The Debate (3): Doctors versus Teachers

in Steem Fashion&Style7 months ago

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It’s not fair to compare doctors and teachers, just like it’s not fair to compare apples and oranges. They’re both fruits, yes, but they have different flavors, textures, and nutritional benefits. The same goes for doctors and teachers – different jobs, but both vital in their own ways.


Image by senivpetro on Freepik

Now, picture a doctor. This person has gone through years of medical training, studying everything about the human body, illnesses, and how to cure them. They’re the ones we turn to when we’re ill or injured. Doctors are heroic, aren’t they? They’re on the front lines, saving lives, healing wounds, and making critical decisions. It’s concrete, instant stuff. You can see and feel the effect of a doctor. They’re like the first responders of our health – when things go wrong, they’re there to fix it.

But hold on, think about this for a moment: who educated that doctor? We often overlook the teacher who spent hours teaching biology, who stayed after school to help with a difficult concept, or who motivated that doctor when they were just a child to follow a path in medicine. Teachers may not be in the operating room, but they’re certainly in the ‘life-changing’ business.


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Teachers are like the hidden heroes of every profession. They’re the ones sowing seeds of knowledge, curiosity, and enthusiasm in young minds. These seeds eventually blossom into careers, inventions, and new ideas. A teacher’s impact may not be as dramatic or immediate as a doctor’s, but it’s spread out over years and reaches many lives. They’re shaping the future in a quieter, but no less significant way.

Now, to our question: which is better? It’s like asking if it’s more important to have a fit body or a smart mind. You really need both. Doctors keep us physically fit, while teachers nourish our minds. They’re both indispensable in their own special ways.

Imagine a world that only valued doctors and ignored teachers. Sure, you’d have a healthy population, but without education, there’s no advancement, no innovation, no new doctors even. And a world full of teachers but no doctors? We’d be wise, but vulnerable to every disease and injury.

So, who’s better? It’s not really the right question. It’s more about valuing both. Like night and day, winter and summer, doctors and teachers have their special roles in the big, complex system of life. They’re two sides of the same coin, and we need both to have a balanced, healthy, and wise society. In the end, they’re both doing something pretty amazing – helping us live better, whether it’s in our bodies or in our minds.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my post. 😊

I would like to invite @patjewell, @josevas217, @dove11, @paholags, @malikusman1, @irawandedy and @weisser-rabe to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 20-Nov-2023 | Achievement 1

I think we actually live in a world where doctors are held in much higher esteem than teachers. The difference in income is exorbitant, as is the socio-economic status. Teachers are treated like doormats by parents, pupils, administrators, etc. and often end up in hospital with burnout after years in the profession.

Your plea is pretty great!

 7 months ago 

This is a very interesting contest.
One thing I can tell you is that I don't want to be in any of their shoes, not a teacher or a doctor. I take my hat off to both of them.

Regarding the remuneration, I have to come up for the doctors. It cost me nearly 250,000 STEEM to give my son the "Dr." in front of his name, and I don't even want to know what it cost him to further his studies.
Doctors also work much longer hours than teachers and don't get the same four holidays as in South Africa.

Lastly, most doctors in South Africa work for themselves, which leads to "no work, no pay."

Good luck for the contest, and thank you for the invitation.

 7 months ago 

Absolutely, it's no easy feat stepping into either a doctor's or a teacher's shoes. Both professions demand immense dedication and hard work. They both contribute immensely to society in their unique ways. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 🙂

 7 months ago 

I agree with you there is no comparison between the two different professions. You are talking about doctors and teachers here but I see no comparison possible even between Scientists and cobblers as they both are important as professionals.

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 7 months ago 

Thanks for the support @o1eh. It really means a lot to me. 😊

Absolutely agree! Both doctors and teachers play vital roles in our society, and comparing them is like comparing apples and oranges. Each contributes uniquely to our well-being, whether it's through healing our bodies or nurturing our minds.

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