Steemit Engagement Challenge-S8W3 | Fashion Trends Impacts on SocietysteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Fashion&Stylelast year

Hello everyone I hope you are all ok and enjoy the good life by the grace of Allah Almighty I am here for participate in the amazing engagement challenge which organised by the Steem Fashion&Style the name of this challenge is Fashion Trends Impacts on Society so let's start;


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What are social issues in fashion?

Fashion has played very important role to identify the self expression in our culture with the growing of this culture fashion has always consciousness about social issues are ethical and sustainable practices in fashion industry for the representation of fashion due to social issue in fashion it impacts on our body and mental health one of the major issue in fashion is the lack of ethical practice in industry.


Picture is taken from Pixabay

In the current era fashion is facing the reliance on cheap labor on its heavy product and wasteful consumption the main issue that face the fashion in this society is also lack of representation in fashion industries working conditions are not good in the industry the use of chemical in the textile industry destroyed the environment in the society fashions have been facing the narrow standing fashion which decreases the standard and beauty of fashion.

What kind of challenges are in fashion?

There are many trends of fashion currently in different countries.Despite,these trends there are some challenges that people face in adoptiong the fashion according to the trends.We know that everyone wants to look good and adopt the good styles or trends of fashion for that reason.But with the increase in the inflation it is not possible at all to cope up with the highly expensive things to change yourself according to the new trends of fashion.

So in short we can say that inflation is the challenge to adopt the new fashion trends.Another thing that is the challenge for the fashion is the competition in the market there are many newly developed industries that appears in the market that overall affects the economy by costs and products for the manufacturings of new designs.Besides that this also increases the competition between the designers to produce the good looking products.


Picture is taken from Freepik

Sometimes these designs are not so well for the people adopting them but they consider it as fashion besides their quality and impact on the society.Every person can not purchase or buy the expensive products to remain up-to-date and sometimes it is not much attractive as well.I think It is the best way to make your ownself by your style instead to be crazy to adopt the new fashion trend.

What would be the future of fashion?

There are so many innovative things that we see in the fashion industry and for the production of the products and there customization we can aslo see the partnership of designers with the technology partners that will obviously improve there production and increase the industry growth.


Picture is taken from Freepik

The way in which the fashion industries are progressing we can expect that these industries will grow more with more productivity and increase in the ration of manufacturing due to high demands.These high demands overproduction and oversupply sometimes causes many problems for the environment and economy as well.

Beacuse the industry sometimes uses the high capacity of the resources for the fashion products that are high in demands for this regards many resources are wasted as well.We can say that the future of the fashion will be somehow more growing with the increasing demands to adopt the trends.

What are the changes you have seen due to fashion trends in yourself?

There are many fashion changing that I have seen after the growing of the fashion and style in our area. There are different customs and cultures that have different type of fashions but the culture of Punjab is very much simple. There are different trends that are seen in different ways and I try my best to adopt only those fashion which are simple and noble just like the Punjabi culture.


Picture is taken from Freepik

Fashion trends positive & negative impacts on society/ on your personality

Fashion trends has the positive or negative impact on the person and the whole society as well.People always wants to make their personalty attractive and unique for they reason they started to adopt the new and innovative trends in the market by wearing the branded clothes and people spend a lot of money on that.

Its positive impacts are that by adoption of new fashion trends we feel the more confidence in ourself as we feel to show off the best version of ourself to others with the new fashion designs or trends.This increases our impact on others and aslo in our personal mindsets.I have also see the positive impact in me to have the highest confidence whenever I adopt something new.


Picture is taken from Freepik

On the other hand there are many drawbacks like the criticism some fashions are useless at all but still some people are adopting and some are criticising that creates the imbalance situation in the society and on the person as well.Along with this draw back the fashion industries are consuming a lot of resources in which some have the bad impact on the health like using the perfumes and cosmetic causes many skin problems etc.So these are some negative impacts on the society.

Fashion has great impact on society and ourselves I try to my best to explain all the questions and about fashion I hope you will like my post and encouraging me to create more content

I invite the @steemdoctor1 @malikusman1 @tayyab100 and @fantvwiki to participate in the contest

Thank you

Achievement 1

written by:@cryptoloover


 last year 

Greetings! Thank you for being part of the community and participating in Steemit Engagement Challenge S8-W3" You highlights the positive impacts and drawbacks of adopting fashion on our lifestyle without thinking about it's suitability on our personality. Thanks for sharing your quality participation wish you good luck" .

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 last year 

Fashion has a great impact on individuals, but the way you let it affects you is the major thing. Fashion is not somehow growing it has gone digital, soon we will not see all these real world fashion.

I enjoyed reading from you, best wishes...

 last year 

Greetings your post has been supported by our official community account @hive-126193. To get more information about our community, visit our community introduction post click here. To get further knowledge join our Official discord channel of Steem fashion & style link here


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 last year 

Hal ini direspon positif oleh konsumen yang semakin sadar akan pentingnya lingkungan dan keberlanjutan

 last year 

It's true that keeping up with the latest fashion trends can be a challenge, especially in today's economy. I completely agree that inflation and the increasing competition in the market make it difficult for people to afford expensive fashion items. It's disappointing that our desire to look good and follow the latest trends is often hindered by financial constraints. However, we can still strive to look our best by being creative with the clothes and accessories we already have, and by finding affordable alternatives that fit our budget. At the end of the day, it's not about how much we spend on fashion, but how confident and comfortable we feel in what we wear. Thanks for sharing such an amazing post with us 🙏

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