Commentary: No Matter WHAT You Do, SOME People Will Be Unhappy!

I don't normally get involved in the "politics" of things — whether it be our national governments, or "internal" governments like we have here on the Steem social platform(s).

However, quite a few decades of walking around on this planet proves ample evidence that some people will inevitably be unhappy with a situation, no matter what you do.


Moreover, the same people (usually!) seem unable to just leave the past alone, once it has thoroughly happened and been inscribed in the history books.

Consider the whole Steem and Hive scenario.


Does anybody really benefit from re-hashing and re-hashing "who did wrong" and "who's fault things are" for all eternity?

We're here now.

After a while, it becomes like the people who are still trying to find Barack Obama's "real" birth certificate, to prove some point.

He hasn't been President in several YEARS, and at this point you can't "unmake" him president, and at this time, what difference does it make? Will knowing that he was something other than what has been established end the Covid-19 pandemic? Will it give people back their lost jobs? I doubt it!


It all becomes a case of chasing smoke up a tree.

I write these words because I'm feeling a little cooked on the enmity feelings that still linger with respect to the Steem/Hive split.

You can't UNDO the past by casting blame. You can only create a better present, and hopefully a better future by taking what you know from history and applying it to the Here and Now.

But don't live in the past. Because it has already been written.

And these words not written to blame, but merely to point out that sometimes we can get so caught up in fault-finding that we completely forget what our purpose was, in the first place.

People will make their choices, and some will not be happy, no matter what.

Bright Blessings!

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 4 years ago 

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