Contest!!!!!!! Life on steemit platform || by @arinaz08

in Steem Fashion&Style4 months ago



Greetings to my all STEEMIT fellows. hopefully, you all are fine and enjoying a great and best life on STEEMIT. And I would to say thanks to @drhira for organizing this amazing contest. And I am feeling very good while participating in this contest

How much time you spent on Steemit platform?

I have joined STEEMIT platform at June 2021. And in this way I am working for more than two and half year. But due to some serious reasons. I was absent for one year. So actually I worked here for one and half year. And I did great and I get great. I Learn from all ADMINS And many other members also. Well, I spent how much time, it was really great time. And I will working on STEEMIT plate form INSHA ALLAH

Do you think working on steemit has impact on your life

Yes definitely working on STEEMIT impact on my life. First of all, It came in handy when I needed it. Because when I started, then I really need of some work. But my study was going on then its impossible for do any job. Then someone informed me about this work. And like everyone I thought that it was not working. Or it is working for some weeks. But when my brother told me that it is real. And then I thought that if I started this work, many problems will be solved. So honestly I told you that when I started my STEEMIT work. Nobody trust on me and my STEEMIT work. Everyone said that its a fake its a fake. But I was saying that no its not fake its real. I used to think that this would not be true that they are saying. This was famous in my all relatives that I am working online. Then I was afraid that if it was not working then what will I do. But I work hard and remember Quaid's words that work , work, and work. Then I work in day and night. And finally I start earning and getting big votes. Then I did not knw much. But due to cooperation and support of all STEEM ADMINS. I really know how to actually work on STEEMIT Platform

And then I was proudly said that I am working on STEEMIT platform. And after that every month, I sorted many problems due to STEEMIT platform. So, I am saying that it has great effect on my life.

Do you really enjoy working on Steemit platform share your experience

Yes, I really enjoy working on STEEMIT platform. Specially. I really like the wait that we do after posting the post. Its really a great time. And when we saw any vote that our Spirit, passion increases, And after that we finish by posting. Because that time our spirit is on high point

I also want to tell you an interesting thing that when we saw any now notification at an icon, where our notification show, then we think that it must be a vote but it was a simple message of any user, then we became upset. But if there is really a vote than we became happy. It is really an interesting thing.

And I also want to say that using mobile for any negative use, It is really good to work on STEEMIT platform. Because its also way of earning . And it is also cause of our remaining busy

So, I really enjoy working on Steemit platform

  • Here I want to show my first STEEM CURATOR 1 vote and STEEM CURATOR LAST TIME vote



  • Its a great courage for me becasue I get after almost one year. And when I got bug vote than It was great courage for me after one year. And I really get new passion and spirit




Invite Friends:

Special thanks:


 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

You have said my mind, the feeling when you opened your notifications and you realize that someone has up voted your post, that is exactly what we all expected, because it will encourage us to do more. I also like the fact you share with us about some challenges you face, the doubt that steemit is fake and you how you overcome it. Even though am still a newcomer here but I can say that steemit is really a good platform to work it.


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