Shocking moment

A warm and lovely greetings to my fellow steemians around the world, how are you all doing today hope you are fine and healthy as for me am alright by the way I'm john from Nigeria it's my pleasure having you this amazing contest "SHOCKING MOMENTS" organized by @ashkhan here at #steem-fashion&style.

Shocking moment

Shocking moment as the contest name implies can be a time or moment when an individual experience shock or suprise, this shock or suprise can be of good or bad news depending on what took place. My intentions of participating in this contest is to share with you a story of my my shocking moment and as well bring out my possible best when it comes to creativity and story narration.

Early this year during the end of dry season which is between March to April, one Saturday me and my brother went to clear our old farm so that we can cultivation during the upcoming rainy season which was approaching, after the clearing that day we have to scatter the grasses so that it will dry fast and ready to burn.

So after like three days that the grasses must have dried my dad ask me to go and put fire on it so that it will burn well before rain starts falling and I went there one afternoon with one of my friend which accompanied me so after putting the fire I was press then decided to use the nearest bush as toilet and I ask my friend to watch over the fire so that it will not cross over to another people's farm,

Behold when I was excreting I heard my friend shouting and calling my name that the fire has become uncontrollable for him that I should come and assist him, I have no option than to stand up clean my buttocks and rush to join him, when I got there the fire has almost cross to the neighbouring people's farm because of the sun and breeze blowing the fire,


At that moment I was totally confused and troubled because the pressure in me was much I don't know what to do then, and they is no closed by water that I will say let me hurry up and fetch to quench the fire at that moment the fear and anxiety in me increased to a high level that assive ground should open let me enter because all what was on my mind was what will I tell my dad and even the people whose farm got destroyed at this point I gained courage and face my fears by attacking the fire with fresh leaves and palm branches which helps me succeed in overcoming the fire after all the struggle and stress thank God almighty that I was able to regain me self and the fire from spreading around.


After and during the drama and incident that took place in the farm my friend help in taking some pictures with his phone which am using as evidence to anyone gives a doubt to what happened in the farm that day, and again thanks almighty that the problem didn't to extended further rather it ended where it started.

I have finally come to the end of this amazing contest I appreciate the organizer @ashkhan for giving us this wonderful opportunity to express and review our shocking moments, anyway I will still like to invite my fellow steemians @shawlin, @mostofajaman,@radjasalman, and @joslud to take part in this amazing contest thanks


Hi bro

Your are a fireman

Smiles.... Thank you so much brotherly for having you in this contest it's my pleasure

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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We are the hope!


Thank God you were able to attack the fire with fresh leaves and the fire did not really destroy things or extend to be worst than what it was.

And congratulations on your win

Thank you very much for your warm reply it my pleasure having you in this contest.

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