Contest: My Friendship.



Friendship mean a lot to me. It a relationship between two or more people with mutual love, trust and respect for each other.

It is the state of being friends or sharing a connection with people whose interest, values and beliefs tally with yours.


Some pictures with amazing friends.

A friendship is a relationship that is far more stronger that what we might have between someone we consider just a neighbor, colleague, classmate, or coworker.
Friendship goes beyond just working in the same place or sitting in the same class. A genuine friendship comes with a bond shared, where we can count of one another to always have our backs and look out for us.

Since friendship is a serious affair, it's advisable we pick and chose our friends carefully so as to avoid regrets.

What makes friendship an important virtue to me

Friendship in no doubt is an important virtue. Personally, I think what gives it this quality is the fact that we get to establish invaluable connections with people, connections built on compassion, support, and trust.

The genuine connections we establish in form of friendships go a long way to prove profitable as we live on. We weren't created alone and so we will need the help and support of different people at different points in our life.

In a situation where we've established and built strong and valuable friendships with people who are as interested in our success as we are in theirs, it makes it easier to get the needed support, help, or encouragement we might need to pull through some stage.

Friendship is a beautiful and admirable virtue which when given the needed attention, it blossoms beautifully and bears various incredible fruits.

A memorable moment with friends

I have had the opportunity of coming across many amazing souls whom I very much love to refer to as friends. People I've had memorable moments with and made long lasting memories.

One of those memorable moments took place earlier this year when a couple of steemit friends and I decided to hangout, go on a little tour and have fun in general. It started as an ignorable suggestion from the group but with time, more interests were aroused and we decided consider the idea.

On the agreed day, we met at a a particular point from where we moved to the Ibom Icon hotel where we did a tour round the arena, taking pictures and feeding the eyes with nature's best.

PXL_20230510_122828218.PORTRAIT.jpgPictures while touringPXL_20230510_134031088.PORTRAIT.jpg

From there, we had a little gathering where we got to know each other better and played a few games too before moving to Tropicana to eat, drink, celebrate our little achievements and just have a nice time.

IMG-20230510-WA0087.jpgWhile at Tropicana..

It was really a memorable and exciting day for me as I got to see my friends and also made new friends. I smiled and laughed so much that I doubt I will ever forget the day.

Good friends are amazing and friendship is indeed a virtue!

Thank you @sahmie for organizing this contest. I'm inviting my friends, @bossj23, @vudeme123 and @whizzbro4eva to participate and share their various perspective on the topic.

   Thanks for reading my post
 last year 

It's super true that the geninue connection between friendship will lead to something profitable. Thanks for inviting me

Beautiful moments, I got lost in the picture all I saw was unity and happiness.

Thanks for reading through.
With genuine friendship, there's both unity and happiness.

 last year 

Hello dear friend, welcome to our "Steem Fashion&Style" community. We are really happy to see your excellent publication. We always support such quality and plagiarism free publications. We look forward to more such publications from you. Best wishes to you from our community.

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Thanks for accessing my post.

 last year 

Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted by @steemkidss @ 100% because you won the picture contest organized by @ngoenyi

Thank you so much for the support!

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