my content and accumulating steem for 2030. I never withdraw my steem for same.

Have a good day.

 3 months ago 

Yes, STEEM can be a good way to accumulate savings. I have seen reports from some Venezuelan users who were able to buy a new home with STEEM.

You are perfectly right. I am quite bullish about the tend of steem for this year and I am so sure it will actually continue in this trend soon. This year is for steem definitely

One thing I am so sure of this year is the fact that steem will definitely do well this year. Yes I am so sure of that. It is just a matter of time. This is the year of steem and we will do quite well

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