What's-Up! From the ecoTrain community #10

in ecoTrain4 years ago


wOw! What a great curation we have this week from the ecoTrain community. Its really great to see such a variety of great posts on so many topics! This week we have some beautiful posts to touch the heart and soul from @julianhorack, @ultravioletmag, @rem-steem and @zeleiracordero. We also have some regular updates from our homesteaders! @papa-pepper shares some beautiful images from his ongoing homesteading adventures (brave man is that mr pepper!). @solominer is sharing his progress as a beekeper, and @vlemon shares his informative updates on renewable energy. All that and more in this weeks What's up!

Thank you to everyone for posting and helping the ecoTrain community to spread out and reach more people. If you want to support sustainable living and caring for our world and each other please re-blog this post! The more we spread this information, the more people will discover it ;-)

Have a beautiful day all!


How mind and matter are interrelated - emerging scientific concepts echoing age old wisdom

True empowerment comes when we look at our beliefs. They may be founded in the conditioning of religion, culture, society, education, family and the media and even our genes. Thereafter we need to weigh those old paradigms against something that may serve us better. We are in a current sea of change, old models of reality are breaking down and it is time for something new to emerge. Across the board our models for politics, economics, religion, science, education, medicine and our relationship with the environment are all showing a different landscape than a decade ago.

Much of what we learned though is not so easy to change because we wear it like a garment.. It has been incorporated into our sense of self, even our biological self. But we know that what we hold as true today might not be so tomorrow. For example look at our understanding of matter itself, of atoms, which we now know are made up largely of empty space. Our perception of matter itself is changing. And so too are our beliefs and ideas of what is possible. It’s not easy to shift our old habits, especially while simultaneously being ridiculed, marginalized or opposed by those less able to change. Sometimes it is the heretics and fools who turn out to be the masters, geniuses or saints of tomorrow.



Just because we've got honeybees doesn't mean we disregard the butterflies.

Somehow, this cluster of onion flowerheads attracted an impressive cluster of butterflies for weeks. Upon one visit to the garden recently, Buddy-Pepper was captured taking it all in. These photos are precious on so many levels, and I hope that they bless you this morning. Enjoy!


Unconditional Love Process


Why motivation doesn't work?

I think that Motivation is the highest selling product in this world, in the current time. You will get to see thousands of motivational speakers, professional or non-professional around the world. Because people love to listen to something good which makes them feel good. But you will notice incorporating the same motivation in our life is so very difficult.

Talking about motivation is so easy but incorporating this in life is not!

People love to talk about motivation and I'm not an exception. People love motivational speakers, they love to go through motivational articles, blogs, vlogs, and so on. There's a high chance that you will probably find yourself overwhelmed by all these motivational words. Because you know, it's way more difficult to figure out what could be the best for you, what will work for you. There are several motivational speakers or motivational articles who can inspire you, show you the path. But the thing is you have to figure out what you really want to achieve and how you really want to achieve that because we all are different!


A closer look at Solitary Bees Part 2

We see more of the bee house I constructed, and a little over half way through the video at the 10:15 mark I change the angle and get a view into the bee homes straight on. I usually set up the camera to the left or the right, so I am not in the flight path of the Bees. It will cause them they queue up outside, like airplanes in a holding pattern over an airport...haha I dont mind doing this for a short amount of time but long term it would slow down the Bees productivity. They get curious about my camera and tend to get distracted when the big DSLR is in their flight path.


UC Berkeley study says clean grid possible by 2035

UC Berkeley study says clean grid possible by 2035 (greentechmedia)


Nourishing Hair Care with Fruity Leftovers?

What we put inside is much more important than anything we put onto our hair from the outside. A healthy diet and lifestyle can have tremendous effects on how shiny, full, strong our hair is.

My hair care is super natural so that I usually don’t use anything else than water on them.

But since we got so many papaya peels left from our daily feasts I wanted to try something new - so I’ve spread some papaya into my hair an hour before taking my shower. I didn’t have to sacrifice my breakfast for that but just used the inside of the peels.


The Greenhouse effect

What is the greenhouse effect? Where does this term come from.

For once, our imagination doesn't play tricks on us.

If thinking about the greenhouse effect the first thing that comes to mind is a nursery, then you haven't gone too far from the target.

Anyone who's ever been in a greenhouse must have felt the heat on the edge of fainting. Do you know why all that heat is generated inside the tent?

The sun's rays penetrate through the windows, the infrared rays once inside the window, the "dome" can no longer get out. They remain trapped, generating a disproportionate amount of heat. Infrared rays are emitted by all materials affected by the sun's rays. Unlike ultraviolet rays and unlike light itself, infrared rays cannot pass through the glass, they are repelled by them, bouncing back into the surrounding environment. The typical hood of a greenhouse is therefore generated by this completely natural and impossible to prevent.


Is attachment love?

No. And, although it may seem radical, from my point of view, they are two states of consciousness that many people treat as synonymous, and between them, there is an ocean of difference.

Love is a sublime energy that moves among all living beings. It liberates, it is not static, it does not hook, it does not predispose, it does not use, it does not pressure, it does not drown, it does not drag, it does not demand sacrifices, it does not harm... simply, it is LOVE.

Attachments constitute a toxic energy that imprisons, impassions, envelops, seduces, manipulates, pushes like a thorn... it hurts. It looks like love, but it is not.


IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ECO VILLAGE COIN (ECO) HODLERS: We've moved! ecoVillage tokens have migrated to hive-engine. Air-drop is complete to all hodlers.


This is an important update to everyone who has purchased ecoVillage coin. There is nothing to do on your end except be aware of the changes. As many of you will know steem engine has a new hive version called hive engine. Since Steem is no longer stable or decentralised I have now completed the migration of all ecoVillage coins to https://www.hive-engine. I have also completed an air-drop of any tokens purchased by you to your hive wallets. You should be able to see them on peakd.com or hive-engine.com. This is the new location for everyone to buy and sell ecoVillage coins (ECO).


This week we ask "Shifting Our Perspective ... Spare A Thought For...."

There are times when we may feel sorry for ourselves, or are finding life too difficult with many challenges. When I feel like that I sometimes watch a film or documentary about people who are way more unfortunate than myself. When i watch these films I am reminded of what terrible suffering and struggles so many people have to endure. Struggles like living in desert dry conditions with failed crops and no way to feed your family, struggles like having no home or income, struggles like bring deathly ill or in constant pain. To those who struggle, who really struggle, my heart goes out to you.




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Congratulations to all whose work is mentioned on this blog. Keep up with your good work and stay blessed.

@ecotrain, You are adding Value everyday team. Stay blessed always.

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