SFS Contest Week 14 | Lifestyle Diary Game by @saintkelvin17

in Steem Fashion&Style2 months ago


Thank God is Friday friends, it was really rainy heavily in the early hours of the day and am glad the rain ended few hours ago. I want to participate in this contest for the first time or so and I will be talking about the 2nd day of April 2024 a day that was quite busy for me but am.glad it ended well. Stay tuned to fully get more gist on this.

Morning Period

In the morning that day, I was so calm and normal, nothing was making me excited or unhappy, it was a neutral morning for me. I prepared a post I will create in steemit that morning because am fond of creating posts in steemit every morning before I leave my house because I know that once am out of home I won't be able to press it except I want to take pictures of things or events.


I finished creating the post and I shared it on Twitter before I went to take my bath and ate breakfast which was beans and bread with tea. I really enjoyed it and when I finished I went to the room to take my charger.


I got ready for the computer class and I began to leave the house. The weather wasn't really bright that morning when I left the house.

Afternoon Period

In the afternoon I came back from the computer training and my dad said I will buy fuel later in the day. I began to study for my exams abs and my dad later came to my room and told me to buy fuel so that we can turn on the generator in the night. I took the money and added my money to it then I changed my trouser and went straight to the filling station.


Few people were already there and I waited patiently for it to be my turn. After that I went home and gave the fuel to my father while I took some money in my drawer so that I can purchase a new charger for myself. I was very unhappy that my charger then was very slow and weak.


I bought the charger which costs 9 steem in my area. Am using an itel phone that's why I decided to buy an itel charger for myself and immediately I arrived home I took pictures of the charger on my locker in my room and the charger is very fast, I love it alot. I

Evening Períod

I was very busy at home in the evening that day because I had few things to do online and offline. I was in the sitting room blogging in steemit and my phone was quite low so I reduced the rate I was pressing it because I don't want it to off before my younger sister brings my power bank from where she's charging it in her place of work.


I kept my phone and began to lick Mango a very wonderful juicy fruit. I finished licking the Mango before my sister arrived home and she gave me my power bank before I then began to press my phone again. I was preparing a post I will create in the midnight that day before I went to the dinning room to eat dinner. I was just happy with the charger I bought and I forgot to say that we didn't on the generator again that day, I of few personal reasons but we made use of it the next day.

I invite @josepha, @anasuleidy and @suboohi to participate in this contest.


All images legally belongs to me!

 2 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


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