Steemit Engagement Challenge-S8W3 | Fashion Trends Impacts on SocietysteemCreated with Sketch.

Hello Everyone

Talking about fashion is endless, especially with the times, more and more fashion trends appear that are extraordinary, and sometimes strange.

The fashion industry does have its own advantages and disadvantages, both in terms of quality, and also quantity. here is my entry to take part in this great contest. let's enjoy!

What are the social issues in fast fashion?

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The fashion industry produces clothes quickly and cheaply, but this has a negative impact on the environment and labor. Fast fashion produces a lot of waste and requires a lot of materials. In addition, the laborers who make the clothes often work in unsafe conditions and are paid low wages.

What challenges are there in fashion

fashion has several challenges that need to be addressed, including environmental impact, working conditions, labor, and product quality.

One of the biggest challenges in fast fashion is its impact on the environment. The mass production process used in fast fashion leads to large chemical and water usage, air pollution, and high energy usage.

fashion is often associated with poor working conditions for factory workers. Employees often work in unsafe conditions and under pressure to meet high production targets.

fashion often relies on cheap labor from developing countries, which sometimes does not earn a living wage.

Fashion often sacrifices product quality to reduce production costs and produce lower-priced clothing, which in turn can result in less durable products and accelerate the rate of textile waste.

To overcome these challenges, fashion companies need to invest in environmentally friendly technologies and materials, improve working conditions and labor utilization, as well as improve product quality and educate consumers about the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion.

When we consider social issues in fashion, it is important to think about the impact it can have on people, the environment and animals. All stakeholders in the fashion industry, from manufacturers to consumers, have a responsibility to work together to solve these issues.

What will be the future of fashion?


Based on the trends and changes that have occurred in the fashion industry, it can be assumed that several factors can cause some fashions to become sustainable and vice versa, and it all depends on how we market our products and also manage our products.

One of them is Online Sales as the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to online sales in all sectors, including fashion. This could impact the way brands market and sell their products in the future.

In the future, when viewed in terms of the sales process, and the stage of working on the product, fast fashion certainly has a very detrimental side effect on the environment.

What are the changes you have seen due to fashion trends in yourself?


fashion really changes everyone's life, both financially and in terms of appearance, however, in my opinion, if everyone is busy thinking about fashion, then one day there will definitely be There is a gap between people, both in terms of gender or material terms.

Fashion trends have a positive & negative impact on society/your personality


Fashion has several impacts on society, if from the positive side, fashion trends can support financial and economic problems.

While the negative side is Trigger social pressure fashion imposed by society or social media can trigger social pressure on individuals to follow the trend.

This is my entry for this SEC Sunday contest, and I would also like to invite @ikwal, @nadiaturrina, and sis @sailawana to participate in this wonderful contest.

I'm @ismuhadiadi say goodbye


 last year 

I like your point of view in everything regarding the fashion you are right and you highlighted many good challenges regarding the fashion trends these challenges really increase the environmental changes as well as labour and challenges related to our society and it is very obvious like we are the one who have to face the challenges because we are also part of this society.

Fashion have a great part on everyone's life either we talk about the financial life for either we talk about the appearance obviously when you involve in the activities of fashion more than your expenses spend on the fashionable things like outfit,different kind of things and when you wear these outfits and the fashionable things totally change your appearance and looks you more beautiful.

I wish you best of luck because you participated very very in this contest and I wish you success in each and every part of your life and also in this contest.

Terimakasih saudara atas komentarnya yang sangat bermakna untuk saya, dan terimakasih untuk doanya, dan sukses terus buat anda, dan yang terbaik buat keluarga anda, peace✌️🤗

 last year (edited)

You have shared wonderful point of view about fashion impact.

 last year 

Nah trend fashion mana yg jadi favorite nya @ismuhadiadi??
Mantap nih udah rajin ikut kontes...

Goodluck ya

Ya tentunya yang casual aja buk, tidak terlalu mencolok, intinya sih bisa bergaul sama siapa aja, tanpa ada kesenjangan.😁🙏

Btw makasih buk udah ikut berkomentar.

 last year 

Tren dan mode tidak bisa lepas dari kehidupan kita ya. Namun demikian yang pantas dan nyaman yang cocok buat saya. Postingan yang bagus ya

Iya bener banget kak, btw makasih kak sudah singgah🙏🤗

 last year 

Okey sama-sama

 last year 

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Terimakasih saudara atas kunjungannya 🙏

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