SFS Contest | Fashion Hacks

in Steem Fashion&Style10 months ago (edited)


Fashion is changeable from one period to another, from one season to another, and trends are adjusted to the type of fabric and color palette used in any of the seasons of the year. Clothing and accessories should be selected according to certain considerations related to height and body weight. Advice is always recommended when it comes to personal and corporate image.

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Now, according to the guidelines of this contest, and according to my experience, I recommend the following fashion tricks:

For tall and thin people: They can wear short, 3/4 (above or below the knee and before reaching the ankle) or long pants and dresses, depending on gender. For both men and women, clothes with vertical and horizontal stripes, as well as light and dark colors, suit them. They also look good in fabrics with few or many threads in their composition.

For people of short stature and medium or heavy build: Clothing below the knee and above the ankle should be avoided. Likewise, they should avoid horizontal stripes in dresses, pants or any other type of clothing. Dark colors favor them, and fabrics with few threads in their composition.


He following happens: colors in clothing create optical illusions. Thus, dark shades tend to slim the body figure, while lighter ones widen it. The same happens with vertical stripes, which lengthen the human figure, and horizontal stripes, which increase body volume.

Something else I can recommend is to take into account in the human figure, the 3 main lines applied to Fashion Design, which are the following:

  • Body line, which passes through the middle of the body, from head to toe, above the navel, and dividing the body in two equal parts.

  • Silhouette line, passing one on each side of the body, perpendicularly, from the edge of the shoulders to pass over the hips.

  • Detail line, which passes over any element that is part of the garment and is further away from the center and silhouette lines; that is, the one that passes through the shapes/figures that make bows, pleats, waves, among others.


Finally, I recommend being aware of your height and body weight, having at your disposal a mirror where you can, through the reflected image, evaluate the aesthetics when wearing any item of clothing. This is what I can share in this post, for now, but hopefully I will be able to do so once again at a later opportunity. Thank you very much for your attention and see you soon.

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I invite to participate: @zhanavic69, @soniap, and @aleli25. Here I leave you the link to the post with the contest guidelines under consideration: CLIC HERE. If you want to know more about me, I share the link to my LOGRO 1.

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 10 months ago 

Hi, the tips are great, in particular I'm using more dark tones when going out of my normal environment, black is very stylish and favors me, it makes a contrast with my skin too.

¡El negro es mi color favorito al vestir! ¡Es muy elegante! Pero como soy delgado de contextura, me hace lucir más delgado aún. Dentro del mundo de la moda, antes, no sé si ahora, se tomaba en cuenta la coloración no solo de la piel de los modelos sino también la tonalidad de sus venas, y así se clasificaban por estaciones del año.

Me alegra que le gusten los colores oscuros y que se sienta cómoda y favorecida al llevarlo en las prendas de vestir. Saludos y éxitos infinitos.

 10 months ago 

Hola Qué grandiosos consejos compartes con todos nosotros para estar acorde a la moda te cuento que a mí me encanta el color negro siento que le va muy bien a mi piel.

¡Hola! El color negro se encuentra dentro de la gama oscura y favorece porque crea la ilusión de reducción y además estiliza. Es un color muy elegante y se puede combinar con otros, aunque no es mala idea, combinar varias tonalidades de negro. Me alegra que el post haya sido útil. Saludos y éxitos.

 10 months ago 

Greetings! Thank you for being part of the community and participating in the contest. You have shared wonderful tips which can be useful to the people according to body line and color what should we wear obviously it matters alot and personality look may enhance more.

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